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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
15385Bug reportClosedNormal "Recent Projects" problems2017-09-22 09:55 AM
18543Bug reportClosedNormal 'Select features by value' QGIS crashes2019-01-15 04:04 AM
18869Bug reportOpenNormal 2.18 Raster Style qml's not applying correctly in QGIS 3.42018-11-02 09:23 AM
21836Bug reportOpenHigh Copy/Paste fails in Postgis layer null value in column "gid" violates not-null constraint2019-04-11 05:14 PM
20695Bug reportClosedHigh Crash when adding new feature with editing feature turned on qgis 3.4.22019-01-15 04:09 AM
14694Bug reportClosedLow DB Manager: F5 not working2018-02-25 05:01 PM
19951Bug reportClosedNormal Edit mode doesn't work when ogr vector layers have filters2018-09-26 11:23 PM
8186Bug reportClosedNormal Fail to make spatial index for shapefile, with Japanese string in the file name2013-07-06 11:29 PM
8237Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression Georeferencer:Japanese file name problem2013-07-12 02:55 PM
6097Bug reportClosedNormal Getting wrong attribute values from a feature in qgis2015-12-30 03:43 AM
14428Bug reportClosedHigh Join Attribute table in processing Toolbox fails!2017-09-22 10:05 AM
14258Bug reportClosedNormal Line width size assistant fails to load values when column is name "LENGTH"2018-03-07 12:48 PM
8380Bug reportClosedNormal Opening D&D form crashes QGIS2013-08-02 10:51 AM
18061Bug reportClosedNormal Package qgis-plugin-grass on ubuntu repositories2018-02-08 07:19 PM
14827Bug reportClosedLow Resize 'Simple layer type' drop-down menu2019-03-09 03:08 PM
12086Bug reportClosedNormal Style doesn’t update on split multipart when editing2015-01-29 07:54 AM
21988Bug reportOpenLow [processing][xyz tiles] De-activate folder/file based on output type for XYZ tile generator2019-05-03 02:35 PM
20495Bug reportClosedHigh crash when insert or eject usb storage2018-11-15 03:11 AM
20646Bug reportClosedNormal i.segment (GRASS 7.4.2) only produces a Goodness Raster but no Segmented Raster2019-05-23 08:21 AM
14206Bug reportClosedNormal jp2 raster displayed as black background in QGISmaster 8dafa63,2016-02-05 03:40 AM
5022Bug reportClosedNormal postgis tables that are not in the "public" schema are not available in browser2012-02-20 08:00 AM
20486Bug reportClosedHigh python error while using virtual layers in db manager2018-12-24 10:16 AM
19669Bug reportClosedHigh qgis drops every time I need to add a lot of shapes and rasters2018-12-27 04:52 PM
20939Bug reportClosedHigh saving the project2019-01-23 03:39 PM
15381Bug reportClosedNormal the bug tracker Create and Continue button should not wipe out the version the user has selected2017-05-04 09:27 AM

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