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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
18017Bug reportClosedNormalBookkeeping problem in attribute tableAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-06 10:27 AM
16990Bug reportClosedHighDeleting QGIS bookmarks may leave blank rows or appear to have not deleted a bookmarkAlessandro Pasotti2017-12-21 03:56 PM
18102Bug reportClosedNormalCan only input integer value in the vertex editorAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-18 03:53 PM
16492Bug reportClosedHighAttribute table: crash removing features when cell is in editing modeAlessandro Pasotti2017-05-12 02:53 PM
19008Bug reportClosedNormalloading raster to GeopackageAlessandro Pasotti2018-07-27 08:53 AM
19901Bug reportClosedNormalRelation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not respectedAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-21 10:55 AM
21086Bug reportClosedNormalCan't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer using the field calculatorAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-29 12:09 PM
20101Bug reportClosedNormal[Processing] "Buffer" is not listed as an edit in place algorithm for polygon layerAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-19 10:40 PM
19023Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on Check GeometryAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-05 02:18 AM
19039Bug reportClosedNormalCrash when editing map grid in composerAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-04 05:54 PM
17610Bug reportClosedHighFrozen on Coordinate System WindowAlessandro Pasotti2018-01-05 03:12 AM
21254Bug reportClosedNormalLayer Properties > Load Style > From database > 'Other styles ...' > Description column contains Name text, should contain Description text (it is a geopackage layer)Alessandro Pasotti2019-02-14 08:24 AM
19617Bug reportClosedNormalCheck validity algorithm returns empty reason in attribute tableAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-20 12:07 PM
17043Bug reportClosedHighBrowser keeps scanning directory with gpkg fileAlessandro Pasotti2017-09-12 05:20 PM
17116Bug reportClosedHighQGIS master saves always with absolute pathsAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-23 10:31 AM
17489Bug reportClosedHigh[Data Source Manager] Click the Test button in the virtual layer tab without a query entered crashes QGISAlessandro Pasotti2017-12-05 07:49 PM
16695Bug reportClosedNormalbrowser panel restore causes unwanted WMS connections when expandedAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:30 AM
16666Bug reportClosedNormalNew unified add button: file selector sometimes opens behind the Data Source ManagerAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:29 AM
18963Bug reportClosedHighCan not write a decimal in a real field of a layer spatialiteAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-12 08:54 AM
20180Bug reportClosedHighTracing with Offset produces QGIS CrashAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-23 03:11 PM
19695Bug reportClosedNormalLine Edit widgets for integer numbers with thousand separators enabled are hard to editAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-02 04:41 PM
19984Bug reportClosedLowopencl warnings when building on ubuntu 'cosmic' 18.10Alessandro Pasotti2018-10-01 12:09 PM
19643Bug reportClosedNormalBug while modifying name of the project in the Project Properties | General dialogAlessandro Pasotti2018-08-21 11:38 AM
17003Bug reportClosedHighSpatial bookmarks keyboard navigation: right-arrow causes a row to appear below the current one and looks like a tree expansionAlessandro Pasotti2017-12-01 07:02 PM
21305Bug reportClosedHighpasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is very slowAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-21 10:06 AM
17967Bug reportClosedNormalBrowser: deleting raster in GeoPackage doesn't workAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-20 10:26 AM
20155Bug reportClosedHighcrash loading style from postgres db when there is no "layer_styles" table in the databaseAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-23 08:21 AM
16242Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 2.18.4 saves always with absolute pathsAlessandro Pasotti2018-01-09 11:58 AM
17958Bug reportClosedNormalNode tool crashes QGIS when changing a valueAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 09:41 PM
21917Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent groupAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-27 05:36 PM
20198Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server WFS DescribeFeatureType not following TYPENAME parameterAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-23 08:44 AM
17410Bug reportClosedHighIdentify tool->download in a not authorised folder block qgisAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-08 01:51 PM
17384Bug reportClosedHighAuthentication API broken missing documentationAlessandro Pasotti2018-03-12 08:52 PM
17845Bug reportClosedHighSetting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't workAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-12 09:09 AM
17292Bug reportClosedNormalData Source Manager: WFS loads layer two time if you use the Add button, and then click OKAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:27 AM
17386Bug reportClosedHighAuthentication manager behaves weirdAlessandro Pasotti2018-01-10 01:52 AM
17392Bug reportClosedHighAdditional Certification Authorities are ignored when connecting to postgis with SSLAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-03 04:23 PM
17388Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes on featureCount()Alessandro Pasotti2017-11-10 05:04 PM
21011Bug reportClosedNormalraster calculator in processing does not work with Aspect rasterAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-25 12:40 PM
17975Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groupsAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 09:39 PM
17385Bug reportClosedHighNo auth-db savedAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-30 04:38 PM
21100Bug reportClosedNormalfield calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n dash (hypen) in field namesAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-04 11:00 AM
17402Bug reportClosedNormalAuthentication settings for WMS/WFS etc. are not migrated from 2 to 3Alessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:25 AM
21028Bug reportClosedNormalDB manager: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same threadAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-11 09:28 PM
17442Bug reportClosedHighCategorized style issue using numeric fields with NULL valuesAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-24 01:45 PM
19748Bug reportClosedNormal"Acceleration" label added in Options dialog titleAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-02 04:42 PM
17728Bug reportClosedNormalHonour Qt ordering of buttons in Source Select dialoguesAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-22 11:41 AM
17872Bug reportClosedNormalWFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeNameAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 09:51 PM
19195Bug reportClosedNormalWMS layer loaded in incorrect CRS when using drag and drop from Browser panelAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-28 03:21 PM
18292Bug reportClosedHighServer GetFeatureInfo FILTER search fails when WIDTH, HEIGHT and CRS are not specified Alessandro Pasotti2018-03-16 04:06 PM
19468Bug reportClosedHighAttribute table: show features visible on map is broken (and affects show all features, too)Alessandro Pasotti2018-08-10 12:15 PM
20134Bug reportClosedHighcrash when trying to set exluded layer in QGIS Server WMS capabilitiesAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-24 08:15 AM
20200Bug reportClosedHighwrong sequence detection under postgresAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-24 02:50 PM
19936Bug reportClosedHighSplit Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3Alessandro Pasotti2018-10-03 10:19 PM
17951Bug reportClosedHigh QGIS Server lost (most of the times) the ability to cascade WFS layersAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-03 08:38 PM
20682Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4 ToggleEditingAlessandro Pasotti2018-12-01 09:42 AM
17584Bug reportClosedHighSpatial Bookmarks checkbox is not synced with project statusAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-30 06:31 PM
18344Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a join where the "Custom Field Name Prefix" is left blankAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-18 03:18 PM
18656Bug reportClosedNormalPrint Layout: unable to manually modify the X and Y coordinates in the map Item properties panelAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-09 06:23 PM
19831Bug reportClosedHighDB Manager does not read SRID automaticallyAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-26 08:48 AM
19981Bug reportClosedNormalValue relation, value 0 = NULLAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-01 12:32 PM
17670Bug reportClosedNormalProfiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (eg Help Search Path)Alessandro Pasotti2018-02-24 11:22 AM
18518Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Server 3 GetFeatureInfo doesn't resolve value relations anymoreAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-18 08:06 AM
20202Bug reportClosedHighDB Manager: Pyhon error when importing from PostGIS to GPKG with drag and dropAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-28 02:32 PM
18084Bug reportClosedLowInconsistent titles in file save dialogs in QGIS 3Alessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 05:54 PM
20038Bug reportClosedHighmapCanvas.saveAsImage('path') adds a red cross to the imageAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-07 11:22 PM
19155Bug reportClosedNormalLayouts crash when undoing a legend item remove actionAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-18 08:05 AM
20461Bug reportClosedNormalCan't click "browse" in "Handle bad layers" windowAlessandro Pasotti2018-11-13 08:49 AM
19096Bug reportClosedHighApplying a data defined size to a categorized layer hides its category symbol in the layers panel and legendAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-12 11:50 AM
21259Bug reportClosedHighGeometry Checker CrashesAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-18 02:14 PM
17977Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS requestAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 09:31 PM
18520Bug reportClosedHighUpdating a geometry by trigger in geopackage dbAlessandro Pasotti2018-08-17 02:56 PM
20193Bug reportClosedHighDBManager fails to display error messages with virtual layersAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-24 05:38 PM
21858Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes with PostgreSQL viewsAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 01:55 PM
16317Bug reportOpenLowAdding the same short_name option on multiple layers is possibleAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-09 02:56 PM
22106Bug reportOpenNormalBrowser - "Project home" folder shortcut does not appear when a new project is savedAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-20 03:09 PM
21368Bug reportOpenNormalFails to build with GUI disabledAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-25 09:04 AM
21428Bug reportOpenHighEnabling acceleration crashes QGISAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 09:29 AM
21364Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created with version 2.18Alessandro Pasotti2019-03-20 12:34 PM
21986Bug reportOpenHighCan not save data of type "array of characters (StringList / JSONSTRINGLIST) "on a layer connected to a spatialLite base : error : Type 5 of the x attribute of the entity y is unknownAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 04:45 PM
8729Bug reportClosedNormalMicrosoft visual C++ Runtime Library ErrorAbdelilah ADIBA2013-10-01 02:29 AM
556Bug reportClosedLowField should be Layer in GRASS lingoAaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
722Bug reportClosedLowLCC projection not recognized (EPSG 3358)Aaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
800Bug reportClosedLow'Search' in on the fly projection dialogue missplacedAaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
811Bug reportClosedLowselectionChanged() SIGNAL getting connected and disconnected on raster layers in qgsmapcanvas.cppAaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
572Bug reportClosedLowchange any property of a vector layer (transparency, labels etc.) = the layer gets expandedAaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM

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