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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
18970Bug reportClosedLowsince Qgis 3.0, program crashes after closing2018-05-28 03:17 PM
16409Bug reportClosedLowProcessing script editor: incorrect read of degree symbolVictor Olaya2018-06-01 08:18 AM
19033Bug reportClosedLowError report join attributes by location2018-06-05 04:06 AM
18476Feature requestClosedLowJoin attributes by location for more than one located feature in QGIS2018-06-07 06:28 AM
17802Bug reportClosedLowRule-based labeling maximum scale self-updatedNyall Dawson2018-06-21 04:42 PM
19179Feature requestClosedLowOption to delete layer with keyboard delete key2018-06-26 09:19 PM
19359Bug reportClosedLowTypo in the installation instruction window 2018-07-09 06:18 PM
17342Bug reportClosedLowProcessing: Import into PostGIS fails with mystery error message if schema doesn't exist2018-07-22 11:07 PM
3271Feature requestClosedLowImplement option "Chain select" (without holding Ctrl down)nobody -2018-07-22 11:16 PM
3442Feature requestClosedLowSupport datetime fields in Graduated Renderernobody -2018-07-22 11:21 PM
19038Bug reportClosedLowObjects queried by QuickOSM are not automatically saved in project file and lost when re-starting QGIS (3)2018-08-04 12:11 PM
11903Bug reportClosedLowConfigure Shortcuts problem on Mac2018-08-12 01:37 PM
16359Bug reportClosedLowIn the print composer dynamically referencing to page size presets leads to wrong expression evaluation 2018-08-15 07:33 PM
18524Bug reportClosedLowCrash when updating multiple polygonsChris Pope2018-08-15 07:53 PM
18663Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 3.0.1 crashed2018-08-15 07:59 PM
19255Bug reportClosedLowgrass folder2018-08-15 11:47 PM
19335Bug reportClosedLowQGis 3.x not updating save status on some machines2018-08-15 11:52 PM
18906Bug reportClosedLowGDAL Geo-referencer no longer opens2018-08-15 11:59 PM
19751Bug reportClosedLowInstallation problems2018-09-02 05:07 PM
3096Bug reportClosedLowSilent install is not possible when used to upgrade QGISnobody -2018-09-23 10:12 PM
12889Bug reportClosedLowDefect #20028: Registry entry under HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\uninstall is not deleted in 64 bit environment2018-09-23 10:18 PM
2455Bug reportClosedLowWindows installer doesn't warn user if it can't create directoriesnobody -2018-09-24 02:52 AM
1963Bug reportClosedLow"Ghost Lines" when using Anti-aliasing, polygons with shared boundaries, and no outline/QT::NoPen2018-09-30 03:55 PM
19984Bug reportClosedLowopencl warnings when building on ubuntu 'cosmic' 18.10Alessandro Pasotti2018-10-01 12:09 PM
19424Bug reportClosedLowNot possible to add views from Add Layer window2018-10-09 08:58 AM
20093Bug reportClosedLowSave / Load style window allows to change text Denis Rouzaud2018-10-12 04:28 PM
8360Bug reportClosedLowodbc import fails if table name contain encodecharacters2018-10-23 11:39 AM
20219Bug reportClosedLow[invalid] Export to PostgreSQL: no datasets without geometries2018-10-26 12:11 AM
14228Bug reportClosedLowSetting maximum labeling scale bigger than 1:1 gets resetted to 1:1000 while reopening and saving the label settings2018-10-26 09:32 AM
20223Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect hint on textbox "refresh layer every (seconds)"2018-10-26 12:59 PM
20293Bug reportClosedLowcrash at closing2018-10-31 11:39 AM
9144Feature requestClosedLowadd iface global to script namespaceVictor Olaya2018-11-04 11:36 PM
11244Bug reportClosedLowInvalid values on Date/Time widget editorDenis Rouzaud2018-11-11 04:42 AM
19959Bug reportClosedLow"Handle Bad Layers" dialog message text unclear2018-11-28 11:48 PM
20720Bug reportClosedLow"QGIS 3 quit unexpectedly."2018-12-06 09:43 AM
20749Bug reportClosedLowAttribute form is out of sync with Source fields2018-12-07 07:06 PM
20860Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashing possibly during drives refresh2018-12-21 12:05 AM
14004Bug reportClosedLowNight Mapping Theme - Small refinementsNathan Woodrow2018-12-28 09:47 AM
1170Bug reportClosedLowGPS Plugin non-functional (OS X) for Serial Bus/Com port units2019-01-02 01:28 PM
20999Bug reportClosedLowPlugin is broken2019-01-16 02:32 PM
18492Bug reportClosedLowFile picker button not working in Add Action dialog2019-01-21 11:59 AM
7556Feature requestClosedLowSymbol layers are a bit confusing2019-01-22 04:47 AM
11493Bug reportClosedLowDXF load: when loading files, use the name of the file in the legend2019-01-26 10:02 PM
21083Feature requestClosedLowGeoPackage Raster WEBP support2019-01-26 11:55 PM
18628Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 3: vertex editor highlights features in non-visible layers2019-02-07 11:37 AM
19463Bug reportClosedLowcrash rolling back edits2019-02-11 05:05 AM
19650Bug reportClosedLowSilent installJürgen Fischer2019-02-13 12:16 PM
21268Bug reportClosedLowLoading zipped shapefile throws OGR warning2019-02-15 11:23 PM
16030Bug reportClosedLowLaTeX fails with "Undefined control sequence" when building with -DWITH_TXT2TAGS_PDF=ON2019-02-23 11:27 AM
13406Bug reportClosedLowInverted polygon renderer and shapeburst fill create ghost borders in qgis server tiles2019-02-23 08:36 PM
20183Bug reportClosedLowQGIS Backwards Incompatible Changes names incorrectYves Jacolin2019-02-23 08:37 PM
17433Bug reportClosedLowQGIS in idle state after a while2019-02-24 01:18 AM
18456Bug reportClosedLowCrash after attempting band math2019-02-24 01:31 AM
17204Bug reportClosedLowEdit widget properties - Range on a Integer64 - slider and dial doesn't work properly2019-02-24 01:49 AM
17817Bug reportClosedLowWFS vs WMS (OGR?) data types2019-02-24 01:50 AM
16697Bug reportClosedLowPortuguese translation fixQGIS Translation Team2019-02-24 02:47 AM
21339Bug reportClosedLowSpace inserted at start of legend entries for no apparent reasonNyall Dawson2019-02-24 10:49 PM
21265Bug reportClosedLowQgis 3.4.4: the version number has not been updated. It shows 3.4.32019-02-25 09:45 AM
6961Feature requestClosedLowadd additional path for python plugins in system options2019-02-27 03:17 PM
21426Bug reportClosedLowspelling error german translationQGIS Translation Team2019-03-01 12:31 AM
2263Bug reportClosedLowIdentify results in a dock windownobody -2019-03-02 09:27 AM
13219Bug reportClosedLowAdd new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards2019-03-09 03:07 PM
13240Bug reportClosedLowIdentify Features it`s broken by design2019-03-09 03:07 PM
13580Bug reportClosedLowShared segment deleted during line union2019-03-09 03:07 PM
14754Bug reportClosedLowSelect all features by clicking upper-left corner not working for temporary scratch layers2019-03-09 03:08 PM
14827Bug reportClosedLow Resize 'Simple layer type' drop-down menu2019-03-09 03:08 PM
14828Bug reportClosedLowRename 'Snapping mode' to 'Layer mode' (?) in 'Snapping options' dialog2019-03-09 03:08 PM
14851Bug reportClosedLow'Clear Results' icon2019-03-09 03:08 PM
15271Bug reportClosedLowNULL search in a column 2.16?2019-03-09 03:08 PM
15291Bug reportClosedLowviewing loaded Oracle table take long time!2019-03-09 03:08 PM
15573Bug reportClosedLowBad OS information in python bundled2019-03-09 03:08 PM
16681Bug reportClosedLowCategorized symbol levels show wrong on map2019-03-09 03:08 PM
16048Bug reportClosedLowSpatial select doesn't work properly on filtered sqlite layers2019-03-09 03:09 PM
16324Bug reportClosedLowRGB palettes are dropped on export2019-03-09 03:09 PM
16696Bug reportClosedLowPortuguese translation corrections.QGIS Translation Team2019-03-09 03:10 PM
16864Bug reportClosedLowComposer with Atlas does not refresh the values bound to fields2019-03-09 03:10 PM
17038Bug reportClosedLowIdentify tool not showing a close window button2019-03-09 03:10 PM
17368Bug reportClosedLowCannot delete a value in a field of type "External resource"Denis Rouzaud2019-03-09 03:10 PM
17875Bug reportClosedLowWFS zingers, 3D2019-03-09 03:10 PM
19167Bug reportClosedLowColors of text notes in a GTK-themed QGIS2019-03-09 03:10 PM
19385Bug reportClosedLowDependency paths including mutated vowels cannot be saved with crossplatform compatible relative paths ("/" vs "\")2019-03-09 03:10 PM
9638Bug reportClosedLowUnreadable selected text - plugins menu2019-03-09 03:11 PM
9684Bug reportClosedLowImprove tool grouping and color usage in toolbarsAnita Graser2019-03-09 03:11 PM
10826Bug reportClosedLowQGIS Desktop 2.4.0 network access error with Comodo Internet Security Firewall2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12087Bug reportClosedLowMiddle click doesn’t focus on main window2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12445Bug reportClosedLowWhen opening shp from disk, with toggled rendering OFF, qgis fetching data from dbase2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13368Bug reportClosedLowDifference tool generates invalid geometries2019-03-09 03:12 PM
1722Bug reportClosedLowPyramids are not build if tifw contains rotations2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2059Bug reportClosedLowConstrained Delaunay triangulation is not always correctMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2243Bug reportClosedLowNot accurate extent frame in map overviewnobody -2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2444Bug reportClosedLowDiscrepancy between gdalinfo and QGIS raster metadata2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2486Bug reportClosedLowUnique value symbology doesn't work in canvas with postgres "character" data type2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2487Bug reportClosedLowMemory data provider should not be saved2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2887Bug reportClosedLowLarge dbf file with export from postgis to shape2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3038Bug reportClosedLowOTFP issue with RNCan LCCnobody -2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3053Bug reportClosedLowVector layer is disappeared after opening Event Browser window2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3089Bug reportClosedLowProblem with On-the-fly CRS transformation2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3168Bug reportClosedLowLog out is canceled, when project is not savednobody -2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3241Bug reportClosedLowLive GPS - Error Dialogs disrupt usagenobody -2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3551Bug reportClosedLowSelecting with mouse in table2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3564Bug reportClosedLowVRT based on Oracle ODBC datasource do not show in "Open Attribute tTable", but labels work.2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3714Bug reportClosedLowQt arguments are not supported2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3807Bug reportClosedLowQgsRasterLayer.identify() is always True2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4075Bug reportClosedLowQGIS Project loading: loading of referenced groups/layers not included in project loading progress bar2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4092Bug reportClosedLowCancel, OK and Apply buttons behave incorrectly and inconsistently in "Settings>Project Properties"2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4361Bug reportClosedLowEdit button is not updated when provider query makes a layer read-only2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4377Bug reportClosedLowif "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is set "prompt for CRS", then the CRS is asked when loading a map into the georeferencer2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5780Bug reportClosedLowMost labels in menus are in Title Case2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6186Bug reportClosedLow"Build pyramids internally if possible" implies that if not possible, the pyramids will be automatically built externally2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6439Bug reportClosedLowCurve label becomes horizontal when x,y are manually set2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7061Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect rendering of dash pattern with zero-length dash for thin lines2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7545Bug reportClosedLowlayer screen hangs on database lock2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8101Bug reportClosedLow"Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8632Bug reportClosedLowSave as dialog offers symbology export for geojson export2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9772Bug reportClosedLowQgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs() does not achieve desired effectMartin Dobias2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9948Bug reportClosedLowComposer, grouped objects, disable item properties2019-03-09 04:04 PM
11030Bug reportClosedLow"fill styles" of the "simple fill" symbology (ex: "diagonal X") are not exported as expected from print composer2019-03-09 04:09 PM
11068Bug reportClosedLowLabels Background - one per letter and not one per label when using curved placement2019-03-09 04:09 PM
11120Bug reportClosedLowCan't save legend in postgres when using charater simbol2019-03-09 04:09 PM
11283Bug reportClosedLowQGIS displays all 65535 Unicode characters in Font Marker symbol selection window2019-03-09 04:09 PM
12912Bug reportClosedLowSwitching line/area measure do not remove lines/areas on close2019-03-09 04:09 PM
12933Bug reportClosedLowHeatmap generating an empty raster2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13237Bug reportClosedLowDB Manager Run Vacuum Analyze provide no feedback2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14696Bug reportClosedLow"Stretch using current extent" on invisible layer causes redraw of map2019-03-09 04:10 PM
17309Bug reportClosedLowSpatiaLite Layer default style is (usually) not loaded.2019-03-09 07:04 PM
6185Bug reportClosedLowCan't write pyramids to separate .ovr file if raster file is read-only2019-03-10 04:19 PM
3777Bug reportClosedLowAttribute table record selection2019-03-10 05:59 PM
6873Bug reportClosedLowProblem with data stored in the root of disk2019-03-11 05:57 PM
17895Bug reportClosedLowCan not resize simple marker selector window2019-03-12 02:56 PM
17330Bug reportClosedLowQGIS composer Multiline table cell formating from xslx data sourceNyall Dawson2019-03-13 03:29 PM
21707Feature requestClosedLowHave Processing-File Tools-Download File work for FTP sites.2019-03-29 06:49 PM
21724Bug reportClosedLowVersion stated wrong2019-04-01 08:30 PM
21971Bug reportClosedLowError while unloading plugin gml_application_schema_toolbox 2019-05-02 10:08 AM
3647Feature requestClosedLowAdd the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"2019-05-07 11:04 PM
22070Bug reportClosedLowQSettings(): /Projections/ ... defaultBehavior or defaultBehaviour?2019-05-17 07:37 PM
21991Feature requestClosedLow [processing][xyz tiles] html-template-filePeter Petrik2019-05-18 11:34 AM
2705Feature requestClosedLowCorrect Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed2019-05-24 08:03 AM
15314Bug reportClosedLowDifferent projection definitions for 32 and 64 bit2019-05-24 08:04 AM

1 ... 82 83 84 (16601-16738/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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