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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20579Feature requestClosedNormalImprove layer name rendering for MySQL connectionsAlessandro Pasotti2018-11-22 12:48 PM
17186Bug reportClosedNormalDB Manager and QGIS/Processing import in PostGIS tools are not adding "nextval()" to primary key fieldAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-24 06:22 PM
14703Bug reportClosedNormalIdentify Results -> Save Link FailsAlessandro Pasotti2016-11-11 09:00 AM
19005Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS crashes on user form with joinAlessandro Pasotti2018-08-16 10:29 AM
16666Bug reportClosedNormalNew unified add button: file selector sometimes opens behind the Data Source ManagerAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:29 AM
17795Bug reportClosedNormalUnable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading projectAlessandro Pasotti2018-01-06 11:57 AM
21311Bug reportClosedNormalOGR provider returns an empty set for GPKG uniqueValues(0)Alessandro Pasotti2019-02-21 08:30 AM
19956Bug reportClosedNormalUpdate SQL layer results in invalid SQL expressionAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-27 09:18 AM
15927Feature requestClosedNormalY format parameter for Tile Server (XYZ) layersAlessandro Pasotti2017-05-17 10:15 AM
18619Bug reportClosedNormalPython rotate feature geometryAlessandro Pasotti2018-04-04 10:53 AM
13747Bug reportClosedNormalSQLite error: near "ROWID": bad where clause creationAlessandro Pasotti2015-11-03 11:17 AM
16695Bug reportClosedNormalbrowser panel restore causes unwanted WMS connections when expandedAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:30 AM
17674Bug reportClosedNormalSpatial Bookmarks -- Export and Import problems after recent fixesAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-22 11:43 AM
17347Bug reportClosedNormalMetaSearch: Add WMS/WMTS data button brokenAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-18 11:48 AM
19843Bug reportClosedNormalUpdate SQL Layer converts query to table nameAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-26 02:30 PM
19008Bug reportClosedNormalloading raster to GeopackageAlessandro Pasotti2018-07-27 08:53 AM
21068Bug reportClosedNormalButton positions in Database styles manager dialogAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-25 09:38 AM
17403Bug reportClosedNormalAuthentication DB is not migrated from 2 to 3Alessandro Pasotti2017-11-07 08:25 AM
13410Feature requestClosedNormalSave python forms logic into postgresAlessandro Pasotti2015-11-05 12:06 PM
19748Bug reportClosedNormal"Acceleration" label added in Options dialog titleAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-02 04:42 PM
17967Bug reportClosedNormalBrowser: deleting raster in GeoPackage doesn't workAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-20 10:26 AM
11118Bug reportClosedNormals undefined in GrassUtils.pyAlessandro Pasotti2015-06-07 04:31 AM
8656Bug reportClosedNormalWMS GetFeatureInfo Filter: No resultsAlessandro Pasotti2016-05-19 01:22 PM
10812Bug reportClosedNormalHow to deploy an qgis applicationAlessandro Pasotti2014-07-04 08:31 PM
13470Bug reportClosedNormalFix font size in plugin manager on HiDPI displaysAlessandro Pasotti2015-11-07 05:01 AM

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