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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
9439Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS sends requests for layers when scrolling2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9438Bug reportClosedNormalWMS CRS listed multiple times2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9437Bug reportClosedNormalWMS Client getting WGS84 BBOX wrong2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9436Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS locks up while waiting for WMS response2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9246Bug reportClosedNormalOGR PostGIS connection does not prompt for a login2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9209Bug reportClosedNormalRule based renderer: rules are not loaded when style is loaded from a SLD file2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9079Bug reportClosedNormalNumeric scale error when print2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9076Bug reportClosedNormalProperties of a group of composer items cannot be edited2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8994Bug reportClosedNormalDifference in topology check between Topology Checker Plugin and Geometry tools2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8775Bug reportClosedNormalPyQGIS QgsPoint has a __hash__ function, even though it is mutable2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8632Bug reportClosedLowSave as dialog offers symbology export for geojson export2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8586Bug reportClosedNormalToo much titles in the Legend from QGIS-server when single-symbol rendering2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8548Bug reportClosedNormalsymbol level defaults not sequential2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8437Bug reportClosedNormaldb manager don't load esri personal geodb to postgis single feature instead of multi created2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8427Bug reportClosedNormalChanging transparency re-requests WMS2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8421Bug reportClosedNormal"import delimited text layer" does not work with files created on excel/osx2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8393Bug reportClosedNormalDefault QGIS toolbars2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8368Bug reportClosedNormalMissing EPSG:102067 projection2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8353Bug reportClosedNormalDefault Snapping Not Working2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8333Bug reportClosedNormalDB Manager's "Import vector layer"'s SRID confirmation dialog has unclear purpose2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8303Bug reportClosedNormalBrowser: WFS connections with already existing URI are not displayed2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8273Bug reportClosedNormalAttributes not loaded from kml/kmz file2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8217Bug reportClosedNormalCopy tools for attribute table2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8189Bug reportClosedNormalLinear (Affine?) option always outputs (and applies) a 0 translation2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8130Bug reportClosedNormalWFS client: invalid columns after copy/paste2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8101Bug reportClosedLow"Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8067Bug reportClosedNormallayer with cylindrical equal-area projection does not render correctly2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8056Bug reportClosedNormalRing is incorrectly interpreted if MIF is used2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7968Bug reportClosedNormalchange the message "The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance" as is misleading in some cases2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7939Bug reportClosedNormalZoom to Best Scale (100%) Produces Jagged Image2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7879Bug reportClosedNormalAutomatic creation of warped VRT is incompatible with pyramid (overview) supports2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7836Bug reportClosedNormalInconsistent default estimation parameter between MSSQL and PostGIS2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7758Bug reportClosedNormalMaximum viewing scale2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7680Bug reportClosedNormallabels with (rectangle) background overlap each other2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7650Bug reportClosedNormalWMS provider and XLink namespace definition2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7600Bug reportClosedNormal$geometry parameter does not expand to layer geometry column name2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7554Bug reportClosedNormalfield calculator save wrong values when field width isn't enough2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7545Bug reportClosedLowlayer screen hangs on database lock2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7523Bug reportClosedNormalWindows build WITHOUT OSGeo4W2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7502Bug reportClosedNormalDisplay/layer name not saved in qml2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7432Bug reportClosedNormalgeoreferencer does not give any CRS to output if "target CRS" is left blank2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7431Bug reportClosedNormalgeoreferencing using resampling other than "nearest neighbour" produces wrong output colors2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7430Bug reportClosedNormal"target crs" in georeferencer does not work2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7368Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS writing out incorrect .prj file2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7327Bug reportClosedNormaldxf export drops elevation data2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7266Bug reportClosedNormalsometimes rubberband disappear during editing2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7243Bug reportClosedNormalDefault CRS for Georeferencing2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7156Bug reportClosedNormalVector geometry simplification works only if project CRS matches layer CRS2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7115Bug reportClosedNormaleVis Event Browser doesn't show http images2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7098Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS forms invalid WFS request when partially formed2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7085Bug reportClosedNormalUI geometry config not updating2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7064Bug reportClosedNormal"cross2" symbol should be exported in SLD as "x"2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7061Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect rendering of dash pattern with zero-length dash for thin lines2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6997Bug reportClosedNormalLocks kept on layers after removal from registry2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6996Bug reportClosedNormalLine pattern fill is not rendered to vector in pdf export2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6920Bug reportClosedNormalEdit session only enabled for last selected layer2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6913Bug reportClosedNormalPython interpreter starts hardwired to search buildSourcePath when run from build directory2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6911Bug reportClosedNormalqgis evaluate raster settings from canvas situation don't use original raster.2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6841Bug reportClosedNormalVariable Jenks classification in QGIS2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6815Bug reportClosedNormalForms with input fields and multiple controls shouldn't bind enter key to OK button2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6798Bug reportClosedNormalwhen copying a table by d&d from one schema to another the serial property is lost in the pk2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6774Bug reportClosedNormalExport to PDF changes feature colours2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6727Bug reportClosedNormalCRS functions are enabled for non-spatial tables2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6720Bug reportClosedNormalError when saved of geometry with Z Dimension2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6718Bug reportClosedNormalEdit button toggle not processed if qgis is busy2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6595Bug reportClosedNormalcurved labels gone missing when project's CRS is WGS84 but shows up fine using a UTM CRS2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6594Bug reportClosedNormalcurved placement label not fulling circular line 2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6515Bug reportClosedNormalvalues in "value map" edit widget are always treated as text2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6512Bug reportClosedNormalSL Geometryless tables are not accessible from browser or "add SL layer", but they are in DB Manager2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6439Bug reportClosedLowCurve label becomes horizontal when x,y are manually set2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6369Bug reportClosedNormalvsizip - relative paths not used & can't update path in "missing layers" dialogue2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6256Bug reportClosedNormalSLD: import both plain values and ogc:Literal tags within se:SvgParameter tag (and others)2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6222Bug reportClosedNormalimplement QgsStyleV2::save()2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6209Bug reportClosedNormalSome "SVG fill" dialog issues2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6200Bug reportClosedNormalLabel direction does not take scale-dependent average to determin line orientation2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6193Bug reportClosedNormalCan't load layers from a zip a 2nd time, after it is modified (need to restart QGIS)2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6186Bug reportClosedLow"Build pyramids internally if possible" implies that if not possible, the pyramids will be automatically built externally2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6155Bug reportClosedNormalSLD Export fails to write out LineSymbolizer Stroke information2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6102Bug reportClosedNormalClicking save when actively editing attribute doesn't save changes.2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5982Bug reportClosedNormalvector layer encoding default not saved not configurable2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5968Bug reportClosedNormalGeoreferencing plugin imports transparent area when set transparent = 0 active2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5938Bug reportClosedNormalprimary key/autoincrement not imported in sqlite2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5872Bug reportClosedNormalmarker symbol previews incorrectly rendered - should be scaled down instead of clipped when larger than preview size2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5780Bug reportClosedLowMost labels in menus are in Title Case2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5629Bug reportClosedNormalUnable to import a layer containing multipart and/or 3D geometries2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5411Bug reportClosedNormalHighlighted features are not at top of the canvas2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5224Bug reportClosedNormal'Merge selected features' tool creates invalid MULTIPOLYGON instead of POLYGON geometry2019-03-09 04:04 PM
5129Bug reportClosedNormalGPX files created with the GPS plugin are not validated2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4946Bug reportClosedNormalInvalid loading of WMS layer in not recognized projection2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4891Bug reportClosedNormalWMS layer 'Add' button in wrong place2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4791Bug reportClosedNormalLabelling is extremely slow2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4687Bug reportClosedNormalmemory vector layer does not show nor export attributes2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4641Bug reportClosedNormalColours are incorrect in exported PDF2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4639Bug reportClosedNormalLine spacing wrong when Export to PDF and data defined font properties2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4629Bug reportClosedNormalError of Georeferencing with Japanese file-name2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4537Bug reportClosedNormalUnfilled Selected polygons not shown: boundaries not highlighted2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4488Bug reportClosedNormalGPS Tracking: blocking2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4472Bug reportClosedNormalSingle-band Colormap color wrong on one end of color scale.2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4442Bug reportClosedNormalMulti line labels render on one line with curved labels2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4404Bug reportClosedNormalNZMG and other NZGD49 based CRSs are wrong2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4380Bug reportClosedNormalgeojson data not displayed when first feature geometry is null2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4377Bug reportClosedLowif "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is set "prompt for CRS", then the CRS is asked when loading a map into the georeferencer2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4361Bug reportClosedLowEdit button is not updated when provider query makes a layer read-only2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4350Bug reportClosedNormalHandle HTML content in RSS feed for OpenSearch results2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4300Bug reportClosedNormalZoom to Layer Extent does not work after extent of underlying PostGIS view changes2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4237Bug reportClosedNormalDisabling line layer editing without finishing line leaves a ghost line object (even in new projects!)2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4112Bug reportClosedNormalclosing an offline spatialite does not connect to the remote db.2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4101Bug reportClosedNormalNo indication of the problem when opening a project with an unsupported layer2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4092Bug reportClosedLowCancel, OK and Apply buttons behave incorrectly and inconsistently in "Settings>Project Properties"2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4075Bug reportClosedLowQGIS Project loading: loading of referenced groups/layers not included in project loading progress bar2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4056Bug reportClosedNormalwhen built-in SVGs are added to a composer layout paths should be relative to the install directory2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3807Bug reportClosedLowQgsRasterLayer.identify() is always True2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3714Bug reportClosedLowQt arguments are not supported2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3564Bug reportClosedLowVRT based on Oracle ODBC datasource do not show in "Open Attribute tTable", but labels work.2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3551Bug reportClosedLowSelecting with mouse in table2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3443Bug reportClosedNormalline snapping fails to snap to it self2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3089Bug reportClosedLowProblem with On-the-fly CRS transformation2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3053Bug reportClosedLowVector layer is disappeared after opening Event Browser window2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2887Bug reportClosedLowLarge dbf file with export from postgis to shape2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2487Bug reportClosedLowMemory data provider should not be saved2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2486Bug reportClosedLowUnique value symbology doesn't work in canvas with postgres "character" data type2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2444Bug reportClosedLowDiscrepancy between gdalinfo and QGIS raster metadata2019-03-09 04:04 PM
1722Bug reportClosedLowPyramids are not build if tifw contains rotations2019-03-09 04:04 PM
15730Bug reportClosedNormal"Geometry tools" vector menu entry is duplicated2019-03-09 03:51 PM
15723Bug reportClosedNormalLabels not showing when adding them using Python2019-03-09 03:51 PM
15661Bug reportClosedNormalMeasurement tool and its inconsistent behaviour2019-03-09 03:51 PM
15563Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS do not preserve z coordinate when copy/paste multipart features in spatialite2019-03-09 03:51 PM
15427Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS rendering freaks out loading qml + shp when OTF disabled2019-03-09 03:51 PM
15421Bug reportClosedNormalQgsSnapper return only one result on multiple items2019-03-09 03:51 PM
21514Bug reportClosedNormalDebian packages don't contain libQTSignal.so2019-03-09 03:31 PM
15572Bug reportClosedNormalSome WMS service are displayed as empties because of bad SRS and view scale interpretation (msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Unsupported SRS namespace (only EPSG and AUTO currently supported).)2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14918Bug reportClosedNormal[GPS Information Panel] The last point that close the polygon assumes the WGS84 coordinate.2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14816Bug reportClosedNormalno style backward compatibility2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14742Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 32 bits doesn't save default attribute id field (integer64) values2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14691Bug reportClosedNormalType changing from INTEGER (10) to QSTRING in QGIS 2.8.82019-03-09 03:12 PM
14513Bug reportClosedNormalBad Interpolation TIN (displacement and hole) when too many points inside pixel...2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14494Bug reportClosedNormalgeometry.intersection() does not work properly in this case2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14490Bug reportClosedNormalQgsMapLayer::dataChanged not emited when QgsVectorLayer data are modified2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14376Bug reportClosedNormalDouble-clicking .qgs file opens with no data displayed2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14280Bug reportClosedNormalLayer properties: name 'displayed as' not editable2019-03-09 03:12 PM
14264Bug reportClosedNormalGraduated symbol generator not recognizing real numbers properly2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13995Bug reportClosedNormalsingleband pseudocolor discrete rendered wrong2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13925Bug reportClosedNormalQlr-file saves datasource path not as absolute path2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13736Bug reportClosedNormalsub dialogs too big for screen2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13704Bug reportClosedNormalOutput path defaults to the QGIS installation folder2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13607Bug reportClosedNormalDBManager doesn't allow to load PostGis Raster with a number as first character2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13598Bug reportClosedNormalBad allocation when call raster layer property2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13527Bug reportClosedNormalBad (, missing) GeoJSON response from WFS request for feature from multiple layers (multiple layers remains in the same qgis project)2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13415Bug reportClosedNormalImport into PostGIS - Locale bug2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13399Bug reportClosedNormalUnable to export image in Print Composer while Render as HTML box is checked2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13368Bug reportClosedLowDifference tool generates invalid geometries2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13296Bug reportClosedNormaltopology checker misleading errors2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13211Bug reportClosedNormalattribute table in print composer does not refresh2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13208Bug reportClosedNormalPoor attribute query and spatial selection performance on large PostGIS layers2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13207Bug reportClosedNormalDefault selection polygon fails to disappear2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12992Bug reportClosedNormalosm.pbf files not showing objects count 2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12971Bug reportClosedNormalSet the CRS of Dataset2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12965Bug reportClosedNormalLegend item name not updated in Composer when renaming layer2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12963Bug reportClosedNormalQgsMapToolIdentifyFeature default cursor hotspot is incorrect2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12962Bug reportClosedNormalNewly added geometries are hidden by existing geometries before saving layer edits2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12910Bug reportClosedNormalMove rotated canvas with arrow keys according to rotation2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12874Bug reportClosedNormal[Composer] DEL button doesn't remove items from the print composer on Mac OS X2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12858Bug reportClosedNormalDirectory based file formats can't be selected when project reopens and doesn't find it2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12854Bug reportClosedNormalWhen QGIS is started, a trembling window frame appears through the four desktops2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12795Bug reportClosedNormalGeoreferencer generates incorrect GDAL script when input file is JPG2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12736Bug reportClosedNormalProblems managing WMS metadata2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12728Bug reportClosedNormalAutodeteccion SRC al Abrir ShapeFile no detecta Latitud de Origen2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12680Bug reportClosedNormalDBManager don't recognize a PostGIS geography table (or view) as geometrical2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12677Bug reportClosedNormalZoom to layer on PostGIS Table with geography type2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12669Bug reportClosedNormalCould not snap to a segment on the current layer2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12629Bug reportClosedNormalVector Layer TranslateFeatures performance (2.8.1 vs 1.8.0)2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12625Bug reportClosedNormalDifficult to set value in drop down list in table column2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12609Bug reportClosedNormalMissing symbol display (just) outside map canvas extent2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12581Bug reportClosedNormalStyles for High-precision Raster Layers2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12495Bug reportClosedNormalcannot change name of groups in D&D designer2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12481Bug reportClosedNormalRelation widget defaults to form view2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12467Bug reportClosedNormalCustom letter spacing disappears after SVG export2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12445Bug reportClosedLowWhen opening shp from disk, with toggled rendering OFF, qgis fetching data from dbase2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12435Bug reportClosedNormal"Export Atlas as images" command in OSX won't let user choose file type.2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12402Bug reportClosedNormalLink address of help doc error in non-English version2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12356Bug reportClosedNormalDB Manager loads NUMERIC fields instead of DOUBLE when subquerying2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12310Bug reportClosedNormalInconsistent handling of 3D and 4D postgis data2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12309Bug reportClosedNormalDB manager window minimizes when dragging and dropping files from browser2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12303Bug reportClosedNormalcopy/paste style from one vector layer to another of different geometry type2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12296Bug reportClosedNormalThe "messages" widget cannot be restored when closed with "Esc"2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12271Bug reportClosedNormalThe output page size when printing to device does not match Composer paper size at A12019-03-09 03:12 PM
12209Bug reportClosedNormalProblem Snapping to segments in PostGIS2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12204Bug reportClosedNormalExporting SVG of transparent/semi-transparent layer makes it an image2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12202Bug reportClosedNormalExported SVG layers should have consistent bounds2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12189Bug reportClosedNormalNatural Earth projection is not accepted as custom CRS definition2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12188Bug reportClosedNormalTable structure changes in shape files are not propogated to all copies in project2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12122Bug reportClosedNormalNo text maximum size for mutilines "Text Edit" (QPlainText) form controls2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12118Bug reportClosedNormalAdvanced digitizing toolbar not shown on first install2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12097Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS -> Illustrator CC problems with line and marker widths2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12096Bug reportClosedNormalLine widths doesn't end up the same in export when using Map.2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12087Bug reportClosedLowMiddle click doesn’t focus on main window2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12066Bug reportClosedNormalfont marker symbols wrong size in map units2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12010Bug reportClosedNormalCan edit Z geom but fail to create it2019-03-09 03:12 PM
11985Bug reportClosedNormalWMTS not caching properly in 2.6, works perfectly in 2.02019-03-09 03:12 PM
11973Bug reportClosedNormalNorth arrow decoration is "jumpy" on zoom/pan/rotate (pre-rendered placement)2019-03-09 03:12 PM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 84 (401-600/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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