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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21511Bug reportClosedNormalMultiband Color image bands in Raster CalculatorAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-08 02:47 PM
16666Bug reportClosedNormalNew unified add button: file selector sometimes opens behind the Data Source ManagerAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:29 AM
17958Bug reportClosedNormalNode tool crashes QGIS when changing a valueAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 09:41 PM
21311Bug reportClosedNormalOGR provider returns an empty set for GPKG uniqueValues(0)Alessandro Pasotti2019-02-21 08:30 AM
18656Bug reportClosedNormalPrint Layout: unable to manually modify the X and Y coordinates in the map Item properties panelAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-09 06:23 PM
22077Bug reportRejectedNormalPriority in labelling not greyed out when data defined settings are enabledAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-21 08:06 AM
20670Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing raster calculator error when re-rerunning the algorithmAlessandro Pasotti2018-11-30 09:16 AM
17670Bug reportClosedNormalProfiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (eg Help Search Path)Alessandro Pasotti2018-02-24 11:22 AM
5212Bug reportClosedNormalProxy settings ignored for layersAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-10 03:15 PM
18619Bug reportClosedNormalPython rotate feature geometryAlessandro Pasotti2018-04-04 10:53 AM
20682Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4 ToggleEditingAlessandro Pasotti2018-12-01 09:42 AM
20549Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS SERVER - error in parsing WMS GetFeatureInfo as XMLAlessandro Pasotti2018-11-28 08:01 AM
18518Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Server 3 GetFeatureInfo doesn't resolve value relations anymoreAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-18 08:06 AM
21687Feature requestClosedNormalQGIS Server/Desktop: Configurable thousand separators per field/widgetAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-11 11:23 PM
19005Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS crashes on user form with joinAlessandro Pasotti2018-08-16 10:29 AM
19050Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS saves integer field when I create a new real field through field calculator (Update field works as intended)Alessandro Pasotti2018-06-02 10:54 PM
21839Bug reportClosedNormalQgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for postgres providerAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-27 07:00 PM
21353Bug reportClosedNormalQuery from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layerAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-23 11:22 PM
20583Bug reportClosedNormalRaster calculator freezes the GUI with big rastersAlessandro Pasotti2018-12-06 07:54 AM
19901Bug reportClosedNormalRelation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not respectedAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-21 10:55 AM
17918Bug reportClosedNormalRule-based labelling: Rules not sortableAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 09:48 PM
17861Bug reportClosedNormalSQLite REAL numbers displayed as too many digits in Attribute TableAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-01 07:57 AM
13747Bug reportClosedNormalSQLite error: near "ROWID": bad where clause creationAlessandro Pasotti2015-11-03 11:17 AM
21686Bug reportRejectedNormalSVG Point symbols missing in GetLegendGraphics ResponsesAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-02 01:24 PM
13410Feature requestClosedNormalSave python forms logic into postgresAlessandro Pasotti2015-11-05 12:06 PM

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