

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2955Feature requestClosedLowWould be very useful to be able to move text along a roadJürgen Fischer2010-11-27 04:18 AM
3284Feature requestClosedLowWrapping long labelsNathan Woodrow2012-01-08 05:12 PM
5221Feature requestClosedLowWrite QPJ file when defining CRS for layer2015-12-08 09:02 AM
1517Feature requestClosedLowWrong man page ext for qgis 1.0.0nobody -2009-08-22 01:02 AM
683Feature requestClosedLowYet another i18n wrappingsMagnus Homann2009-08-22 12:51 AM
1522Feature requestClosedLowZoom to Next functionalityGary Sherman2009-08-22 01:02 AM
2580Feature requestClosedLowZoom to best scale vs Zoom Actual Sizenobody -2010-06-11 11:23 PM
2783Feature requestClosedLowZoom to group2012-10-09 02:30 AM
2752Feature requestClosedLowZoom to layer doesn't work with Querynobody -2010-05-29 11:40 AM
1004Feature requestClosedLowZoom to mouse cursorMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:54 AM
588Feature requestClosedLowZoom to scale featurenobody -2009-08-22 12:45 AM
1383Feature requestClosedLowZoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent2015-11-16 07:54 AM
2785Feature requestClosedLow[Cmake] FindGRASS.cmake issuenobody -2010-07-02 01:18 PM
2412Feature requestClosedLow[FEATURE] Support for user defined plugin pathBorys Jurgiel2010-04-04 03:32 AM
1357Feature requestClosedLow[PATCH] Build overview for Jpeg-in-TIFF file only if GDAL uses libtiff >= 4.0ersts -2009-07-27 05:32 PM
3240Feature requestClosedLow[PATCH] Improve Measure tool (measure on ellipsoid)Tim Sutton2010-12-21 03:53 AM
3405Feature requestClosedLow[PATCH] Prompt for symbol overwritingMartin Dobias2011-02-21 02:27 PM
2869Feature requestClosedLow[PATCH] Small FixesOtto Dassau2010-07-06 11:17 AM
1912Feature requestClosedLow[PATCH] area not null for symbols with value zeroMarco Hugentobler2010-03-25 01:09 PM
1040Feature requestClosedLow[PATCH] qgis crashes when I try to add RPF A.TOC file (also: RasterLite support)Jürgen Fischer2012-02-15 01:14 PM
3139Feature requestClosedLow[Patch] Custom query for the spatialite providerSandro Furieri2010-12-20 04:41 PM
2662Feature requestClosedLow[Patch] custom query in postgres providernobody -2010-04-20 12:29 PM
228Feature requestClosedLow[SVN] Set svn:ignore property on the repository filesGary Sherman2006-08-10 04:24 AM
1975Feature requestClosedLowability to create legend groups via the QGis apiMartin Dobias2009-12-19 08:31 AM
2019Feature requestClosedLowaccess to actions from attribute table - goneJürgen Fischer2009-12-28 01:32 PM
2808Feature requestClosedLowaccess wktraster using gdaltoolsGiuseppe Sucameli2011-12-23 01:12 PM
7481Feature requestClosedLowadd "rename layer" function in QGIS browser, at least for postgis, spatialite, etc.2013-04-01 01:39 AM
2723Feature requestClosedLowadd "save edits" iconnobody -2010-06-12 03:04 AM
1749Feature requestClosedLowadd WMS tile caching supportnobody -2010-03-21 03:16 PM
3173Feature requestClosedLowadd a "Clear" button to Raster CalculatorMarco Hugentobler2011-03-04 07:14 PM
2530Feature requestClosedLowadd a "query manager"nobody -2010-05-25 04:08 PM
1659Feature requestClosedLowadd a 'reload button' to the QGIS table2017-05-01 11:37 AM
1090Feature requestClosedLowadd a section to the introduction about conventions used in the manualtaraathan -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
6961Feature requestClosedLowadd additional path for python plugins in system options2019-02-27 03:17 PM
3256Feature requestClosedLowadd batch mode in ftools "export to new projection" (for shapefiles)cfarmer -2017-05-01 01:23 AM
1521Feature requestClosedLowadd column function misses an option to define the length for string type columnsnobody -2009-05-12 02:15 AM
2719Feature requestClosedLowadd file managerMartin Dobias2011-08-23 01:41 AM
6233Feature requestClosedLowadd filters for explicitly save in tab or mif in 'save as ' dialog2012-11-07 04:10 AM
680Feature requestClosedLowadd geographic columns to PostGISMarco Hugentobler2009-07-22 03:27 AM
9144Feature requestClosedLowadd iface global to script namespaceVictor Olaya2018-11-04 11:36 PM
3043Feature requestClosedLowadd objects to map layout2013-03-16 01:40 PM
5560Feature requestClosedLowadd option for field display order in identify window2015-12-23 12:12 PM
1623Feature requestClosedLowadd r.external moduleLorenzo Masini2009-08-12 12:05 AM
1763Feature requestClosedLowadd r.external.all moduleLorenzo Masini2009-07-28 08:30 AM
1728Feature requestClosedLowadd module2018-02-24 03:34 PM
2839Feature requestClosedLowadd rasterlite support in "add spatialite layer" or add new button "add rasterlite layer"2014-06-20 08:38 AM
2913Feature requestClosedLowadd support for ntv2 grids and +towgs84 parameters in the "save as..." dialogsnobody -2011-03-08 11:30 AM
1783Feature requestClosedLowadd v.split to GRASS toolboxLorenzo Masini2009-07-16 04:21 AM
3123Feature requestClosedLowadd wildfire modeling commands to the GRASS toobox2014-06-24 04:34 AM
3832Feature requestClosedLowadd x y input to move2017-05-06 11:37 AM
2133Feature requestClosedLowadd/delete/edit labels graduatedsymbolrendererv2Martin Dobias2009-11-21 02:03 PM
700Feature requestClosedLowadded the -c flag to v.out.ogrnobody -2009-08-22 12:51 AM
2115Feature requestClosedLowadding SVG directories require restart of QGISnobody -2009-11-19 01:41 AM
1087Feature requestClosedLowadding postgis data with geometry field based on a domain and not a simple geometry typeJürgen Fischer2008-05-15 12:34 PM
2469Feature requestClosedLowadvancedDigitizeToolBar is not visible for plugin developmentGary Sherman2010-03-27 11:19 AM
3614Feature requestClosedLowafter creating a new WMS/WFS/POSTGIS/SL connection the same is not automatically selectedGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-14 12:35 PM
2838Feature requestClosedLowallow add existing layers to existing SL dbsnobody -2010-06-26 12:45 PM
5731Feature requestClosedLowallow create raster style (qml) based on the values of a set of rasters (instead of just one)2014-06-20 09:48 AM
3717Feature requestClosedLowallow loading vector legend from text file2014-12-20 01:58 AM
2742Feature requestClosedLowannoying NULL indicators in empty text fields in attribute forms and tablenobody -2010-05-30 12:40 PM
3042Feature requestClosedLowarrow extremities cannot be moved2018-01-29 06:52 PM
11555Feature requestClosedLowattribute table toolbar - delete selected rows icon and remove selection icon too similar and are close together2014-11-04 05:11 PM
2432Feature requestClosedLowauthentication method 7 not supportednobody -2010-09-16 11:18 PM
1035Feature requestClosedLowautomated generation of srs.db (in line with postgis, proj and gdal)nobody -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
3360Feature requestClosedLowavcimport program missing from osgeo4w packagenobody -2010-12-20 12:10 PM
2116Feature requestClosedLowavoid black and white from default colors2015-11-14 11:52 AM
2779Feature requestClosedLowbatch creation of spatial index (.qix)2011-11-12 02:53 AM
2668Feature requestClosedLowbetter documentation for raster based terrain analysis plugin2015-03-05 06:18 AM
2626Feature requestClosedLowbetter handling to change snapping optionsnobody -2011-03-10 01:27 PM
1962Feature requestClosedLowbigint types in graduated or continuos color symbology are not considered validnobody -2009-10-01 07:04 AM
8113Feature requestClosedLowbuildvrt: list of files as a file, not as a list2017-08-18 03:23 PM
1099Feature requestClosedLowbutton to add class graduated symbol dialog2009-07-17 06:11 AM
3936Feature requestClosedLowcan't open OGR Supported layers (stable version 0.7.4)Gary Sherman2007-04-05 01:47 AM
2034Feature requestClosedLowcancel last vertex during editingnobody -2009-10-27 02:56 PM
1223Feature requestClosedLowcannot remove islands from multipolygonsnobody -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
2858Feature requestClosedLowcatch empty printsJürgen Fischer2010-07-17 04:19 AM
3176Feature requestClosedLowchange "keyhole markup language" to KMLnobody -2010-11-01 09:22 AM
1968Feature requestClosedLowchange icon for OGR Layer Converter pluginBorys Jurgiel2009-11-08 05:54 PM
1675Feature requestClosedLowchangeGeometry patchnobody -2009-05-02 11:19 AM
10820Feature requestClosedLowcheckbox to 'derotate' certain layers in composer2015-08-05 09:07 PM
7416Feature requestClosedLowclassification-type shape files2013-03-22 06:33 PM
480Feature requestClosedLowclip based on extent of other dataset(s)Tim Sutton2012-01-28 02:56 PM
1160Feature requestClosedLowcmake 2.6 developer warningsJürgen Fischer2009-07-27 08:41 PM
3044Feature requestClosedLowcollision detection for symbols2018-03-05 09:23 AM
782Feature requestClosedLowcolor ramps for raster layersMarco Hugentobler2012-08-10 12:42 PM
2518Feature requestClosedLowcolumn limit when copying to clipboard from the table of attibutes: add a checkbox to avoid copy nodes coordinates2012-12-10 02:28 PM
351Feature requestClosedLowconversion of ArcView/ArcGIS projectsGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:57 AM
975Feature requestClosedLowconvert 'Identify Features' satellite window into Dock-able window/widgetnobody -2009-12-10 12:37 AM
510Feature requestClosedLowconvert a gpx in shapenobody -2009-08-22 12:45 AM
59Feature requestClosedLowcopy to clipboard supportJürgen Fischer2009-08-04 04:05 AM
1638Feature requestClosedLowcopy/paste of attributes/layers (merge) gives unexpected results(?)2009-08-10 07:51 AM
441Feature requestClosedLowcustom raster transparencyersts -2008-01-10 11:39 PM
1207Feature requestClosedLowdeal with GRASS rasters missing a colortablenobody -2009-05-18 01:59 AM
1879Feature requestClosedLowdebian build-depends missing pyqt4-dev-toolsnobody -2009-08-17 11:34 PM
1776Feature requestClosedLowdefault port for qgis.db.connect-loginLorenzo Masini2009-07-13 02:23 PM
1777Feature requestClosedLowdefault port for qgis.db.connect-loginLorenzo Masini2009-07-15 12:31 AM
679Feature requestClosedLowdelay recording of changes to PostGIS (for laptops and other offline devices)Marco Hugentobler2010-10-05 02:05 AM
416Feature requestClosedLowdelimited text file enhancementMagnus Homann2007-01-01 02:24 PM
1022Feature requestClosedLowdelimited text layer plugin: robustnessMagnus Homann2010-10-30 09:37 AM
3046Feature requestClosedLowdelimited text plugin: add an option to skip first linesTim Sutton2010-11-14 08:16 AM
2514Feature requestClosedLowdiagrams: add bar charts with support for negative valuesMarco Hugentobler2012-12-10 02:23 PM
1882Feature requestClosedLowdifferent snapping behavior for each editable layernobody -2009-11-27 09:10 AM
1740Feature requestClosedLowdigitize polygon/polyline snapping more than one node of another vector objectnobody -2017-05-01 11:43 AM
552Feature requestClosedLowdisplay vector line directionMarco Hugentobler2010-06-11 09:30 PM
1625Feature requestClosedLowdocument how to write GRASS modulesnobody -2009-06-15 11:46 PM
7681Feature requestClosedLowdouble left click on CRS Selector window's list items should behave as having clicked on ok2015-12-14 08:40 PM
1308Feature requestClosedLowdxf plugin crashes QGISnobody -2011-03-07 08:46 AM
3701Feature requestClosedLoweVis: can't create layer from MS Access queryTim Sutton2011-04-05 09:11 AM
1411Feature requestClosedLowecw supportnobody -2009-08-22 01:02 AM
1633Feature requestClosedLowediting GRASS tablesnobody -2009-05-28 02:45 AM
176Feature requestClosedLowediting data tablesGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
2387Feature requestClosedLowenable creation of spatialite vector layer from scratchGary Sherman2010-04-04 07:40 PM
2774Feature requestClosedLowenable double-click to zoom to bookmarksnobody -2011-06-02 08:24 AM
885Feature requestClosedLowenable user to create new PostGis layersnobody -2009-07-19 01:37 AM
1880Feature requestClosedLowexpose symbol map of unique value rendererJürgen Fischer2009-12-03 09:16 AM
2110Feature requestClosedLowextract node tool: add option for using only selected featurescfarmer -2017-05-01 01:23 AM
2825Feature requestClosedLowfTools - Voronoi polygonscfarmer -2010-11-22 02:53 PM
2057Feature requestClosedLowfTools OK button should be masked out during operationscfarmer -2010-05-13 03:56 PM
3373Feature requestClosedLowfTools buffer geoprocessing error with certain datacfarmer -2017-05-01 01:23 AM
2628Feature requestClosedLowfTools' join attributes doesn't support dbf tables with non-utf8 encodingcfarmer -2010-11-14 02:54 PM
2984Feature requestClosedLowfTools: allow intersection, difference and clip also for two line layerscfarmer -2010-11-14 06:54 AM
2671Feature requestClosedLowfTools: copy results to clipboard don't workcfarmer -2010-04-22 10:48 AM
3362Feature requestClosedLowfTools: different defaults for latlong and metric SRScfarmer -2017-05-01 01:23 AM
2897Feature requestClosedLowfTools: error when path to shapes is entered manuallycfarmer -2010-07-25 09:18 AM
2653Feature requestClosedLowfTools: letters in numeric fieldscfarmer -2010-04-14 05:24 PM
2695Feature requestClosedLowfTools: missed icon and Join by Attributes typoscfarmer -2010-05-13 03:49 PM
2735Feature requestClosedLowfTools: random selection issuescfarmer -2010-07-13 10:56 PM
368Feature requestClosedLowfalse virus warningGary Sherman2006-11-01 08:11 PM
399Feature requestClosedLowfaster unique value dialogue for postgis layersGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:54 AM
2542Feature requestClosedLowfield calculator default behaviourMarco Hugentobler2010-03-11 04:35 AM
3177Feature requestClosedLowfield calculator improvements: functions for stringsJürgen Fischer2011-01-25 04:25 PM
2778Feature requestClosedLowfield calculator window not completely visible on a small screen2015-11-10 06:45 AM
2417Feature requestClosedLowfield calculator: please add serialMarco Hugentobler2011-03-04 09:32 AM
689Feature requestClosedLowfill color doesn't affect the symbols2015-10-27 08:39 AM
2277Feature requestClosedLowfix for CopyrightLabel positionTim Sutton2009-12-13 02:06 PM
1992Feature requestClosedLowfixed space font for GRASS output windowLorenzo Masini2010-01-06 05:27 AM
2156Feature requestClosedLowfixes for Windows - MinGW gcc 4.4.0 compilernobody -2009-12-03 06:56 AM
1660Feature requestClosedLowfloating labelsnobody -2009-04-28 01:29 PM
1289Feature requestClosedLowfollow mouse scroll setting in main propertiesnobody -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
2663Feature requestClosedLowformat floating point labels2011-12-16 09:52 AM
3010Feature requestClosedLowftools (merge shapefiles tool): patch to add option to select attribute table structurecfarmer -2017-05-01 01:23 AM
1943Feature requestClosedLowftools/buffer produce result shape with wrong crs parametersJürgen Fischer2009-11-26 02:39 AM
2536Feature requestClosedLowftools: Intersection and union don't produce a resultcfarmer -2010-04-22 10:51 AM
1868Feature requestClosedLowftools: join support for SQLite?cfarmer -2011-03-02 08:08 AM
1814Feature requestClosedLowftools: number of vertices for circular buffers too low (point buffer)cfarmer -2010-06-13 09:42 PM
2389Feature requestClosedLowfunction to create simple geometries, square, rectangle, triangle2011-10-24 11:15 AM
2914Feature requestClosedLowgdal tools: allow (in user interface) to choose for +towgs84 or +nadgrids parametersGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-08 11:30 AM
3469Feature requestClosedLowgdaltools: virtual catalog fails with many files2015-11-19 06:59 AM
1254Feature requestClosedLowgeoreferencer: please follow zoom mode set in main optionsnobody -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
3808Feature requestClosedLowget rid of annoying svg messages2014-04-23 05:14 PM
1218Feature requestClosedLowgrass modules tree default open to one or two levelsnobody -2009-07-09 04:21 AM
545Feature requestClosedLowgroup-mapfile (mapserver export plugin)Tim Sutton2013-08-18 10:59 AM
1340Feature requestClosedLowhardcoded arrow markernobody -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
1549Feature requestClosedLowhighlight border line for selected polygons?nobody -2009-07-09 05:34 AM
1841Feature requestClosedLowhorizontal legends2013-07-27 12:36 AM
554Feature requestClosedLowidentify - some varchar column displayed instead of the key columnTim Sutton2009-08-19 02:37 PM
3302Feature requestClosedLowidentify feature tool option to show all layer infos expandedJürgen Fischer2013-01-05 08:04 PM
100Feature requestClosedLowidentify tool: the .Area "column" is missleaadingBrendan Morley -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
1446Feature requestClosedLowimplement add/del field for ShapefilesJürgen Fischer2009-08-22 01:01 AM
1869Feature requestClosedLowimport vectorlayer value maps from csvJürgen Fischer2009-08-22 03:22 AM
1437Feature requestClosedLowimprove dxf pluginTim Sutton2010-06-11 10:12 PM
2169Feature requestClosedLowimprove identify tool highlightingnobody -2009-12-02 02:29 AM
3706Feature requestClosedLowimprove loading of qml to load source layer2015-11-20 07:04 AM
2989Feature requestClosedLowimprove reading of DWG to equal DGN functionalityJürgen Fischer2017-06-13 05:05 PM
2278Feature requestClosedLowimprovement for Pan map tool - click to centernobody -2010-04-21 12:22 PM
1404Feature requestClosedLowimprovement for georeferencer pluginnobody -2009-07-15 08:55 AM
1499Feature requestClosedLowimprovement to WMS error handlingnobody -2009-08-22 01:01 AM
1716Feature requestClosedLowimprovements to ZoomLast, ZoomNext tools (extent history)Marco Hugentobler2009-11-28 01:20 PM
2535Feature requestClosedLowin "advanced search" the "%", "IN" and "NOT IN" operators are not availablenobody -2010-03-28 07:38 AM
2527Feature requestClosedLowin vector properties (general) show the code/name of CRSnobody -2011-03-08 11:36 AM
1238Feature requestClosedLowincrease the precision of lines/outlines size settings in Symbology2011-12-25 11:55 AM
1853Feature requestClosedLowinfo fields: make it available for copyingnobody -2009-08-01 05:12 AM
3103Feature requestClosedLowinterpolation plugin could have better documentationOtto Dassau2015-03-05 06:19 AM
2904Feature requestClosedLowjoin attributes very slow when vector layer contains many featurescfarmer -2011-03-05 08:04 AM
121Feature requestClosedLowjoin external tables to geometries2011-03-12 07:49 AM
13176Feature requestClosedLowjoin non-spatial tabel2016-06-09 09:48 PM
1457Feature requestClosedLowkey combos, mouse actions and commands for GRASS shellLorenzo Masini2009-08-12 12:17 AM
2824Feature requestClosedLowlabel color lost when cancelingnobody -2010-06-30 11:48 AM
2087Feature requestClosedLowlabel from multi-columns in vector layers propertiesnobody -2009-11-19 04:04 PM
2124Feature requestClosedLowlabel multiple valuesnobody -2009-11-19 03:51 PM
2717Feature requestClosedLowlabel only selected recordsnobody -2010-05-16 02:00 PM
1970Feature requestClosedLowlabel placement2013-03-16 01:03 PM
54Feature requestClosedLowlabel placementMartin Dobias2009-11-29 08:41 AM
1846Feature requestClosedLowlabel placementnobody -2009-07-31 08:02 AM
3492Feature requestClosedLowlabel-ng: add X,Y offset2012-09-04 11:57 PM
3023Feature requestClosedLowlabeling plugin: misses the field for data driven label angle (like in the old label engine)Martin Dobias2010-10-30 03:45 AM
297Feature requestClosedLowlabels are missplacedMartin Dobias2009-08-31 11:53 PM
1419Feature requestClosedLowlabels consisting of multiple field should be possible2011-08-28 06:57 PM
2285Feature requestClosedLowlabels qgscategorizedsymbolrendererv2widgetMartin Dobias2009-12-15 01:00 PM
2696Feature requestClosedLowlack of 'edit widget' functionality in the 'merge feature attribute' tablenobody -2010-05-12 03:53 PM
1842Feature requestClosedLowlayer on/off for print composernobody -2009-07-31 08:05 AM
378Feature requestClosedLowlegend in map composer: only visible categoriesRedmine Admin2009-08-22 12:45 AM
1261Feature requestClosedLowlet copy attributes to clipboardnobody -2009-07-15 11:54 AM
1355Feature requestClosedLowlet map units default be meters, or last user's choicenobody -2011-03-06 12:47 PM
1283Feature requestClosedLowlet modify font color in legend, label, scale2013-03-16 09:37 AM
3101Feature requestClosedLowlet the user select a standard folder for all data producednobody -2018-01-29 06:57 PM
3387Feature requestClosedLowlet the user select the color map extreme colors2011-11-18 08:24 AM
2111Feature requestClosedLowlet the user select the color ramp extreme colorsnobody -2009-11-19 01:50 AM
1199Feature requestClosedLowlet the user specify overviews format and compression2014-06-29 10:12 AM
1837Feature requestClosedLowline type weights, scales, and hash densities in map composernobody -2009-07-31 08:17 AM

1 ... 81 82 83 84 (16401-16600/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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