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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13856Bug reportClosedLowDB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong2018-03-08 05:19 PM
14076Bug reportClosedLowCheck geometries plugin: missing command running indicator2018-03-07 12:38 PM
16386Bug reportClosedLowQGIS and GDAL cannot be updated together on Ubuntu Xenial 2018-03-07 10:02 AM
18327Bug reportClosedLowSelecting "arrow" as line style crash QGIS in custom projection2018-03-06 12:29 AM
3044Feature requestClosedLowcollision detection for symbols2018-03-05 09:23 AM
13526Feature requestClosedLowGRASS modules filter: add the cleanup button2018-03-03 11:12 AM
2646Bug reportClosedLowlost focus by click on a object when evis is activate to the layerersts -2018-03-03 11:00 AM
18281Bug reportClosedLow[UI] Wrong window title for 3D configuration window2018-03-03 09:24 AM
18279Bug reportClosedLow[UI] Empty space in Properties window > Sources2018-03-01 04:23 PM
18152Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 3.0 - Data Source Manager Dialog - default behavior has changed2018-03-01 02:27 PM
18213Bug reportClosedLowProcessing modeler - undocked panes should be closed when the modeler is closedVictor Olaya2018-03-01 12:32 PM
3289Feature requestClosedLowDock "Simplify Feature"Denis Rouzaud2018-02-26 03:17 PM
12259Bug reportClosedLowWindow for the creation of new memory layers: wrong size2018-02-25 07:25 PM
11017Feature requestClosedLowSaving styles should be more uniform2018-02-25 07:23 PM
3460Bug reportClosedLowslow image load visualization for tfw with rotation parameters2018-02-25 05:52 PM
159Bug reportClosedLowSVG export doesn't crop layers to page size2018-02-25 05:42 PM
10971Bug reportClosedLowMap composer: map updates2018-02-25 05:31 PM
14694Bug reportClosedLow DB Manager: F5 not working2018-02-25 05:01 PM
7037Bug reportClosedLowWMS Server Search returns Network Error 3012018-02-25 08:56 AM
1626Feature requestClosedLowr.viewshed, r.cost: take input points from the canvasGiovanni Manghi2018-02-24 05:46 PM
10146Feature requestClosedLowAdd appropriate colour ramps to results of analyses2018-02-24 04:46 PM
1795Feature requestClosedLowr.patch: allow adding rasters, not typing them2018-02-24 03:55 PM
10521Bug reportClosedLoworder of reading svg paths2018-02-24 03:53 PM
1728Feature requestClosedLowadd module2018-02-24 03:34 PM
16417Bug reportClosedLowGeoreferencer icons in QGIS 3 too big2018-02-24 03:00 PM

1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 670 (151-175/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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