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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1754Feature requestClosedLowDocumentation should mention PCRaster map format as supported Raster formatnobody -2009-07-10 01:02 AM
1689Bug reportClosedLowold projects: selecting `Project Properties...` ('P') in `Settings` menu crashes QGISnobody -2009-07-10 02:13 AM
1391Bug reportClosedLowUnique Value classification: problems with symbology of featuresnobody -2009-07-10 10:28 AM
1756Bug reportClosedLowIn "Add Postgis Layer", renaming a connection does not worksJürgen Fischer2009-07-11 01:03 AM
1571Bug reportClosedLowlayers loose group when moving referenced shape-filesnobody -2009-07-11 04:09 AM
1558Bug reportClosedLowWGS84 conversion to EPSG:27700 in error by greater than 100 metresnobody -2009-07-11 08:45 AM
292Feature requestClosedLowEnable Global style options in the Unique Value Symbolizer, especially setting no outlinesMarco Hugentobler2009-07-12 07:23 AM
1334Feature requestClosedLowsave areas of polygons and length of lines in defined field in dbf of shapefilesnobody -2009-07-12 08:22 AM
1408Feature requestClosedLowInclude Pyqwt5 and numeric in Win installnobody -2009-07-12 09:00 AM
1600Bug reportClosedLowgeoreferencer fails with Critical errornobody -2009-07-12 09:50 AM
1387Feature requestClosedLowWMS list: change layer order, allow editing after additionMarco Hugentobler2009-07-13 03:56 AM
1766Bug reportClosedLowInstaller skips all files and completes without installing anythingnobody -2009-07-13 07:13 AM
1545Feature requestClosedLowQgis should cope with table aliases in view definitionsnobody -2009-07-13 10:55 AM
1535Bug reportClosedLowqgspostgresprovider choosing non-unique column as primary keyJürgen Fischer2009-07-13 12:12 PM
1769Feature requestClosedLowFont-Sizes and Offset Values should allow non-integer valuesnobody -2009-07-13 01:24 PM
1776Feature requestClosedLowdefault port for qgis.db.connect-loginLorenzo Masini2009-07-13 02:23 PM
1325Bug reportClosedLowMultipoint layer problems - zoom to selection doesn't work; layer extent has wild values on editingnobody -2009-07-13 05:16 PM
1649Bug reportClosedLowCRS status icon click crashes on existing project filesnobody -2009-07-14 10:48 AM
1733Feature requestClosedLowWhen a / is on the end of an url http: is dropped from the GETMarco Hugentobler2009-07-14 10:04 PM
1778Bug reportClosedLowhelp button non functional in GRASS moduleLorenzo Masini2009-07-14 11:59 PM
1777Feature requestClosedLowdefault port for qgis.db.connect-loginLorenzo Masini2009-07-15 12:31 AM
1774Bug reportClosedLowman page missing for Masini2009-07-15 01:28 AM
1388Feature requestClosedLowMacOSX V1.0.0 Kore- preview very slow to enter into GRASS edit modenobody -2009-07-15 03:12 AM
1180Bug reportClosedLowCrash on OS X when adding vector layersTom Elwertowski2009-07-15 04:07 AM
1779Bug reportClosedLowr.mapcalc list of layers gets wrongLorenzo Masini2009-07-15 04:10 AM
1056Bug reportClosedLowTransparent Zoom box goes funny if cursor not in top left 100,100 pixelsnobody -2009-07-15 04:48 AM
1781Feature requestClosedLowNot all QgsVectorLayer.EditTypes are Supported by PythonMarco Hugentobler2009-07-15 04:58 AM
1476Bug reportClosedLowRepeated click on Unique Value's Classify button produces extraneous classes in Grass vector layers.nobody -2009-07-15 05:23 AM
1392Bug reportClosedLowMap Composer Stalls on png exportnobody -2009-07-15 05:24 AM
1612Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes when topological editing is enabledMarco Hugentobler2009-07-15 05:24 AM
1686Bug reportClosedLowQGis crashes if in "printout composer" when I'm trying put scale gadgetnobody -2009-07-15 05:39 AM
1406Feature requestClosedLowpsycopg2 should be added to QGIS distributions on Windows and OSXnobody -2009-07-15 07:19 AM
1404Feature requestClosedLowimprovement for georeferencer pluginnobody -2009-07-15 08:55 AM
1349Bug reportClosedLowChange Outline Style for multiple classes (Vector Properties)Magnus Homann2009-07-15 09:49 AM
921Feature requestClosedLowFeature: Carry single symbol settings over to other 'Legend type' settingsnobody -2009-07-15 09:54 AM
1261Feature requestClosedLowlet copy attributes to clipboardnobody -2009-07-15 11:54 AM
1685Bug reportClosedLowPrint composer does not worknobody -2009-07-15 10:51 PM
1691Bug reportClosedLowfTools->Geometry Tools->Export/Add geometry columns doesn't work with PostGIS Layerscfarmer -2009-07-16 01:02 AM
1663Bug reportClosedLowQGIS uses wrong GRASS library.nobody -2009-07-16 01:51 AM
1783Feature requestClosedLowadd v.split to GRASS toolboxLorenzo Masini2009-07-16 04:21 AM
1784Bug parsing bugLorenzo Masini2009-07-16 04:52 AM
1374Feature requestClosedLowAdd support for different proxy typesnobody -2009-07-16 08:40 AM
1422Feature requestClosedLowAdd ability to use socks5 proxynobody -2009-07-16 11:08 AM
1062Feature requestClosedLow"Bar graphs" iconsMarco Hugentobler2009-07-17 04:18 AM
1447Bug reportClosedLowgaps in lines for outline width < 0.26nobody -2009-07-17 04:33 AM
481Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect point placementnobody -2009-07-17 06:07 AM
1099Feature requestClosedLowbutton to add class graduated symbol dialog2009-07-17 06:11 AM
1601Bug reportClosedLowqgis crashes when "zooming out"nobody -2009-07-17 06:23 AM
1661Bug reportClosedLowImporting a void shapefile created with ftools crashes Qgisnobody -2009-07-17 06:25 AM
1420Bug reportClosedLowrandom freezes when built with debugnobody -2009-07-17 06:37 AM

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