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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3576Bug reportBounty paidLowqml not read automagically for rastersRedmine Admin2012-04-15 09:23 AM
4253Bug reportBounty paidNormalFix "value tool" issue with GRASS rasters (and make the plugin) coreRichard Duivenvoorde2012-04-15 09:23 AM
3581Bug reportBounty paidLowFtools: union tool leave holes in outputcfarmer -2017-05-01 01:23 AM
4111Bug reportFixed for bountyNormalBuild with current external spatialindex libMartin Dobias2012-04-15 10:44 AM
22077Bug reportRejectedNormalPriority in labelling not greyed out when data defined settings are enabledAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-21 08:06 AM
21686Bug reportRejectedNormalSVG Point symbols missing in GetLegendGraphics ResponsesAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-02 01:24 PM
21211Bug reportRejectedNormalBuild errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid value (100, 110, 120 or 200). It will be set to 200"Alessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 10:11 AM
21172Bug reportRejectedNormalGetFeatureInfo not send Geometry when set into projectAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-08 08:46 AM
19201Bug reportRejectedNormalAuthentification in QGIS doesn't ask master password - security breachAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-05 03:23 PM
16558Bug reportRejectedNormalImportError: cannot import name NavigationToolbar2QTAggAlexander Bruy2017-05-16 06:27 PM
11204Bug reportRejectedNormalLicense issue - removal of MIT/X copyright notice from code sourced from another project.Alexander Bruy2015-06-07 04:31 AM
21005Feature requestRejectedHighHow to create point along road centre line with offset valueAlexandre Neto2019-01-15 05:12 PM
14558Feature requestRejectedNormalunitary testsAlexia Mondot2017-05-03 07:14 PM
14556Feature requestRejectedNormalRAM parameterAlexia Mondot2017-05-03 07:11 PM
14555Feature requestRejectedNormalMultiple choices with only one choiceAlexia Mondot2017-05-03 07:10 PM
14554Feature requestRejectedNormaltemplate for application argumentsAlexia Mondot2017-05-03 07:09 PM
16627Bug reportRejectedNormalproblems add delimited text layerAlvaro Huarte2017-05-26 06:31 PM
19620Bug reportRejectedNormalCouldn't load plugin QuickOSM due to an error when calling its classFactory() method Borys Jurgiel2018-08-14 04:42 AM
19603Bug reportRejectedNormalPlugin contour : The plugin will be disabled because it crashed QGIS during last startup. Please report an issue and re-enable the plugin when the problem has been solved.Borys Jurgiel2018-08-13 07:01 AM
14937Bug reportRejectedLowExpose "Featured" plugins in plugin managerBorys Jurgiel2016-06-01 02:47 AM
10897Bug reportRejectedNormalOpenlayer plugin not appearing when reinstalled in 2.4.Borys Jurgiel2014-07-15 11:44 PM
17017Bug reportRejectedNormalQgsDataSourceURI missing from qgis.coreDenis Rouzaud2017-11-11 01:16 PM
18511Bug reportRejectedHighQGIS 3.0 Ajouter une couche vecteur selon protocole Geojson - Ne fonctionne plusGilles LACROIX2018-04-04 11:03 AM
3814Bug reportRejectedLowPolygonize generates a custom projection instead of using the source projectionGiuseppe Sucameli2011-09-01 03:18 AM
20985Bug reportRejectedNormalosgeo4w packing not requiring pip for QGIS?Jürgen Fischer2019-01-14 01:46 PM
20903Feature requestRejectedNormalPlugins for 3.4.2 for QGISJürgen Fischer2019-01-02 09:05 AM
10134Bug reportRejectedNormalCredential Dialog, disabling default Realm information messages that discloses passwordJürgen Fischer2014-04-30 03:26 AM
5207Bug reportRejectedHighError handling null values (numeric, decimal)Jürgen Fischer2012-03-20 03:20 AM
3051Bug reportRejectedLowAllowing 'geometryless' tables in PostGIS datasource is showing system tables/schemasJürgen Fischer2011-12-17 01:41 AM
7980Bug reportRejectedNormal"Merge connected lines..." doesn't work wellLarry Shaffer2013-06-03 11:14 AM
4181Bug reportRejectedNormalCannot select labels with various toolsMarco Hugentobler2011-08-18 04:52 AM
4161Bug reportRejectedNormalAdding WMS layers through file browser: nothing displayed at firstMartin Dobias2011-08-12 09:42 PM
16397Bug reportRejectedHigh"hidden" edit widget does not work on QGIS 2.18 (and master)Matthias Kuhn2017-05-12 03:55 PM
4845Bug reportRejectedNormalHardcoded EncodingsMaxim Dubinin2012-02-21 12:52 AM
14466Bug reportRejectedLowConditional formatted table cells expressions are evaluated wrongNathan Woodrow2018-10-15 03:58 AM
21333Bug reportRejectedHighQGIS crashing when adding hyperlink into the Attribute TableNitzan Matan2019-03-04 06:24 PM
22124Bug reportRejectedNormalproj 6 support in 3.6.x ?Nyall Dawson2019-05-23 08:22 AM
19931Bug reportRejectedHighThe "iterate over this layer" button is missing for the "Extract selected features" algorithm input layerNyall Dawson2018-10-01 07:10 AM
19921Bug reportRejectedNormalSpatiaLite Execute SQL not working Nyall Dawson2018-09-24 08:20 PM
18762Bug reportRejectedNormalRaster > Conversion > Rasterize errorPaul Day2018-04-25 10:26 AM
20124Bug reportRejectedLow[mdal] Refreshing the canvas does not reload the meshPeter Petrik2019-05-03 03:27 PM
21537Bug reportRejectedNormalmesh vectors does not display [0, y] or [x, 0]Peter Petrik2019-03-20 10:53 AM
20315Bug reportRejectedNormalMesh layer and projection on-the-flyPeter Petrik2019-01-25 02:11 PM
21374Bug reportRejectedNormalOTB: Large scale meanshift failsRashad Kanavath2019-02-25 02:41 PM
10416Bug reportRejectedNormalSpatialite provider: QGIS doesn't compile with new SL 4.2.0Sandro Furieri2014-06-02 01:02 PM
18587Bug reportRejectedNormalProblem adding ArcGIS MapServer with proxy urlSandro Mani2018-04-08 10:27 PM
6387Bug reportRejectedNormalMSSQL tables - Primary Key with multiple columns ProblemTamas Szekeres2012-09-21 06:47 AM
19993Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS Crashed running Python code obtained form StackExchngeThomas Kibbey2019-01-07 05:29 PM
15090Feature requestRejectedNormalMake the GDAL/OGR console call editableVictor Olaya2018-09-12 07:43 PM
16288Feature requestRejectedNormalExpose attributes in processing modelerVictor Olaya2018-05-16 02:18 PM

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