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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
18540Bug reportClosedNormalLayer rendering/Draw effects don't show up in Print export or preview2019-04-08 09:59 AM
21422Bug reportClosedHighSnapping on Linestring Z intersections does not work anymoreLoïc BARTOLETTI2019-04-08 07:47 AM
21781Bug reportClosedHighQGis 3.6.0 crash when start on Linux OpenSuse Tumbleweed2019-04-07 11:37 AM
20073Bug reportClosedHighForm validation doesn't take care of 2 columns primary key2019-04-07 04:55 AM
21782Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS macOS plug-ins error install2019-04-06 11:56 AM
20525Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Crash when closed2019-04-06 11:00 AM
21780Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Crashed!2019-04-06 11:00 AM
21639Bug reportClosedHighCrash report2019-04-06 10:59 AM
21777Bug reportClosedNormalEO Time Series Viewer plugin fails to install2019-04-05 07:54 PM
21697Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server: GetFeatureInfo Requests impossible on layer groups or top layerAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-05 07:46 AM
21774Bug reportClosedNormalqgis master codeversion 037a8283fa start with python error 2019-04-05 01:29 AM
21772Bug reportClosedNormalOpen Sea Map Seamarks2019-04-04 09:36 PM
21751Bug reportClosedNormalr.quantile doesn't work when called from qgis2019-04-04 04:47 PM
21185Bug reportClosedHighVertex Editor Tool - Vertex List not working properly2019-04-04 12:18 PM
21752Bug reportClosedNormalqgis-ltr-bin.exe is eliminated by antivirus2019-04-04 10:54 AM
21769Bug reportClosedNormalCrash when Searching within Layer Properties2019-04-04 07:25 AM
21750Bug reportClosedHighcrash on exit2019-04-03 05:18 PM
21733Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.4.6 startup crash on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS2019-04-03 11:05 AM
4863Bug reportClosedNormalShould hidden layers be editable/selectable?2019-04-03 02:36 AM
21737Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Crash with excessively long tooltip2019-04-02 05:19 PM
21738Bug reportClosedNormalLayer styling lost when re-directing/repairing moved layers2019-04-02 05:05 PM
21718Bug reportClosedHighInconsistent layer extent between ST_Extent and ST_Estimated_ExtentJürgen Fischer2019-04-02 04:04 PM
21686Bug reportRejectedNormalSVG Point symbols missing in GetLegendGraphics ResponsesAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-02 01:24 PM
21710Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4.4 Madeira installed on Ubuntu 18.04 using Flatpak fails to perform polygonize (raster to vector) 2019-04-02 01:48 AM
19761Bug reportClosedNormalUnable to close QGIS because of an (ghost?) active task2019-04-01 10:17 PM

1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 670 (176-200/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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