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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
9773Bug reportRejectedLowIssue with Memory Provider example code in PyQGIS Cookbook2015-03-05 05:40 AM
5184Bug reportRejectedLowGoogleLayersPlugin 0.7.2 crash with 1.74 and QGIS-master2012-05-23 06:15 AM
8815Bug reportRejectedLowQGIS Visual Studio 2012 build - runtime fail2013-10-10 09:09 AM
5703Feature requestRejectedLowImplement raster extent and resolution from an existing raster also for OTBVictor Olaya2017-05-03 07:04 PM
20124Bug reportRejectedLow[mdal] Refreshing the canvas does not reload the meshPeter Petrik2019-05-03 03:27 PM
14466Bug reportRejectedLowConditional formatted table cells expressions are evaluated wrongNathan Woodrow2018-10-15 03:58 AM
3051Bug reportRejectedLowAllowing 'geometryless' tables in PostGIS datasource is showing system tables/schemasJürgen Fischer2011-12-17 01:41 AM
3814Bug reportRejectedLowPolygonize generates a custom projection instead of using the source projectionGiuseppe Sucameli2011-09-01 03:18 AM
14937Bug reportRejectedLowExpose "Featured" plugins in plugin managerBorys Jurgiel2016-06-01 02:47 AM
4111Bug reportFixed for bountyNormalBuild with current external spatialindex libMartin Dobias2012-04-15 10:44 AM
4253Bug reportBounty paidNormalFix "value tool" issue with GRASS rasters (and make the plugin) coreRichard Duivenvoorde2012-04-15 09:23 AM
3581Bug reportBounty paidLowFtools: union tool leave holes in outputcfarmer -2017-05-01 01:23 AM
3576Bug reportBounty paidLowqml not read automagically for rastersRedmine Admin2012-04-15 09:23 AM

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