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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1695Bug reportClosedLowGroup items of print compositionMarco Hugentobler2009-05-14 06:38 AM
1684Bug reportClosedLowGrass plugin does not work (with grass6.4RC4)nobody -2009-05-15 12:26 PM
1700Bug reportClosedLow[PATCH] Fix crash in qgsnewogrconnection.cppnobody -2009-05-17 06:58 AM
1207Feature requestClosedLowdeal with GRASS rasters missing a colortablenobody -2009-05-18 01:59 AM
1709Bug reportClosedLowGUI Problems in label dialognobody -2009-05-19 09:34 AM
1710Bug reportClosedLowwms (mapserver) and postgis: the layer is not addedMarco Hugentobler2009-05-25 01:59 AM
1711Bug reportClosedLowPrintComposer: Button-bar does not come back when (accidently) turned offMarco Hugentobler2009-05-25 03:19 AM
1491Bug reportClosedLowContinuous Color symbology may classify on wrong field for PostGIS layersnobody -2009-05-26 06:42 PM
1714Feature requestClosedLow"Use selection" patch for fToolscfarmer -2009-05-27 05:46 AM
373Feature requestClosedLowAllow searching of online WMS cataloguesBrendan Morley -2009-05-27 05:49 AM
1633Feature requestClosedLowediting GRASS tablesnobody -2009-05-28 02:45 AM
1717Bug reportClosedLowPrint Composer doesn't work when spanning the map object from the right sideMarco Hugentobler2009-05-28 12:40 PM
1713Bug reportClosedLowPostgreSQL error message is odd: only last error is shown (others not shown)nobody -2009-05-30 10:50 AM
1708Bug reportClosedLowPrint composer template saves without .qptMarco Hugentobler2009-06-01 03:54 AM
1610Bug reportClosedLowUpdate Preview in map composer doesn't workMarco Hugentobler2009-06-03 07:49 AM
1721Bug reportClosedLowOS X: grassshell code causing build crash in trunknobody -2009-06-06 10:14 PM
748Feature requestClosedLowEdit vertices within a polygon, polyline vector layersnobody -2009-06-06 10:23 PM
1723Bug reportClosedLowqgis_1_1_0/python/core/qgssymbol.sip:75: syntax error + fixnobody -2009-06-09 11:55 AM
1706Bug reportClosedLowZoom to selected in attribute table only works if the layer is selected in the layers windownobody -2009-06-09 04:25 PM
1724Feature requestClosedLowCursor in the legend for a layer draggcarrillo -2009-06-10 12:36 AM
1375Feature requestClosedLowConfusing icon during drag-and-drop within map legendnobody -2009-06-10 07:46 AM
716Bug reportClosedLowSelect Features broken for GRASS point data with attributesnobody -2009-06-10 08:46 AM
408Bug reportClosedLowGRASS group (LANDSAT RGB): color table ignoredRedmine Admin2009-06-10 08:47 AM
1416Bug reportClosedLowcrash querying very small GRASS vector polygonnobody -2009-06-10 09:55 AM
1608Bug reportClosedLowSegmentation fault Fedora Core 10 rpm qgis-1.0.1-1.fc10.i386 exit code 139nobody -2009-06-10 11:13 AM

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