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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
194Feature requestClosedLowUpdated Slovak translationGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
150Feature requestClosedLowUser should be able to change the copyright text colourGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
75Feature requestClosedLowshow postigs layer names as schema.table.columnGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
19794Feature requestClosedNormalAdd capability for specifying additional options with the gdal:contour processing algorithmGiovanni Manghi2018-09-25 02:11 AM
16974Feature requestClosedHighMerge Selected Features - warn user in advance when merged geometry type does not match layer geometry typeGiovanni Manghi2017-08-10 11:18 AM
15340Feature requestClosedNormalCheckbox for multithreading in gdalwarpGiovanni Manghi2017-04-29 05:30 AM
15282Feature requestClosedNormalbackport to 2.18 "v.voronoi.skeleton.txt" (avaiable only on master).Giovanni Manghi2017-07-19 07:59 PM
15261Feature requestClosedNormalAdd multiple column selection to Processing/OGR toolsGiovanni Manghi2018-04-19 06:33 AM
13933Feature requestClosedNormalImprove help file of "Import vector into POSTGIS" - error when fields have high precision valuesGiovanni Manghi2018-02-02 09:41 AM
13386Feature requestClosedNormalogr2ogr based tool to "dissolve polylines"Giovanni Manghi2019-03-11 02:18 PM
12302Feature requestClosedNormalAdd PKTools to ProcessingGiovanni Manghi2015-06-07 04:33 AM
12020Feature requestClosedNormal"Import Vector into PostGIS database" should also allow to import geometry-less layersGiovanni Manghi2015-06-19 01:29 PM
11812Feature requestClosedNormalAdd compression options for outputs ("-co") in gdal tools for ProcessingGiovanni Manghi2015-02-06 12:05 PM
11749Feature requestClosedNormalAdd the "-unsetFieldWidth" flag to the "Impot vector into postgis database" toolGiovanni Manghi2015-02-01 05:40 PM
11636Feature requestClosedNormalogr2ogr to select disjoint featuresGiovanni Manghi2019-03-11 02:38 PM
11569Feature requestClosedNormalUse ogr2ogr to Dissolve polygonsGiovanni Manghi2015-06-19 01:27 PM
11515Feature requestClosedNormalUse ogr2ogr to create midpoints along linesGiovanni Manghi2015-06-19 01:28 PM
5651Feature requestClosedNormaladd the "-wo OPTIMIZE_SIZE=TRUE" option to the warp toolGiovanni Manghi2016-03-25 07:45 AM
4154Feature requestClosedNormalAdd GDAL calcGiovanni Manghi2015-06-19 01:30 PM
1626Feature requestClosedLowr.viewshed, r.cost: take input points from the canvasGiovanni Manghi2018-02-24 05:46 PM
6826Feature requestClosedNormalDBManager: allow to export a table to a vector fileGiuseppe Sucameli2012-12-04 07:37 PM
6825Feature requestClosedNormalDBManager: add a dialog to import vector fileGiuseppe Sucameli2012-12-04 07:37 PM
6824Feature requestClosedNormalDBManager: import layer from canvasGiuseppe Sucameli2012-12-04 07:37 PM
5906Feature requestClosedNormalMake db manager use the "select at id" option when adding postgis layers to the canvasGiuseppe Sucameli2012-11-28 09:48 AM
5899Feature requestClosedNormalDuplicate layerGiuseppe Sucameli2012-11-02 10:15 AM

1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 670 (151-175/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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