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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3501Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 1.6.0 fails to install on Windows 7 with cannot access the file because it is being used by another process2014-06-24 02:13 PM
3507Bug reportClosedLowbuilt-in spatialindex conflicts with external libspatialindex2015-11-20 02:52 AM
3538Bug reportClosedLowSave layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information2015-11-20 03:56 AM
3539Bug allow selecting 2/3 columns2016-02-03 05:26 AM
599Bug reportClosedLowLegend label not retained2009-08-22 12:51 AM
3543Bug reportClosedLowOn windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it2015-11-20 04:09 AM
3568Bug reportClosedLowBad Allocation when zooming2014-06-21 02:07 PM
3635Bug reportClosedLowv.db.what.connect does not work2015-11-20 08:39 AM
3574Bug reportClosedLowMap overview and composer show vertex markers for layers in editing mode2011-07-12 02:26 AM
3577Bug reportClosedLowAdding a print composer doesn't dirty the document2011-12-10 01:43 AM
3604Bug reportClosedLowpaste doesn't convert geometry or give error on incompatible geometry2014-03-03 12:38 AM
3732Bug reportClosedLowStatistics missing in metadata2012-10-04 05:04 PM
3613Bug reportClosedLowmap units not honored for line offset2015-07-13 12:50 AM
3618Bug reportClosedLowAnnotations are not reprojected correctly2015-12-12 05:11 PM
3641Bug reportClosedLowBug in ShapeFile to postgis import Tool2011-03-19 02:55 PM
3644Bug reportClosedLowToolbars loose their position after crash2014-06-12 03:03 PM
3676Bug reportClosedLowAdd option to specify field width when exporting ShapeFile2015-11-20 06:12 AM
3672Bug reportClosedLowregion error when creating a GRASS location?2014-06-20 03:34 AM
3686Bug reportClosedLowinfinite loop2012-12-14 09:06 AM
3690Bug reportClosedLowLanguage Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH2015-11-20 06:15 AM
3696Bug reportClosedLowclassification keeps remembering a removed feature class2011-11-12 05:08 AM
3698Bug reportClosedLowkml import skipping lines2015-11-20 06:21 AM
470Bug reportClosedLowadding a column to GRASS vector corrupts it2015-11-10 03:35 AM
4024Bug reportClosedLowexport: no warning when overwriting a file2011-07-15 10:24 AM
4021Bug reportClosedLowEmpty composer window appear and is impossible to close2014-03-20 02:48 AM

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