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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
22131Bug reportClosedHighSAGA raster calculator loads more grids than selected when a sdat is supplied in XGRIDS2019-05-23 11:33 PM
22124Bug reportRejectedNormalproj 6 support in 3.6.x ?Nyall Dawson2019-05-23 08:22 AM
22118Bug reportClosedHighMajority filter (SAGA) returns erroneous results if input is .tif2019-05-23 09:35 AM
22111Bug reportClosedNormalMissing algo2019-05-21 10:21 AM
22107Bug reportClosedHighCreate vector New shapefile POLYGON2019-05-20 06:09 PM
22105Bug reportClosedNormal$length return bad valueAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-20 02:29 PM
22102Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4.7 crash while closing2019-05-19 12:55 PM
22093Bug reportClosedNormalLayer style is not maintained when changing windows folder2019-05-16 03:12 PM
22092Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on close application2019-05-16 12:16 PM
22089Bug reportClosedNormal.qgz symbolisation fails when path to data is adjusted at startup2019-05-16 09:00 AM
22088Bug reportClosedNormalPyQGIS3 cannot handle a large-scale raster file (DEM file with 6.5 million raster cells2019-05-17 07:35 PM
22086Feature requestClosedHighComplemento processing: (VERY IMPORTANT)2019-05-17 08:03 PM
22080Bug reportClosedNormalcrash when closing QGIS2019-05-15 07:12 AM
22077Bug reportRejectedNormalPriority in labelling not greyed out when data defined settings are enabledAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-21 08:06 AM
22076Bug reportClosedNormalCapitalize first letter in label not working2019-05-22 09:22 AM
22075Bug reportClosedNormalMap composer: "href" HTML attribute issue in PDF output2019-05-20 02:57 PM
22074Bug reportClosedNormal[processing][xyz tiles] error when outputting mbtile files in batch mode2019-05-20 08:17 AM
22071Bug reportClosedHighRelation reference widget wrong feature when "on map identification"Alessandro Pasotti2019-05-22 11:01 AM
22070Bug reportClosedLowQSettings(): /Projections/ ... defaultBehavior or defaultBehaviour?2019-05-17 07:37 PM
22051Bug reportClosedNormalBuild Virtual Raster is not considering Nodata = -9999Alexander Bruy2019-05-23 04:59 PM
22046Bug reportClosedHighCrashed Dataploty2019-05-11 05:26 PM
22043Feature requestClosedNormalMake it possible to change the appearance of the selected geometry in each layer and make visible the selected elements in the map composer.2019-05-14 12:21 AM
22042Bug reportClosedNormalUnexpected Crash on Exit2019-05-10 11:22 AM
22039Bug reportClosedHighIncorrect worldfile generation 2019-05-09 05:43 PM
22035Bug reportClosedNormal"Export to PostgreSQL" python error if rather schema has an uppercase letter in its nameAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 09:58 AM
22033Bug reportClosedHighDB Manger imports the wrong dataAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 12:04 PM
22028Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when clicking on the progress bar while a script is running2019-05-17 07:31 PM
22026Bug reportClosedHighprocessing plugin crashes qgis2019-05-10 06:07 PM
22025Feature requestClosedNormalAutosender for bug report2019-05-09 10:07 AM
22022Bug reportClosedHighQGis crashing badly when opening a Project2019-05-10 06:07 PM
22018Bug reportClosedNormal[processing][xyz tiles] not possible to run XYZ tiles in batch mode2019-05-14 12:03 PM
22017Bug reportClosedNormal[processing][xyz tiles] mbtile file gets locked2019-05-14 12:09 PM
22016Bug reportClosedNormalConstraint on Text Edit Widget mixes up expression and expression description, causing constraint not to work.2019-05-09 12:54 PM
22013Bug - node cost columnAlexander Bruy2019-05-23 05:43 AM
21998Bug reportClosedNormalError to close the project2019-05-05 10:44 PM
21996Bug reportClosedNormalIt is not possible to input decimal Z-coord value2019-05-05 01:30 PM
21993Bug reportClosedNormalST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer2019-05-07 07:53 PM
21991Feature requestClosedLow [processing][xyz tiles] html-template-filePeter Petrik2019-05-18 11:34 AM
21987Feature requestClosedNormal [processing][xyz tiles] Allow TMS tiles convention when generating tiles2019-05-18 11:34 AM
21985Bug reportClosedNormalImpossible to type the right brace character in the python console2019-05-04 09:37 AM
21980Bug reportClosedHighGruppo punti2019-05-02 06:07 PM
21978Bug reportClosedNormalGDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, wrong options, and lacks free option support2019-05-03 07:59 PM
21974Bug reportClosedNormalSQLite Layer (Linie)2019-05-02 01:25 PM
21973Bug reportRejectedHighselect on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key2019-05-03 08:44 AM
21971Bug reportClosedLowError while unloading plugin gml_application_schema_toolbox 2019-05-02 10:08 AM
21969Bug is not considering the 2019-05-03 08:01 PM
21967Bug reportClosedNormalNULL value inserted as literal string instead of NULL object in Query Builder interface2019-05-01 09:22 PM
21966Bug reportClosedNormalNULL Custom Representation breaking Query Builder?2019-05-01 09:22 PM
21963Bug reportClosedNormalgraphical identify and select feature do not work on Postgis-sql layer2019-04-30 04:40 PM
21959Bug reportClosedNormalqgis crash with postgis rasters2019-05-01 05:47 PM
21958Bug reportClosedNormalProblem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file2019-05-03 01:45 PM
21956Bug reportRejectedNormalQgsGradientColorRamp.invert returns None2019-04-30 05:04 AM
21955Bug reportClosedHighDuplicate layer when changing the order in the Layer order PanelNyall Dawson2019-05-10 04:35 PM
21951Bug reportClosedNormalTable - "Move selection on top" doesn't work2019-05-01 06:01 PM
21946Bug reportClosedNormalCrash after activating dark theme2019-04-26 10:35 PM
21944Feature requestClosedNormalBring Preview Modes into Map Composer2019-04-30 03:34 AM
21943Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Crash2019-04-26 08:15 PM
21937Bug reportClosedNormalCrash during shutdown2019-04-26 03:41 PM
21934Bug reportClosedNormalAl tratar de exportar o imprimir una imagen grande me arroja este error. Que se puede hacer2019-05-01 06:20 PM
21931Bug reportClosedHighMesh calculator crashes with face datasetsPeter Petrik2019-04-29 03:41 PM
21929Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS crash on closingJürgen Fischer2019-04-30 06:42 PM
21923Bug reportClosedNormalthe r.neighbors command does not work2019-04-24 04:38 PM
21917Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent groupAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-27 05:36 PM
21916Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on exit from qgis 3.0.2-3.6.22019-04-24 01:24 PM
21915Bug reportClosedNormalkeeps crashing at the end of each session2019-04-24 10:46 AM
21914Bug reportClosedNormalLayer Properties - Attributes Forms - Value Map not using Value, uses Description for field value2019-04-24 11:02 AM
21910Bug reportClosedNormalGRASS, can only choose *.txt not the intended *.lasAlexander Bruy2019-05-23 05:44 AM
21909Bug reportClosedNormalBug with "mActionIdentify" when consulting the french cadastre2019-05-01 06:02 PM
21905Bug reportClosedNormalFunctions of GRASS do not work in the Processing for QGIS 3.4.7/3.6.2... but work in the Processing for QGIS 3.4.7/3.6.2 with GRASS 7.6.12019-05-07 12:05 AM
21903Bug reportClosedNormalqgis-ltr-bin.exe not respond2019-04-23 08:56 AM
21902Bug reportClosedNormalFails to build with GDAL 2.5.0-beta12019-04-23 08:54 AM
21900Bug reportClosedNormal"use filename as layer name" has no effect2019-04-23 09:05 AM
21890Bug reportClosedNormalr.neighbors does not work2019-04-24 04:38 PM
21884Bug reportClosedNormalPlugin MetaSearch crash2019-04-19 10:24 AM
21881Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS crashes on closing 2019-04-18 09:39 AM
21880Bug reportClosedHighStyle file (QML) can't be used to add styles to rasters2019-04-18 01:45 PM
21872Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.7 did not start because an error message2019-04-18 12:00 AM
21871Bug reportClosedNormalLAYERFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMSAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-17 04:04 PM
21870Bug reportClosedNormalITEMFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMSAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-17 04:04 PM
21866Bug reportClosedHighCrash after launching Field Calculator or Select Features with Expression2019-04-18 06:37 PM
21865Bug reportClosedHighCan't add 538 redistricting shapefile as vector layer2019-04-17 08:08 AM
21862Bug reportClosedNormal"calculating fields" stuck in task manager2019-04-16 09:20 PM
21860Bug reportClosedNormalNight Mapping Theme - Text Readability2019-04-17 06:34 AM
21859Bug reportClosedNormal"File/folder Input" in processing won't separate input files into distinct rows in batch modeAlexander Bruy2019-05-01 11:15 PM
21856Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriterAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-17 08:21 AM
21854Bug reportClosedHighAdd Grass raster layer with pyqgis 3 crash qgis2019-04-16 08:40 AM
21853Feature requestClosedNormalExtending snap?2019-04-16 01:26 PM
21849Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA "saga split rgb bands" tool is not inside any (SAGA) group of toolsAlexander Bruy2019-05-23 05:45 AM
21845Bug reportClosedHighMax scale is being reset to 1:100000 - Rule Based SymbologyNyall Dawson2019-05-23 04:55 AM
21842Bug reportClosedNormalCrashed while trying to close2019-04-13 12:03 AM
21840Bug reportClosedNormalGeopackage - wrong string length2019-04-28 11:45 AM
21839Bug reportClosedNormalQgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for postgres providerAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-27 07:00 PM
21832Bug reportClosedNormalcan't set virtual fields length2019-04-11 04:17 PM
21829Bug reportClosedNormalVertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Vertex Editor2019-04-12 12:27 PM
21827Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Crashed on exit2019-04-10 04:31 PM
21824Bug reportRejectedNormalvalue map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute table2019-04-11 11:27 AM
21823Bug reportClosedHighProblem with token-secured WFS service from ArcGIS ServerNyall Dawson2019-05-23 11:04 AM
21816Bug reportClosedNormalSecurity issues in QT52019-04-10 05:12 PM
21811Bug reportClosedNormalCrayFish plugin crash Qgis 3.4.6 Madeira2019-04-09 05:14 PM
21805Bug reportClosedNormalFilter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not work2019-05-01 09:22 PM

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