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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21308Bug reportClosedNormalCant save project file, "Unable to save auxiliary storage".2019-02-19 09:09 AM
21307Bug reportClosedHighCrash on Edit Vertex2019-03-09 07:58 PM
21306Bug reportClosedHighIncorrect raster behaviour and crashes2019-03-08 10:17 AM
21305Bug reportClosedHighpasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is very slowAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-21 10:06 AM
21304Bug reportClosedHigh"default value" is not applied when pasting featuresAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-21 08:30 AM
21303Bug reportClosedHighPostgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes table if the table has a large number of columnsAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-21 08:31 AM
21300Feature requestClosedNormalIt is not possible to export all frames from QGIS 3d animations as imagesPeter Petrik2019-02-27 08:59 AM
21296Bug reportClosedHighRegressions in processing "Tile Index" toolNyall Dawson2019-02-19 03:54 AM
21295Bug reportClosedNormalRendering with QImage.Format_Indexed8 produces blank output2019-02-18 02:14 PM
21293Feature requestClosedNormalMake Geopackage Layer Descriptions more accessible and usable2019-02-18 08:55 AM
21292Bug reportClosedNormalQgis 3 temporary data stay in /tmp even if Qgis is closed2019-02-18 02:23 PM
21290Bug reportClosedNormalWhen Windows 10 Ransomware protection "Controlled folder access" is turned on QGIS can't save project files2019-03-09 10:35 AM
21287Bug reportClosedNormalCannot edit vector features - Unknown Exception Error2019-02-15 06:48 PM
21284Feature requestClosedNormal[Expression] Allow negative value for vertex index in angle_at_vertex/distance_at_vertex/point_n... functionsMathieu Pellerin - nIRV2019-03-13 05:49 AM
21283Bug reportClosedNormalVertex Tool: issue selecting vertices of "locked" features2019-02-21 08:52 AM
21281Bug reportClosedHighBug with multiple Else items in rule-based styleAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-17 09:12 AM
21278Bug reportClosedHighCrash Qgis2019-02-24 02:12 AM
21277Bug reportClosedNormalError loading QGIS2019-03-08 10:19 AM
21276Bug reportClosedHighcrash when quitting2019-02-24 02:13 AM
21275Bug reportClosedHighmanually selected datum transformation setting is ignoredNyall Dawson2019-03-19 12:49 AM
21273Bug reportClosedNormalPolygon layer snapping and vertex tool fail with rule-based style2019-02-15 12:02 PM
21272Bug reportClosedHighDuplicate QgsFeatureId in Oracle DB Table2019-03-09 09:37 AM
21270Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when createInstance() uses wrong constructor in a QgsProcessingAlgorithm subclassAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-20 07:43 AM
21268Bug reportClosedLowLoading zipped shapefile throws OGR warning2019-02-15 11:23 PM
21266Bug reportClosedHighAttribute forms do not show anymore constraints messagesAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-19 02:34 PM
21265Bug reportClosedLowQgis 3.4.4: the version number has not been updated. It shows 3.4.32019-02-25 09:45 AM
21264Bug reportClosedNormalbug in saga algorithm python2019-02-18 04:57 PM
21262Bug reportClosedNormalInstalled Development VersionPhilip Schroeder2019-02-14 09:06 AM
21260Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Crashed when trying to render a subset of 3D building using CityGML2019-03-08 10:58 AM
21259Bug reportClosedHighGeometry Checker CrashesAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-18 02:14 PM
21258Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on closing2019-02-13 03:49 PM
21257Feature requestClosedNormalAffiche sur des écrans 4K de PC portables2019-02-14 10:40 AM
21256Bug reportClosedHighCrash whenever the field calculator dialog is opened2019-02-13 03:57 PM
21255Bug reportClosedNormalCrash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e632019-02-13 03:48 PM
21254Bug reportClosedNormalLayer Properties > Load Style > From database > 'Other styles ...' > Description column contains Name text, should contain Description text (it is a geopackage layer)Alessandro Pasotti2019-02-14 08:24 AM
21253Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when adding tif raster layerJürgen Fischer2019-02-13 03:50 PM
21252Bug reportClosedHighBUG - SAVING LAYOUT2019-02-13 12:08 PM
21251Feature requestClosedHighSet output file resolution option and CRS options to Processing Clip Raster to Mask Layer - ClipRasterByMask.py2019-03-11 01:29 PM
21248Bug reportClosedNormalProgram keeps crashing on closing2019-02-13 12:19 PM
21244Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.5.0-Master crashes when loading multiple WFS layers2019-02-12 07:47 PM
21243Bug reportClosedHighAtlas Hidden Coverage Layer option has no effect exporting Atlas as Images2019-02-20 05:49 PM
21239Bug reportClosedNormalVector tools not showing2019-03-08 10:32 AM
21237Bug reportClosedHigh"unknown exception" when enabling editing2019-02-13 12:05 PM
21236Bug reportClosedHighCrash running queries in DB ManagerAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-13 11:04 AM
21232Bug reportClosedNormal#20053 is back again2019-02-11 05:49 PM
21231Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes using the geometry checker2019-02-18 03:29 PM
21230Bug reportClosedHighQGIS master crash when using spatial indices2019-02-13 07:54 PM
21227Bug reportClosedNormalGeopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in the layer_styles table or the TriggersMartin Dobias2019-04-09 09:41 AM
21226Bug reportClosedHighInstalling QGIS new version 3.4 in linux - please help ! 2019-02-11 06:13 PM
21224Bug reportClosedNormalChanging feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) doesn't save (after clicking save button), old values appear after reloading 2019-03-02 09:16 AM

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