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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21589Bug reportClosedNormalQgis has 2 active tasks that never complete even though they are both at 100%2019-04-01 10:17 PM
21724Bug reportClosedLowVersion stated wrong2019-04-01 08:30 PM
21722Bug reportClosedNormalDebian conflicting packages2019-04-01 08:08 PM
21409Bug reportClosedNormaldo not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini user parameter fileAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-01 05:31 PM
20402Bug reportClosedNormalTemporary files not deleted upon closing2019-04-01 04:11 PM
21714Bug reportClosedNormalExported GeoPackages have wrong field definitionsAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-01 08:24 AM
21495Bug reportClosedNormalDeleting shapefiles from the browser panel does not delete all the files2019-04-01 12:12 AM
17032Feature requestClosedNormaldelete (or propose to) all files of a shapefile with browser2019-03-31 11:33 PM
20359Bug reportClosedHigh[geometry validation] qgis freeze while saving editsMatthias Kuhn2019-03-31 12:39 PM
21582Bug reportClosedHighPostgres connection - login credentials / authentication2019-03-30 08:47 PM
21415Bug reportClosedNormalCouldn't load plugin 'processing'2019-03-29 11:00 PM
21707Feature requestClosedLowHave Processing-File Tools-Download File work for FTP sites.2019-03-29 06:49 PM
21702Bug reportClosedNormalCalculated x position for textbox returns 100000002019-03-29 03:11 PM
21689Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Crash on Exit2019-03-28 05:27 PM
15241Bug reportClosedNormalDB-Manager and Oracle: only <NULL> values in table preview2019-03-28 01:20 PM
16828Feature requestClosedNormalMulti-attribute search should support embedded forms/relationsMatthias Kuhn2019-03-28 11:56 AM
19821Bug reportClosedHighCtrl-f (filter tool) doesn't show embedded forms from 1:n relations anymoreMatthias Kuhn2019-03-28 11:55 AM
21682Bug reportClosedNormalCrash2019-03-27 07:55 PM
21680Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.7 Rel 14 will not start on windows wiht a hint to check ggis-dev-bin-ggrass76v.env for correct evironmentpath2019-03-27 12:49 PM
21601Feature requestClosedNormalRotate vector polygon feature by specified vertex2019-03-27 12:49 PM
21678Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4.6 cannot find GRASS 7.6.1 on Windows2019-03-26 06:41 PM
21672Bug reportClosedNormal[osgeo4w] qgis-xxx-grass file name has changedJürgen Fischer2019-03-26 03:57 PM
21573Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Crashes when saving a project2019-03-26 03:46 PM
21670Bug reportClosedHighDB Manager - load sql query as layer with primary key2019-03-26 03:23 PM
21671Bug reportClosedNormalCrash when closing qGis-Desktop-Application2019-03-25 06:19 PM
21669Bug reportClosedNormalQGis crashes when connecting any data traveller to computer2019-03-25 10:44 AM
21667Bug reportClosedNormalCrash in 3.4.62019-03-25 08:36 AM
21390Bug reportClosedNormalZ snapping does not work for POINT Z / MULTIPOINT Z entitiesLoïc BARTOLETTI2019-03-25 07:31 AM
21579Bug reportClosedNormallayers with same name will make system slow to an unusable level2019-03-24 01:17 AM
21458Bug reportClosedNormalrendering cycles forever when viewing raster at certain scales2019-03-24 01:17 AM
21488Bug reportClosedHighqgis crashed when setting selection color2019-03-23 01:10 PM
21527Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Crashed Crash ID: 3f7f53a5d2ef1b51cb6e1eb5989f5c140d526fdb2019-03-23 01:09 PM
21494Bug reportClosedHighuser profile crashes when opening at the auth master password prompt2019-03-23 01:09 PM
21503Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.6 crashing while editing and digitizing line features2019-03-23 01:09 PM
21526Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashed on close2019-03-23 01:08 PM
21493Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashed when load a layer2019-03-23 01:08 PM
21656Bug reportClosedNormalHow to insert result fonction in raster created2019-03-22 06:26 PM
21650Bug reportRejectedNormalcalculator not returning correct area2019-03-22 04:31 PM
21652Bug reportClosedHighCannot draw on one layer when avoid overlap is active on another layer2019-03-22 12:01 PM
21651Bug reportClosedNormalAdding TIN Interpolation to new Processing Modeler causes error2019-03-22 06:06 AM
21380Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS GET requests default to using "hostname:80' in the host header instead of just "hostname"2019-03-21 04:53 PM
21631Bug reportClosedNormalSome processing algorithms raise an unnecessary error on dialog window opening2019-03-21 06:10 AM
21624Bug reportClosedHighLayouts with variables/expressions do not update properly after page format change2019-03-21 05:48 AM
21615Bug reportClosedNormalrefactorfields algorithm fails for field names that start with a digit2019-03-21 03:47 AM
21528Bug reportClosedNormalPostGIS 3D Lines Load as 2D2019-03-20 05:06 PM
21614Bug reportClosedNormalComposer of impression2019-03-20 01:32 PM
21556Bug reportClosedNormalBbox processing error with MSSQL2019-03-20 11:17 AM
21537Bug reportRejectedNormalmesh vectors does not display [0, y] or [x, 0]Peter Petrik2019-03-20 10:53 AM
21604Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.6.0 crashed after opening a project file with postgis layers2019-03-19 09:01 PM
21387Bug reportClosedNormalUnavailable layers because of a moved folderAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-19 03:55 PM
21550Bug reportClosedHighCrashing every time I close program2019-03-19 03:30 PM
21610Bug reportClosedHighComposer of impressionNyall Dawson2019-03-19 12:39 PM
21606Feature requestClosedNormalAbility to rename plugins in plugin repository 2019-03-19 03:19 AM
21275Bug reportClosedHighmanually selected datum transformation setting is ignoredNyall Dawson2019-03-19 12:49 AM
21548Bug reportClosedNormalError on install: in both python3-qgis and python3-qgis-common2019-03-18 09:49 PM
15635Bug reportClosedNormalglobe plugin should be built as a MODULE2019-03-18 09:47 PM
21593Bug reportClosedNormalcant find PIL with qgis 3.4.5 or 3.6.0 standalone2019-03-18 09:12 PM
21612Bug reportClosedNormalSystem crashes when exiting applicationJürgen Fischer2019-03-18 08:47 PM
21603Bug reportClosedHighCrash when using QgsGeometry.delaunayTriangulation()2019-03-18 10:14 AM
21569Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA Error layerpath input with QGIS LTR 3.4.5 and QGIS 3.6Nyall Dawson2019-03-18 09:24 AM
16066Bug reportClosedNormalMean coordinate with unique field fails2019-03-18 07:38 AM
18433Bug reportClosedNormalSingle "Point" Memory layer allows me to store MULTI geometries on it2019-03-18 12:13 AM
21605Bug reportClosedNormal"Select Extent" (ExtentSelectionPanel) dialog not working for a number of processing algorithms2019-03-17 10:43 PM
21443Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.6 crashing while editing and digitizing line features2019-03-17 09:27 AM
21393Bug reportClosedHighqgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database2019-03-17 09:27 AM
21389Bug reportClosedHighQgis application crash2019-03-17 09:26 AM
21419Bug reportClosedHighOracle connection failedJürgen Fischer2019-03-17 09:26 AM
21412Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Crash when adding new layers in Python2019-03-17 09:25 AM
21063Bug reportClosedNormalUnable to load GFS weather grib2 format data as a mesh2019-03-17 09:24 AM
21600Bug reportClosedNormalPDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic in qgis-bin.exe & qgis-bin-g7.exe by Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 For Windows2019-03-17 01:45 AM
21365Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes with web view attachment widget in a relation widget in the attribute form2019-03-15 10:41 AM
21592Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS crash when opening file browser from attachment field in attribute table 2019-03-15 10:40 AM
20731Feature requestClosedHighShow Absolute Time when viewing an Mesh in QGISPeter Petrik2019-03-15 08:44 AM
21479Bug reportClosedNormalmacOS package for 3.6.0 installing 3.4.42019-03-15 12:31 AM
21578Bug reportClosedNormalModel builder "TIN interpolation" python error NameError: name 'QgsDoubleSpinBox' is not definedNyall Dawson2019-03-14 11:38 PM
21551Bug reportClosedNormalrunAndLoadResults does not work in QGIS 3.6Nyall Dawson2019-03-14 11:37 PM
21559Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when opening 3D view2019-03-13 05:17 PM
17330Bug reportClosedLowQGIS composer Multiline table cell formating from xslx data sourceNyall Dawson2019-03-13 03:29 PM
21572Bug reportClosedHighVersion 3.6 crashes on ubuntu (installed with Wine)2019-03-13 02:24 PM
17242Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3 is storing cache in windows roaming profile?Arnaud Poncet-Montanges2019-03-13 11:35 AM
21284Feature requestClosedNormal[Expression] Allow negative value for vertex index in angle_at_vertex/distance_at_vertex/point_n... functionsMathieu Pellerin - nIRV2019-03-13 05:49 AM
18138Bug reportClosedNormalZ not supported when "Advanced Digitizing" is enabledLoïc BARTOLETTI2019-03-12 05:56 PM
21567Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS intersection reporting incorrect intersections & Unions2019-03-12 03:12 PM
17895Bug reportClosedLowCan not resize simple marker selector window2019-03-12 02:56 PM
16340Bug reportClosedNormalLayers within an embedded group are not displayed on the map2019-03-12 11:25 AM
13998Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS is not rotating the Pixels when showing a rotated tif2019-03-12 11:20 AM
21211Bug reportRejectedNormalBuild errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid value (100, 110, 120 or 200). It will be set to 200"Alessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 10:11 AM
21523Bug reportClosedNormalQGis 3.6 Saga, every raster function fail2019-03-12 07:45 AM
21028Bug reportClosedNormalDB manager: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same threadAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-11 09:28 PM
20048Bug reportClosedNormalIncorrectly uses epsg:2158 for epsg:25829 prj files2019-03-11 07:12 PM
12951Bug reportClosedNormalNo XSD is created when exporting to GML2019-03-11 06:03 PM
6873Bug reportClosedLowProblem with data stored in the root of disk2019-03-11 05:57 PM
16093Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 2.14 - Cannot change order of legend items when "Filter legend by map content" is selected2019-03-11 04:01 PM
11636Feature requestClosedNormalogr2ogr to select disjoint featuresGiovanni Manghi2019-03-11 02:38 PM
13386Feature requestClosedNormalogr2ogr based tool to "dissolve polylines"Giovanni Manghi2019-03-11 02:18 PM
21251Feature requestClosedHighSet output file resolution option and CRS options to Processing Clip Raster to Mask Layer - ClipRasterByMask.py2019-03-11 01:29 PM
21554Bug reportClosedNormalquery as view works in 2.14 LTR and does not in 3.4.5 LTR2019-03-11 11:50 AM
21552Bug reportClosedHighPython error when trying to set the "region" from layer extent in Processing in a GRASS tool: "type object 'QgsMapLayerProxyModel' has no attribute 'MeshLayer'"2019-03-11 10:59 AM
19880Bug reportClosedNormalgroups in containers (in forms) do not appear 2019-03-11 08:22 AM
21160Bug reportClosedNormalProtocol - two by geojsonRichard Duivenvoorde2019-03-11 12:55 AM

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