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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5564Bug reportRejectedNormallinux qgis nightly-build built using 2-years-old gdal 1.7.3, creating misaligned on-the-fly reprojected layers 2012-05-16 09:15 AM
5413Bug reportRejectedHighVirus in grass-6.4.2 package, QGIS 1.7.42012-04-19 03:12 AM
3968Bug reportRejectedNormalMailingList : qgis-commit seem to be no more refresh with last commits.2012-04-17 08:58 AM
5304Bug reportRejectedNormalGoogle layers plugin won't load2012-04-04 09:25 AM
5102Bug reportRejectedNormalquery ["field" != 'NULL'] works while ["field" = 'NULL'] doesn't2012-03-30 02:48 AM
5199Feature requestRejectedNormalRelative paths for qgis server2012-03-18 03:40 PM
5168Bug reportRejectedNormalGrass plugin is disappeared2012-03-12 12:34 PM
4215Bug reportRejectedNormalAbfragen auf Layer aufheben2011-11-01 03:31 AM
4292Bug reportRejectedNormalHow is it possible....2011-09-16 03:10 AM
4118Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS 1.8 uses gdal 1.6 instead of gdal 1.8 under ubuntu2011-08-29 10:06 PM
4209Bug reportRejectedNormalFail when using clipper from Gdal Tools2011-08-23 12:37 AM
4120Bug reportRejectedNormalcannot use the plugin installer when installed using osgeo4w setup2011-08-01 01:02 AM
4027Bug reportRejectedNormalIcon missing in the menu when using ubuntu since 20092011-07-29 01:23 AM
4065Bug reportRejectedNormalPostGIS connection from PGAdmin - troublesome on win7?2011-07-10 12:43 AM
13149Feature requestClosedNormalSpecific projection system for oceanographers2019-05-24 08:05 AM
12401Feature requestClosedNormalCentral cylindrical projection2019-05-24 08:05 AM
15314Bug reportClosedLowDifferent projection definitions for 32 and 64 bit2019-05-24 08:04 AM
21661Bug reportClosedNormalLuzon 1911 /UTM Zone 50,51 and 52N and PRS92 / UTM Zone 50,51and 52N projections parameters are not correct2019-05-24 08:04 AM
11347Feature requestClosedNormalUnneccessarily inaccurate transformation Gauß-Krüger to UTM2019-05-24 08:03 AM
9352Feature requestClosedNormalupdate 7 parameter transformation fir Israel ITM grid2019-05-24 08:03 AM
2705Feature requestClosedLowCorrect Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed2019-05-24 08:03 AM
15981Feature requestClosedNormalAustria NTv2 AT_GIS_GRID Transformation out-of-box2019-05-24 08:03 AM
13372Feature requestClosedNormalIntegrate AT_GIS_GRID (NTv2 Transformation) in QGIS 2.8+ 2019-05-24 08:02 AM
19740Bug reportClosedNormalWrong BBOX for some EPSG code in the CRS selector (EPSG:25834 EPSG:25833)2019-05-24 08:01 AM
8954Feature requestClosedNormalAdd towgs84 parameters to some CRS for Portugal2019-05-24 08:00 AM

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