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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20848Bug reportClosedNormalIssue exporting raster layer to GeopackageAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-27 11:05 AM
21691Bug reportClosedHighStyles stored in QML files with same name as layer no longer auto loadedAlexander Bruy2019-05-27 02:20 AM
21637Bug reportClosedNormalr.sun cannot be executed because it calls on two incompatible optionsAlexander Bruy2019-05-25 06:59 AM
21425Bug reportClosedHighDB Manager rename PostGIS column errorAlexander Bruy2019-05-24 10:32 AM
15314Bug reportClosedLowDifferent projection definitions for 32 and 64 bit2019-05-24 08:04 AM
21661Bug reportClosedNormalLuzon 1911 /UTM Zone 50,51 and 52N and PRS92 / UTM Zone 50,51and 52N projections parameters are not correct2019-05-24 08:04 AM
19740Bug reportClosedNormalWrong BBOX for some EPSG code in the CRS selector (EPSG:25834 EPSG:25833)2019-05-24 08:01 AM
20624Bug reportClosedNormalremove redundant CRSs2019-05-24 08:00 AM
16893Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing batch process interface: no way to go backAlexander Bruy2019-05-24 07:54 AM
21388Bug reportClosedHighWord wrapping not working in maptipsAlexander Bruy2019-05-24 05:38 AM
21779Bug reportClosedHighExport to DXF does not handle multisurface geometriesNyall Dawson2019-05-23 11:34 PM
22131Bug reportClosedHighSAGA raster calculator loads more grids than selected when a sdat is supplied in XGRIDS2019-05-23 11:33 PM
22051Bug reportClosedNormalBuild Virtual Raster is not considering Nodata = -9999Alexander Bruy2019-05-23 04:59 PM
22033Bug reportClosedHighDB Manger imports the wrong dataAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 12:04 PM
21797Bug reportClosedNormalparameter type error in SAGA Gaussian FilterVictor Olaya2019-05-23 11:48 AM
18866Bug reportClosedNormal1:n relation: "On map identification" relation widget does not update the valueMatthias Kuhn2019-05-23 11:37 AM
21378Bug reportClosedHighLayers are repeated in the "layer order" panel2019-05-23 11:18 AM
21823Bug reportClosedHighProblem with token-secured WFS service from ArcGIS ServerNyall Dawson2019-05-23 11:04 AM
22035Bug reportClosedNormal"Export to PostgreSQL" python error if rather schema has an uppercase letter in its nameAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 09:58 AM
22118Bug reportClosedHighMajority filter (SAGA) returns erroneous results if input is .tif2019-05-23 09:35 AM
21629Bug reportClosedHighr.mapcalc.simple shows by default False for Raster layer A and True for Raster layer B, C, D, E and F... we must invert...Giovanni Manghi2019-05-23 09:23 AM
21662Bug reportClosedHighqgis grass v.voronoi processing tool incorrectly only allows point layers to be selectedGiovanni Manghi2019-05-23 09:21 AM
19539Bug reportClosedNormalGRASS i.gensig and i.maxlik2019-05-23 08:47 AM
19079Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing toolbox allows >10 character column names to be entered; doesn't warn user & doesn't create output2019-05-23 08:32 AM
22124Bug reportRejectedNormalproj 6 support in 3.6.x ?Nyall Dawson2019-05-23 08:22 AM
20646Bug reportClosedNormal i.segment (GRASS 7.4.2) only produces a Goodness Raster but no Segmented Raster2019-05-23 08:21 AM
21620Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA algorithms trying to execute the wrong command text?2019-05-23 05:48 AM
21849Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA "saga split rgb bands" tool is not inside any (SAGA) group of toolsAlexander Bruy2019-05-23 05:45 AM
21910Bug reportClosedNormalGRASS, can only choose *.txt not the intended *.lasAlexander Bruy2019-05-23 05:44 AM
22013Bug - node cost columnAlexander Bruy2019-05-23 05:43 AM
21845Bug reportClosedHighMax scale is being reset to 1:100000 - Rule Based SymbologyNyall Dawson2019-05-23 04:55 AM
20538Bug reportClosedHighComposer attribute table: configurations for visible attributes is not stored in the projectNyall Dawson2019-05-22 11:44 PM
22071Bug reportClosedHighRelation reference widget wrong feature when "on map identification"Alessandro Pasotti2019-05-22 11:01 AM
18992Bug reportClosedHighUnable to run any grass process under macOS X.13.42019-05-22 10:58 AM
22076Bug reportClosedNormalCapitalize first letter in label not working2019-05-22 09:22 AM
21706Bug reportRejectedNormalSplit Vector Layer only saving geopackage2019-05-21 11:49 AM
21676Bug reportClosedNormalQgsProcessingAlgorithm / add Layer to project2019-05-21 11:49 AM
22111Bug reportClosedNormalMissing algo2019-05-21 10:21 AM
22077Bug reportRejectedNormalPriority in labelling not greyed out when data defined settings are enabledAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-21 08:06 AM
22107Bug reportClosedHighCreate vector New shapefile POLYGON2019-05-20 06:09 PM
22075Bug reportClosedNormalMap composer: "href" HTML attribute issue in PDF output2019-05-20 02:57 PM
22105Bug reportClosedNormal$length return bad valueAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-20 02:29 PM
21405Bug reportClosedHighRaster Calculator wrong resultsAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-20 12:45 PM
22074Bug reportClosedNormal[processing][xyz tiles] error when outputting mbtile files in batch mode2019-05-20 08:17 AM
22102Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4.7 crash while closing2019-05-19 12:55 PM
22070Bug reportClosedLowQSettings(): /Projections/ ... defaultBehavior or defaultBehaviour?2019-05-17 07:37 PM
22088Bug reportClosedNormalPyQGIS3 cannot handle a large-scale raster file (DEM file with 6.5 million raster cells2019-05-17 07:35 PM
22028Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when clicking on the progress bar while a script is running2019-05-17 07:31 PM
22093Bug reportClosedNormalLayer style is not maintained when changing windows folder2019-05-16 03:12 PM
22092Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on close application2019-05-16 12:16 PM

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