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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2684Bug reportClosedLowActions not working with hidden column2015-11-14 12:00 PM
2691Bug reportClosedLowv.db.what.connect.qgm broken2012-02-24 04:06 AM
2700Bug reportClosedLowAdding a layer from py plugin, with QgsVectorLayer.setEditFormInit (QString function) set2010-09-19 08:57 AM
2701Feature requestClosedLowAdd a "reverse lines" processing algorithm2015-11-27 11:57 AM
2705Feature requestClosedLowCorrect Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed2019-05-24 08:03 AM
2713Bug reportClosedLow"Leaking" strokes using non-continuos outline2015-07-13 03:40 AM
2714Bug reportClosedNormalCrash when resizing map window with Qt 4.62013-07-08 04:40 AM
2718Bug reportClosedLowselecting too large symbol size takes ages to display2014-05-08 10:58 PM
2733Bug reportClosedLowfTools Add geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file or PostGIS Layer2017-05-01 01:23 AM
2760Bug reportClosedLowSpatiaLite Layers Not Displaying in PPC Mac2012-04-20 09:29 AM
2764Feature requestClosedLowPut in status bar instead of options - "By default new layers added to the map should be displayed"2016-04-26 02:29 AM
2766Bug reportClosedNormalQuery failed if field value contains apostrophe2012-04-18 12:15 AM
2777Feature requestClosedLowAdd EPSG:38122012-07-22 04:40 PM
2778Feature requestClosedLowfield calculator window not completely visible on a small screen2015-11-10 06:45 AM
2779Feature requestClosedLowbatch creation of spatial index (.qix)2011-11-12 02:53 AM
2783Feature requestClosedLowZoom to group2012-10-09 02:30 AM
2797Bug reportClosedLowChange EPSG for a WMS Layer2010-07-01 04:14 PM
2798Bug reportClosedHighResizing GUI panels causes multiple reloading of enabled layers (especially painful in case of WMS)2014-02-08 09:05 AM
2806Bug reportClosedLowftools.dissolve and geoprocessing.dissolve "loose" polygons2017-05-01 01:23 AM
2807Feature requestClosedLowFont symbols for fill patterns in polygons2014-11-17 10:41 AM
2812Bug reportClosedLowMissing labels with the new labeling system2014-06-02 04:46 AM
2830Feature requestClosedLowsymbology: add option to sort size-scaled symbols with largest at bottom2017-08-13 06:01 PM
2839Feature requestClosedLowadd rasterlite support in "add spatialite layer" or add new button "add rasterlite layer"2014-06-20 08:38 AM
2854Bug reportClosedLowExit-call in libqgis_core2012-06-29 07:08 AM
2856Bug reportClosedLowGrass toolbox filter input isn't labelled2015-12-15 08:56 AM

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