

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2834Feature requestClosedLowRendering quality options issuenobody -2011-03-25 01:16 PM
460Feature requestClosedLowRequest for "Zoom to best resolution" featureMagnus Homann2009-08-22 12:45 AM
3225Feature requestClosedLowRequest for python module MySQLdbBorys Jurgiel2010-11-17 02:51 AM
1514Feature requestClosedLowRequest: Default web browser action "openurl"2013-03-16 09:53 AM
1887Feature requestClosedLowResolution parameter should be saved in QGIS template (qgt) fileJürgen Fischer2009-08-21 08:24 AM
1054Feature requestClosedLowRestore old default theme as "classic"Tim Sutton2009-08-22 12:57 AM
3926Feature requestClosedLowReturn empty set from QgsServerSourceSelect::crsForSelectionBrendan Morley -2007-04-05 01:47 AM
2350Feature requestClosedLowReturn option to view items on canvas in attribute tablenobody -2010-05-22 09:44 AM
13722Feature requestClosedLowRight Click Remove from Recent Projects2017-10-26 02:25 PM
3514Feature requestClosedLowRight click legend>Assign Layer CRS to Project CRSnobody -2011-03-10 03:34 PM
1648Feature requestClosedLowRotate Map Window in Print Composernobody -2009-11-19 01:18 AM
9330Feature requestClosedLowRotate Rendered Map CanvasSandro Santilli2015-08-05 09:08 PM
3730Feature requestClosedLowRotate point symbols according to underlying line2014-06-23 05:59 AM
2916Feature requestClosedLowRotated Grid Annotations2015-11-18 07:09 AM
1698Feature requestClosedLowRotation of the map view2014-10-17 04:26 AM
3440Feature requestClosedLowRule Render: In the legend permit the change of the title in the legend for every rulenobody -2011-02-20 07:02 AM
3084Feature requestClosedLowRule-based renderer should allow reordering after rules have been created2011-12-29 02:19 AM
2800Feature requestClosedLowRulers in map composerMarco Hugentobler2013-03-24 07:06 AM
119Feature requestClosedLowRun actions directly from the map canvasGiuseppe Sucameli2012-03-07 12:07 AM
3311Feature requestClosedLowSPIT dialog should use monospaced font when showing output from PostGISBorys Jurgiel2011-03-05 06:10 AM
2676Feature requestClosedLowSPIT plugin - serial datatype instead of integer on primary key columnTim Sutton2010-04-24 01:28 AM
3710Feature requestClosedLowSPIT: allow appending data to existing tableTim Sutton2011-12-09 08:59 AM
593Feature requestClosedLowSPIT: implement rollback when import of shapes into PGIS get cancelednobody -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
516Feature requestClosedLowSQL interfacenobody -2010-06-11 09:29 PM
2373Feature requestClosedLowSVG Fill space between symbols2016-08-05 10:23 PM
1063Feature requestClosedLowSVG Symbols repository2017-05-01 11:15 AM
1751Feature requestClosedLowSVG Symbols: nothing shown if symbol file is missingnobody -2009-06-27 03:06 PM
3249Feature requestClosedLowSVG marker selection by user2014-01-22 11:06 AM
3269Feature requestClosedLowSVG symbols - possibility to change color2015-10-09 08:03 PM
1786Feature requestClosedLowSVG symbols don't highlight when selected2013-03-16 12:55 PM
2027Feature requestClosedLowSVG symbols should be stored locally and permanently, similar to installed python pluginsnobody -2009-10-26 01:38 PM
2033Feature requestClosedLowSVG symbols should not have fill and outline options availablenobody -2011-03-05 11:28 AM
3217Feature requestClosedLowSVG/image export: Allow transparent page / no page outline.2015-10-09 08:02 PM
183Feature requestClosedLowSample label text should show buffer, orientation, etcGary Sherman2010-11-16 06:04 PM
1954Feature requestClosedLowSave SpatiaLite connections in QGIS projectsnobody -2009-09-28 02:39 PM
2972Feature requestClosedLowSave and load queries in the provider query builder2011-11-09 07:18 AM
3478Feature requestClosedLowSave as DXF: add the option "Skip attribute creation" as a defaultJürgen Fischer2011-02-13 09:21 AM
2452Feature requestClosedLowSave as vector (not only to shapefile)Jürgen Fischer2010-03-18 03:29 PM
3742Feature requestClosedLowSave extent after reprojectionJürgen Fischer2012-02-09 08:14 PM
3906Feature requestClosedLowSave/restore default symbologyGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:57 AM
16265Feature requestClosedLowSaving a processing model confirmation dialogVictor Olaya2017-04-04 03:25 AM
2341Feature requestClosedLowSaving and loading PostGIS and WMS connections settingsMarco Hugentobler2010-03-11 09:52 AM
2659Feature requestClosedLowSaving multilayer vector datasets as several shapefiles2015-12-17 01:28 AM
11421Feature requestClosedLowSaving style in "layer_styles" table with user longer than 30 characters2017-01-18 12:13 PM
11017Feature requestClosedLowSaving styles should be more uniform2018-02-25 07:23 PM
343Feature requestClosedLowScale bar and measurement units should be selectableGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:54 AM
1833Feature requestClosedLowScale bar for print composernobody -2009-08-10 10:32 AM
2906Feature requestClosedLowScaling of values used in "Area scale" (or "Size scale field")2015-10-16 04:34 AM
2974Feature requestClosedLowSearch for NULL value seemignly not possible from simple search and not obvious from advanced searchkcube -2011-01-18 10:01 PM
14789Feature requestClosedLowSearch layers panel2017-05-18 05:45 AM
3262Feature requestClosedLowSelect encoding when save a qgis-project2015-11-10 07:22 AM
3584Feature requestClosedLowSelect features by radius should display current radius2018-01-18 08:33 PM
2710Feature requestClosedLowSelecting and moving multiple features at oncenobody -2010-05-16 11:36 AM
3194Feature requestClosedLowSelection Color should allow opacity value2013-03-16 01:44 PM
4464Feature requestClosedLowSelection colour could be above polygon points2014-09-26 01:00 AM
2182Feature requestClosedLowSelective display of categorised layer2015-08-03 07:44 PM
3758Feature requestClosedLowSeparation in symbol layer properties2011-09-14 02:54 AM
840Feature requestClosedLowSerialisation of layer properties similar to .avl - QGIS style support using qmlTim Sutton2009-08-22 12:57 AM
3209Feature requestClosedLowSet "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user chooses "Microstation DGN" format for export2017-06-13 05:07 PM
2424Feature requestClosedLowSet extent of plugin layerBorys Jurgiel2010-02-09 08:11 AM
1906Feature requestClosedLowSet focus on OK button on loading vector layersnobody -2009-12-03 06:47 AM
2672Feature requestClosedLowSet group/layer visibility and expansion state in QgsLegendInterfacenobody -2010-04-25 10:28 AM
4326Feature requestClosedLowSet the save dialog project name same as project title2011-12-15 03:59 AM
1496Feature requestClosedLowSetting the encoding type on new shapefilesnobody -2009-08-22 01:01 AM
1290Feature requestClosedLowShapefile attribute tables do not show lines with null geometryMarco Hugentobler2009-08-03 01:47 PM
3704Feature requestClosedLowShapefile: please improve column managementnobody -2011-04-07 04:37 AM
2441Feature requestClosedLowShortcut key to save/update edits without leaving edit modenobody -2010-05-17 11:01 PM
660Feature requestClosedLowShortcut key to stop snapMarco Hugentobler2010-11-14 04:09 PM
66Feature requestClosedLowShortcuts tidingGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
3590Feature requestClosedLowShow CRS Name on the status barnobody -2011-03-16 04:53 AM
3521Feature requestClosedLowShow tolerance value in simplify geometry tool2015-11-20 02:57 AM
2804Feature requestClosedLowShow used GDAL version in About dialogGiuseppe Sucameli2010-06-13 11:29 AM
1547Feature requestClosedLowShowing snapping tolerance with a circle around the cursornobody -2010-06-11 11:34 PM
4496Feature requestClosedLowSimplify user interface in composer table widgetMarco Hugentobler2014-09-22 01:56 AM
2546Feature requestClosedLowSingleparts to multipart makes non valid geometriescfarmer -2018-05-16 02:09 PM
2721Feature requestClosedLowSmaller properties window for better displaynobody -2011-03-04 05:50 AM
3220Feature requestClosedLowSnapping dialog defaults and loaded form saved projectJürgen Fischer2010-11-16 06:19 AM
3486Feature requestClosedLowSnapping for move tool2017-05-01 05:42 PM
2754Feature requestClosedLowSnapping to switched off layersMarco Hugentobler2011-04-17 12:19 PM
1927Feature requestClosedLowSome possible improvements about row selection on attribute tablenobody -2009-11-14 08:25 AM
266Feature requestClosedLowSome wishes for enhancing printing functionalityRedmine Admin2009-08-22 01:01 AM
864Feature requestClosedLowSorting Layersnobody -2009-08-22 12:54 AM
1936Feature requestClosedLowSpatiaLite: support subset stringnobody -2009-09-29 12:24 AM
2634Feature requestClosedLowSpatial Query Plugin source for evaluationTim Sutton2011-03-15 03:57 AM
3243Feature requestClosedLowSpatial bookmarks do not take into account CRSRichard Duivenvoorde2012-01-28 10:55 AM
5707Feature requestClosedLowSplit v.generalize GRASS module in twoVictor Olaya2016-02-27 02:27 AM
1683Feature requestClosedLowStandard deviations in raster properties dialognobody -2010-05-30 11:40 AM
1580Feature requestClosedLowStatus indicator when loading QGIS project filesnobody -2009-04-28 02:33 PM
274Feature requestClosedLowStore legend settings for other projects or other layers within the same projectTim Sutton2009-08-22 12:54 AM
2711Feature requestClosedLowStrange legend behaviourGiuseppe Sucameli2010-06-03 06:35 PM
2199Feature requestClosedLowStrikeout fontJürgen Fischer2009-12-28 01:37 PM
873Feature requestClosedLowStrings repeated many times in ts filesnobody -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
4275Feature requestClosedLowStrip off file extension for layer name when adding via the Browser pane2011-11-09 07:24 AM
1726Feature requestClosedLowStyled Layer Descriptor (SLD) Support2012-04-27 02:12 AM
1249Feature requestClosedLowSubmission of OGR Layer Converter pluginMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 01:01 AM
11582Feature requestClosedLowSuggestion for Improvement. Change tracker label in plugins managerBorys Jurgiel2016-05-25 10:44 PM
1602Feature requestClosedLowSuperfluous entries in the Plugin menuBorys Jurgiel2013-03-16 12:46 PM
2180Feature requestClosedLowSupport Buffered / Framed labels and callout labels2013-04-23 03:59 PM
3067Feature requestClosedLowSupport DBF table as datasourcenobody -2010-10-18 12:39 AM
1727Feature requestClosedLowSupport Multiple Rules per Style for a Layernobody -2010-06-12 03:16 AM
2730Feature requestClosedLowSupport PostGIS geography typeJürgen Fischer2010-07-17 04:22 AM
952Feature requestClosedLowSupport PostgreSQL uuid typeJürgen Fischer2009-04-07 05:12 AM
3442Feature requestClosedLowSupport datetime fields in Graduated Renderernobody -2018-07-22 11:21 PM
2476Feature requestClosedLowSupport for "selected features only" in "Select by location"cfarmer -2010-11-22 05:17 PM
2468Feature requestClosedLowSupport for Column Permissions in PostgreSQL 8.4nobody -2010-05-02 03:08 PM
1183Feature requestClosedLowSupport for modules with multiple input options in GRASS plug-innobody -2009-07-31 07:28 AM
3441Feature requestClosedLowSupport non-int4 keysnobody -2011-01-25 04:49 PM
313Feature requestClosedLowSupport qgis on NetBSDGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
3370Feature requestClosedLowSupport style self-load for spatialite/postgisnobody -2010-12-24 11:21 AM
201Feature requestClosedLowSupport usb connections to GPS'sTim Sutton2009-08-22 12:46 AM
452Feature requestClosedLowSupporting labelling of 3D point layersGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:45 AM
1498Feature requestClosedLowSwitch pop-up attributes window on and offnobody -2009-08-22 01:01 AM
3784Feature requestClosedLowSwitching between measure tools and other tools is annoying (with patch)nobody -2011-04-28 05:13 PM
1065Feature requestClosedLowSymbol Composer pluginnobody -2009-11-30 01:36 AM
2909Feature requestClosedLowSymbol Properties Should Allow Border Width in Map Unitsnobody -2010-07-30 03:31 AM
7556Feature requestClosedLowSymbol layers are a bit confusing2019-01-22 04:47 AM
1768Feature requestClosedLowSymbology of points does not change when editing point layer2014-06-20 03:31 AM
1077Feature requestClosedLowSymbols area scalenobody -2009-08-22 12:56 AM
1116Feature requestClosedLowSymlinks in plugin directorynobody -2010-06-11 10:03 PM
2912Feature requestClosedLowTableManager should support multiple file formatsBorys Jurgiel2010-11-04 07:23 AM
805Feature requestClosedLowTemplates or saveability/loadability in the color stretches (custom color maps)?ersts -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
5122Feature requestClosedLowTemporal data, timestamps, and symbolizing based on date2016-01-15 01:50 PM
1068Feature requestClosedLowText labels anglesnobody -2008-05-06 05:21 AM
242Feature requestClosedLowTextbox set scale to set a user defined mapscale of the mapviewMartin Dobias2009-08-22 12:45 AM
6559Feature requestClosedLowThe Icons for the QGIS Browser & Application need to be different.2012-11-03 12:32 PM
8621Feature requestClosedLowThe expression text box in the expression builder window should be resizable2014-02-16 01:22 AM
3169Feature requestClosedLowThe fTools' geometry validity check could zoom to the invalid featurecfarmer -2010-11-13 09:31 AM
3280Feature requestClosedLowThe freehand and polygon selection tools select all features within the bounding box of the shapeJeremy Palmer2010-12-02 12:47 AM
2404Feature requestClosedLowThe maximum grid spacing in Regular Points is insufficientcfarmer -2010-02-07 04:44 AM
3822Feature requestClosedLowThe symbol size is not represented in a legend2015-11-12 01:58 AM
1296Feature requestClosedLowThematic raster class names not supportednobody -2011-04-20 10:12 AM
2592Feature requestClosedLowThere is no network progress indicator for WMS layer now.Marco Hugentobler2010-06-08 01:06 PM
515Feature requestClosedLowThoroughly use OGRTim Sutton2009-08-22 01:03 AM
6287Feature requestClosedLowThousand separators to numeric scalebar in map composer2012-09-03 05:11 AM
5530Feature requestClosedLowToolbar icons for Georeferencer2012-05-06 04:43 AM
116Feature requestClosedLowToolbars settingGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:45 AM
2490Feature requestClosedLowTopological editing for lines2014-01-29 05:04 AM
3428Feature requestClosedLowTranslation SwedishWerner Macho2011-03-03 03:39 AM
3438Feature requestClosedLowTransparency for vector symbol layers2015-09-21 02:28 AM
2183Feature requestClosedLowTransparency missing in new vector symbologyMartin Dobias2010-01-29 10:50 AM
2072Feature requestClosedLowTreeview-GUI for SVG symbol choiceTim Sutton2011-11-09 07:13 AM
267Feature requestClosedLowTruetype Point SymbolsMarco Hugentobler2010-06-12 12:26 AM
2562Feature requestClosedLowTwo fixes to utils.pyBorys Jurgiel2010-03-20 02:56 AM
1913Feature requestClosedLowTypo in actionCapturePolygonnobody -2009-09-01 10:06 AM
4327Feature requestClosedLowUNC SVG paths instead of browse for folder2014-07-28 08:26 AM
2970Feature requestClosedLowUnify query buildersnobody -2010-09-01 09:58 PM
1805Feature requestClosedLowUnique Value Renderer multiple class selection issuegcarrillo -2009-08-02 02:24 AM
1750Feature requestClosedLowUnique Value Symology: no default/else case classificationnobody -2009-06-27 02:36 PM
2936Feature requestClosedLowUnits and decimal places of measure toolsMarco Hugentobler2010-09-04 06:12 AM
3427Feature requestClosedLowUnnecessary rendering overhead2012-01-12 12:49 AM
2223Feature requestClosedLowUnreadable error messages (PostGIS connections)Otto Dassau2009-12-09 04:19 AM
3394Feature requestClosedLowUpdate IGNF's projections registerJürgen Fischer2011-04-16 03:56 AM
3136Feature requestClosedLowUpdate NZ projections for grid transformation supportJürgen Fischer2014-07-04 02:12 AM
10796Feature requestClosedLowUpdate Print Composer View using a button2014-07-03 10:42 PM
598Feature requestClosedLowUpdate projection values fo French NTF in srs.dbnobody -2009-08-22 12:51 AM
209Feature requestClosedLowUpdate some entries in the srs databaseGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:54 AM
850Feature requestClosedLowUpdated Slovak translationnobody -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
667Feature requestClosedLowUpdated Slovak translationMagnus Homann2009-08-22 12:51 AM
194Feature requestClosedLowUpdated Slovak translationGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
727Feature requestClosedLowUpdated Slovak translationnobody -2009-08-22 12:51 AM
496Feature requestClosedLowUpdated Slovak translationnobody -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
895Feature requestClosedLowUpgrading plugins in python plugin installernobody -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
1939Feature requestClosedLowUse ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} instead of dl for library dependenciesnobody -2009-09-20 02:29 PM
2583Feature requestClosedLowUse distance tolerance in point displacement pluginMarco Hugentobler2010-03-23 08:37 AM
2460Feature requestClosedLowUse estimated metadata for PostGIS layersnobody -2010-04-01 07:11 AM
858Feature requestClosedLowUse logical operators to specify transparencyersts -2010-06-11 09:34 PM
1957Feature requestClosedLowUse right-click drag for panning and center on mouse pointer on wheel-zoomingnobody -2009-12-27 08:45 AM
1066Feature requestClosedLowUse separate categories/folder for SVG symbols in vector symbology2012-11-20 02:24 PM
150Feature requestClosedLowUser should be able to change the copyright text colourGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
501Feature requestClosedLowVarious GUI defectsnobody -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
113Feature requestClosedLowVarious cosmetic changesGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
796Feature requestClosedLowVertex-level editingnobody -2009-08-22 12:54 AM
2852Feature requestClosedLowView menu items doesn't worknobody -2010-06-30 09:04 AM
1983Feature requestClosedLowVisual notice of scale-based layer visibilitynobody -2017-05-01 11:50 AM
13624Feature requestRejectedLowVoting / rating of plugins at plugins.qgis.org2016-05-24 12:53 PM
1421Feature requestClosedLowWFS Extension doesn't request displayed extent using bboxMarco Hugentobler2010-03-11 12:16 PM
2878Feature requestClosedLowWFS client doesn't remember the last server usedMarco Hugentobler2010-07-11 05:05 AM
2892Feature requestClosedLowWFS http authentication supportMarco Hugentobler2010-07-30 06:16 AM
355Feature requestClosedLowWFS icon: put besides WMS iconTim Sutton2009-08-22 12:57 AM
856Feature requestClosedLowWFS plugin fails to connect to GeoserverMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:54 AM
3728Feature requestClosedLowWFS with Filter EncodingMarco Hugentobler2015-11-20 07:25 AM
1583Feature requestClosedLowWFS-T supportMarco Hugentobler2010-07-30 06:17 AM
1603Feature requestClosedLowWMS Basic AuthenticationGary Sherman2009-08-22 01:03 AM
3726Feature requestClosedLowWMS Layer OrderJürgen Fischer2011-05-05 11:38 PM
3911Feature requestClosedLowWMS Provider obtained in QgsWMSSourceSelect should be passed to QgsRasterLayerBrendan Morley -2011-04-17 06:59 AM
3617Feature requestClosedLowWMS and Postgis (and eventually WFS) Dialogs: move the "save" and "load" buttons to the top of the windowGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-14 02:27 PM
607Feature requestClosedLowWMS layer uses the Connection's name instead of the one in mapfileMagnus Homann2009-08-22 12:54 AM
1387Feature requestClosedLowWMS list: change layer order, allow editing after additionMarco Hugentobler2009-07-13 03:56 AM
3734Feature requestClosedLowWMS reprojection if current CRS is supported by serverMagnus Homann2015-11-20 07:32 AM
358Feature requestClosedLowWarn if .prj file is missingGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:54 AM
2547Feature requestClosedLowWarning message when Unioning two point shapefilescfarmer -2010-05-16 09:26 AM
970Feature requestClosedLowWhen Initial Visibility is set to false still set map extent for first layer added2016-02-19 12:14 PM
1733Feature requestClosedLowWhen a / is on the end of an url http: is dropped from the GETMarco Hugentobler2009-07-14 10:04 PM
9944Feature requestClosedLowWhen adding a geometryless table in the composer automatically disable the options "show only visible features" and "composer map"2014-04-14 02:25 PM
126Feature requestClosedLowWhen editing polygon or linestring vertex should be visibleMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM
4803Feature requestClosedLowWhen editing vectors (moving existing nodes/segments) allow see where the nodes/segments where before2014-06-12 03:36 PM
2956Feature requestClosedLowWhen text in the same layer clashes, would be helpful if one could choose which text to display2015-11-18 10:22 AM
1764Feature requestClosedLowWindows: plugin manager checkbox column too widenobody -2009-08-10 09:47 AM
3086Feature requestClosedLowWish List - vector symbology improvementJürgen Fischer2010-10-06 01:37 AM
2954Feature requestClosedLowWould be useful to be able to position text away from pointsnobody -2010-12-13 12:53 AM

1 ... 80 81 82 83 84 (16201-16400/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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