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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
268Bug reportClosedLowcrash identifying features (mac os x)Gary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
270Bug reportClosedLowPrint composer and printing (OSX)2009-08-22 12:46 AM
271Bug reportClosedLowsvn 2006.09.14 crashes after using "Move vertex" on an empty canvasGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
272Bug reportClosedLowa bookmark is actually deleted OK, but an error is issued that it wasn'tGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
273Bug reportClosedLowcompile errorGary Sherman2006-10-06 04:03 PM
275Bug reportClosedLowCrash when viewing attribute tableGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
276Bug reportClosedLowidentify feature on Fedora core 5Gary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
277Bug reportClosedLowProblem viewing PostGIS views of viewsGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
279Bug reportClosedLowLow resolution of point symbols in print composer / printed mapMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:57 AM
280Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes when measuring distances with another ellipsoid than the default oneMartin Dobias2009-08-22 12:46 AM
281Bug reportClosedLowSelecting features causing abnormal exit2014-06-29 10:12 AM
282Bug reportClosedLowMapinfo file not rendering correctlyMartin Dobias2009-08-22 12:46 AM
283Bug reportClosedLowPolygon & multipolygon shape file crashes qgisGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
284Bug reportClosedLowBuilding pyramids with magphase method cause corrupt resampled imagesTim Sutton2009-08-22 12:52 AM
285Bug reportClosedLowOutdated stuff in Help menuGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
286Bug reportClosedLowProblems in Windows versionTim Sutton2009-08-22 12:46 AM
287Bug reportClosedLowalthough I switch GRASS region off, it remains displayed until displayed is refreshedRedmine Admin2009-08-22 12:46 AM
288Bug reportClosedLowQGIS renders raster tifs with transparent alpha channel as opaque.Gavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:45 AM
289Bug reportClosedLowGRASS Edit: don't force category 0 if none specifiedLorenzo Masini2009-08-10 09:50 AM
290Bug reportClosedLowGrass edit: only the first category is deletedRedmine Admin2009-08-22 12:46 AM
291Bug reportClosedLow'Save as Image' is bogusGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
293Bug reportClosedLowa pattern fill is rendered wrongMartin Dobias2009-08-22 12:46 AM
294Bug reportClosedLow'save project' doesn't remember which layers are collapsed or 'open project' ognores itGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
295Bug reportClosedLowrendering vectors got tremendously slowMartin Dobias2009-08-22 12:46 AM
296Bug reportClosedLowsecond shape vector layer added is not displayedMartin Dobias2009-08-22 12:46 AM

1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 670 (176-200/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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