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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
60Bug reportClosedLowdigitizing shapefile: REAL values are not stored properlyMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM
61Bug reportClosedLowdigitizing shapefile: how to start digitizing is obscure; how to add, move, delete vertices?Marco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM
62Feature requestClosedLowQgis only supports postgres keys of type intJürgen Fischer2011-12-17 01:49 AM
63Bug reportClosedLowscale unit not set correctly on opening a projectGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
64Feature requestClosedLowReminder "Project not saved"Gary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
65Bug reportClosedLowQGIS assert error when nkids theme used due to missing iconsTim Sutton2009-08-22 12:46 AM
66Feature requestClosedLowShortcuts tidingGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
67Bug reportClosedLowRedundant menu item (Raster Layer Properties)Gary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
68Feature requestClosedLowNo value is shown in Measure Distance/AreaGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
69Bug reportClosedLowMeasure Distance lineGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
70Bug reportClosedLowQGis crash when using georeferencerGary Sherman2007-04-05 01:56 AM
71Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect scale calculation (for large scales)Gary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
72Bug reportClosedLowLayer name is not refreshed if changedMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM
73Bug reportClosedLowCan't load vector layerGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
74Bug reportClosedLowSpit dialog gets lost behind main window whenever it loses focusGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
75Feature requestClosedLowshow postigs layer names as schema.table.columnGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
76Feature requestClosedLowshow attribute names as row headers rather than cell values when digitisingMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM
77Bug reportClosedLowAdd keybinding for OK & Cancel button in attribute entry dialog when digitisingMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM
78Feature requestClosedLowAdd icons to digitising toolbar to start/stop editing of current layerMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM
79Bug reportClosedLowDigitizing mode not changed when switching layersMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM
80Bug reportClosedLowZoom to selection for single point does nothingGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
81Bug reportClosedLowMake install doesn't install pluginsGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
82Bug reportClosedLowZoom out doesn't workMartin Dobias2009-08-22 12:46 AM
83Bug reportClosedLowStrange polygon fill renderingGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
84Bug reportClosedLowAdding raster layer make legend items too wideMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:46 AM

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