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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
16832Feature requestClosedNormalSorting in side column of form viewMatthias Kuhn2018-08-25 08:32 AM
7541Feature requestClosedNormalattribute table : add a "show selected features if there is a selection" behaviorMatthias Kuhn2015-04-27 11:31 PM
18755Feature requestClosedNormalEmbedded forms with n:m relations: delete action should ask for confirmation before actually deleting the entryMatthias Kuhn2018-07-31 05:49 PM
15457Feature requestClosedNormalMulti-attribute search: keep chained filters for search with relation reference widgetsMatthias Kuhn2016-09-21 02:24 AM
15622Feature requestClosedNormalIntroduce per layer actionsMatthias Kuhn2017-01-11 04:38 AM
10994Feature requestClosedNormalVirtual fields: allow to see/edit the expression usedMatthias Kuhn2015-03-27 06:18 AM
14475Feature requestClosedNormalProcessing GRASS should support other file formats than ShapefileMédéric RIBREUX2018-05-16 12:55 PM
10727Feature requestClosedNormalfield calculator bar should consider selection and react on returnNathan Woodrow2014-11-24 01:26 AM
13539Feature requestClosedNormalCustom composer template pathsNathan Woodrow2016-07-18 09:06 PM
15947Feature requestClosedNormalStyling dock: Show current style as a comboboxNathan Woodrow2016-12-08 11:17 PM
10378Feature requestClosedNormalfield calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar" Nathan Woodrow2016-06-16 02:31 AM
10331Feature requestClosedNormalMove heatmap core logic to core. Expose in processing toolboxNathan Woodrow2016-12-24 05:11 AM
7192Feature requestClosedNormalsystem specific location of qgis settingsNathan Woodrow2017-11-13 08:35 AM
10332Feature requestClosedNormalList possible databases in MS SQL connection dialogNathan Woodrow2018-10-05 11:57 AM
6755Feature requestClosedNormalCookie cutter editingNathan Woodrow2017-08-02 07:27 PM
10350Feature requestClosedNormalfield calculator bar: hitting the 'enter' keyboard key should act as having hit the 'Update All' buttonNathan Woodrow2014-05-26 04:15 AM
10152Feature requestClosedNormalunder qgis master, identity result panel should remember its docked/undocked state and positionNathan Woodrow2014-05-02 05:16 AM
13136Feature requestClosedNormalAtlas Page NavigationNathan Woodrow2015-07-23 01:28 AM
4814Feature requestClosedNormalApply expression builder widget to field calculatorNathan Woodrow2012-01-18 07:06 AM
10005Feature requestClosedNormalDrag and drop .qlr filesNathan Woodrow2014-05-18 05:52 AM
12688Feature requestClosedNormalrelative paths in image source expressionNathan Woodrow2015-10-01 03:39 PM
12853Feature requestClosedNormalNo confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the browser panelNathan Woodrow2015-06-08 01:58 AM
5596Feature requestClosedNormalPass feature Geometry to custom formNathan Woodrow2012-07-10 04:06 AM
5563Feature requestClosedNormalAll CRS selection dialogs should clearly state current projection systemNathan Woodrow2013-05-25 07:42 PM
4787Feature requestClosedNormalEnable edits to Spatialite Views with "Instead of" triggersNathan Woodrow2012-04-17 05:23 AM

1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 ... 670 (201-225/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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