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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1695Bug reportClosedLowGroup items of print compositionMarco Hugentobler2009-05-14 06:38 AM
1684Bug reportClosedLowGrass plugin does not work (with grass6.4RC4)nobody -2009-05-15 12:26 PM
1700Bug reportClosedLow[PATCH] Fix crash in qgsnewogrconnection.cppnobody -2009-05-17 06:58 AM
1207Feature requestClosedLowdeal with GRASS rasters missing a colortablenobody -2009-05-18 01:59 AM
1709Bug reportClosedLowGUI Problems in label dialognobody -2009-05-19 09:34 AM
1710Bug reportClosedLowwms (mapserver) and postgis: the layer is not addedMarco Hugentobler2009-05-25 01:59 AM
1711Bug reportClosedLowPrintComposer: Button-bar does not come back when (accidently) turned offMarco Hugentobler2009-05-25 03:19 AM
1491Bug reportClosedLowContinuous Color symbology may classify on wrong field for PostGIS layersnobody -2009-05-26 06:42 PM
1714Feature requestClosedLow"Use selection" patch for fToolscfarmer -2009-05-27 05:46 AM
373Feature requestClosedLowAllow searching of online WMS cataloguesBrendan Morley -2009-05-27 05:49 AM
1633Feature requestClosedLowediting GRASS tablesnobody -2009-05-28 02:45 AM
1717Bug reportClosedLowPrint Composer doesn't work when spanning the map object from the right sideMarco Hugentobler2009-05-28 12:40 PM
1713Bug reportClosedLowPostgreSQL error message is odd: only last error is shown (others not shown)nobody -2009-05-30 10:50 AM
1708Bug reportClosedLowPrint composer template saves without .qptMarco Hugentobler2009-06-01 03:54 AM
1610Bug reportClosedLowUpdate Preview in map composer doesn't workMarco Hugentobler2009-06-03 07:49 AM
1721Bug reportClosedLowOS X: grassshell code causing build crash in trunknobody -2009-06-06 10:14 PM
748Feature requestClosedLowEdit vertices within a polygon, polyline vector layersnobody -2009-06-06 10:23 PM
1723Bug reportClosedLowqgis_1_1_0/python/core/qgssymbol.sip:75: syntax error + fixnobody -2009-06-09 11:55 AM
1706Bug reportClosedLowZoom to selected in attribute table only works if the layer is selected in the layers windownobody -2009-06-09 04:25 PM
1724Feature requestClosedLowCursor in the legend for a layer draggcarrillo -2009-06-10 12:36 AM
1375Feature requestClosedLowConfusing icon during drag-and-drop within map legendnobody -2009-06-10 07:46 AM
716Bug reportClosedLowSelect Features broken for GRASS point data with attributesnobody -2009-06-10 08:46 AM
408Bug reportClosedLowGRASS group (LANDSAT RGB): color table ignoredRedmine Admin2009-06-10 08:47 AM
1416Bug reportClosedLowcrash querying very small GRASS vector polygonnobody -2009-06-10 09:55 AM
1608Bug reportClosedLowSegmentation fault Fedora Core 10 rpm qgis-1.0.1-1.fc10.i386 exit code 139nobody -2009-06-10 11:13 AM
1732Bug reportClosedLowRedirect handling is not implementednobody -2009-06-12 07:36 AM
1702Bug reportClosedLowWhen loading an ogr database datasource with one layer the password appears in legendRedmine Admin2009-06-12 01:55 PM
366Feature requestClosedLowAdding a new column to a (dbf) table?Tim Sutton2009-06-12 02:49 PM
1122Feature requestClosedLowAbility to merge features during vector editingnobody -2009-06-13 02:13 PM
1725Feature requestClosedLowsnapping and search radius in options dialog, digitizing tabnobody -2009-06-14 12:32 AM
1318Bug reportClosedLowsnap function for split feature linenobody -2009-06-14 01:12 AM
1125Feature requestClosedLowAdd ability to undo last editsMarco Hugentobler2009-06-14 07:27 AM
1730Bug reportClosedLowmemory leak in Attribute Tablenobody -2009-06-14 12:01 PM
1520Feature requestClosedLowAfter adding a column for OGR-Layer, column doesn't appear in attribute tableRedmine Admin2009-06-15 09:37 AM
936Bug reportClosedLowLegend name too long when executing "qgis vectorfile.shp"Redmine Admin2009-06-15 10:15 AM
377Bug reportClosedLowcustom projection of GRASS vectorsMagnus Homann2009-06-15 11:44 PM
1133Bug reportClosedLowgrass toolbox: option description problemsnobody -2009-06-15 11:45 PM
1173Bug reportClosedLowdb grass modulesleolami -2009-06-15 11:45 PM
1190Bug reportClosedLowGRASS modules: v.out.ogr wrong for PostGISnobody -2009-06-15 11:45 PM
1617Bug reportClosedLowupdate of raster layers in GRASS modulesnobody -2009-06-15 11:46 PM
1625Feature requestClosedLowdocument how to write GRASS modulesnobody -2009-06-15 11:46 PM
1736Bug reportClosedLowAfter undo node tool symbols are not removedMartin Dobias2009-06-18 03:16 AM
1488Bug reportClosedLowprint composer: cannot change background colour of the mapMarco Hugentobler2009-06-19 07:07 AM
1738Bug reportClosedLowduplicated objects in map composernobody -2009-06-21 08:03 AM
1282Bug reportClosedLow"Update all" in "Legend items" brokennobody -2009-06-22 11:37 PM
135Bug reportClosedLowQgis slow to show the attribute table with lots of rowsTim Sutton2009-06-23 03:58 AM
1744Bug reportClosedLowCrash when I save an edited postgis layerJürgen Fischer2009-06-23 05:55 AM
1746Bug reportClosedLowogr provider functions uniqueValues(), minimum(), maximum() only work for file based datasourcesnobody -2009-06-24 02:19 AM
1747Feature requestClosedLowIdentify Map Tool: QGis crashes when the results dialog has multiple features and the active layer is removegcarrillo -2009-06-25 07:50 AM
1750Feature requestClosedLowUnique Value Symology: no default/else case classificationnobody -2009-06-27 02:36 PM
1751Feature requestClosedLowSVG Symbols: nothing shown if symbol file is missingnobody -2009-06-27 03:06 PM
983Bug reportClosedLow"Graduated Symbol" symbology: wrong numeric rangesnobody -2009-06-30 07:49 AM
1311Bug reportClosedLowZoom to a single point causes the program to freezeMarco Hugentobler2009-07-01 03:28 AM
1696Bug reportClosedLowDownload link for version "1.1.0 Unstable Windows - Standalone" is broken.nobody -2009-07-01 05:52 AM
1513Bug reportClosedLowproject background color do not changes when clicking "apply"Tim Sutton2009-07-01 11:18 AM
1423Bug reportClosedLowChange layer properties > General > Change CRS to Specify CRSnobody -2009-07-01 12:29 PM
225Feature requestClosedLowMake attribute actions work on multiple featuresGary Sherman2009-07-03 05:33 AM
903Bug reportClosedLowLine breaks from internationalized messages don't appear in ts filesnobody -2009-07-03 08:36 AM
1397Bug reportClosedLowcontinuous colour showing incorrect min/max values in legendnobody -2009-07-04 01:20 AM
1755Bug reportClosedLowGrass Shell Unusable on OSXnobody -2009-07-04 03:30 AM
1481Bug reportClosedLowmarkers in point symbology dialog are draggablenobody -2009-07-04 04:24 AM
1396Bug reportClosedLowPostGIS add table dialog is unfriendly when determining layer geometry typesnobody -2009-07-04 10:47 AM
1045Bug reportClosedLowRenaming layer in legend requires layer name change to cancel it's renaming2009-07-04 01:34 PM
1027Bug reportClosedLowThe --extent command line option does not appear to workTim Sutton2009-07-04 01:53 PM
1286Bug reportClosedLowbogus scrollbars present, can't reach page borders with scrollbarsnobody -2009-07-08 03:04 PM
1202Bug reportClosedLowClassify Equal Interval does't work with some Mid/MifMarco Hugentobler2009-07-08 03:08 PM
1344Bug reportClosedLowZooming to a very small area causes a long freezenobody -2009-07-08 03:17 PM
1309Bug reportClosedLowbad window title when button edit pushed in WMS connections QGIS 0.11 under Windows - 2000nobody -2009-07-08 03:22 PM
1742Bug reportClosedLowAfter two consecutive zooming, QGIS freezesnobody -2009-07-08 03:33 PM
1741Bug reportClosedLowremoving a GRASS vector that is loaded in QGIS causes a crashLorenzo Masini2009-07-08 08:41 PM
829Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes if more than about 6 files have been moved or renamednobody -2009-07-09 01:01 AM
1440Bug reportClosedLowediting layer name broken - up to a segfaultnobody -2009-07-09 01:04 AM
1353Bug reportClosedLowSDTS Upload, ver. 011.0nobody -2009-07-09 01:14 AM
1129Bug reportClosedLowon the fly reprojection results in an error with ICEDS WMSnobody -2009-07-09 01:15 AM
1699Bug reportClosedLowAdd Image preview not working in printing composernobody -2009-07-09 01:17 AM
1218Feature requestClosedLowgrass modules tree default open to one or two levelsnobody -2009-07-09 04:21 AM
1739Bug reportClosedLowOpening QGS project with WMS layer while offline crashes QGIS 1.0.2nobody -2009-07-09 05:24 AM
1549Feature requestClosedLowhighlight border line for selected polygons?nobody -2009-07-09 05:34 AM
1506Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 1.0.0: ugly blue bars making selections almost unreadablenobody -2009-07-09 06:27 AM
1579Feature requestClosedLowswitching back to the prior view/extend is only possible one stepnobody -2009-07-10 12:48 AM
1754Feature requestClosedLowDocumentation should mention PCRaster map format as supported Raster formatnobody -2009-07-10 01:02 AM
1689Bug reportClosedLowold projects: selecting `Project Properties...` ('P') in `Settings` menu crashes QGISnobody -2009-07-10 02:13 AM
1391Bug reportClosedLowUnique Value classification: problems with symbology of featuresnobody -2009-07-10 10:28 AM
1756Bug reportClosedLowIn "Add Postgis Layer", renaming a connection does not worksJürgen Fischer2009-07-11 01:03 AM
1571Bug reportClosedLowlayers loose group when moving referenced shape-filesnobody -2009-07-11 04:09 AM
1558Bug reportClosedLowWGS84 conversion to EPSG:27700 in error by greater than 100 metresnobody -2009-07-11 08:45 AM
292Feature requestClosedLowEnable Global style options in the Unique Value Symbolizer, especially setting no outlinesMarco Hugentobler2009-07-12 07:23 AM
1334Feature requestClosedLowsave areas of polygons and length of lines in defined field in dbf of shapefilesnobody -2009-07-12 08:22 AM
1408Feature requestClosedLowInclude Pyqwt5 and numeric in Win installnobody -2009-07-12 09:00 AM
1600Bug reportClosedLowgeoreferencer fails with Critical errornobody -2009-07-12 09:50 AM
1387Feature requestClosedLowWMS list: change layer order, allow editing after additionMarco Hugentobler2009-07-13 03:56 AM
1766Bug reportClosedLowInstaller skips all files and completes without installing anythingnobody -2009-07-13 07:13 AM
1545Feature requestClosedLowQgis should cope with table aliases in view definitionsnobody -2009-07-13 10:55 AM
1535Bug reportClosedLowqgspostgresprovider choosing non-unique column as primary keyJürgen Fischer2009-07-13 12:12 PM
1769Feature requestClosedLowFont-Sizes and Offset Values should allow non-integer valuesnobody -2009-07-13 01:24 PM
1776Feature requestClosedLowdefault port for qgis.db.connect-loginLorenzo Masini2009-07-13 02:23 PM
1325Bug reportClosedLowMultipoint layer problems - zoom to selection doesn't work; layer extent has wild values on editingnobody -2009-07-13 05:16 PM
1649Bug reportClosedLowCRS status icon click crashes on existing project filesnobody -2009-07-14 10:48 AM
1733Feature requestClosedLowWhen a / is on the end of an url http: is dropped from the GETMarco Hugentobler2009-07-14 10:04 PM
1778Bug reportClosedLowhelp button non functional in GRASS moduleLorenzo Masini2009-07-14 11:59 PM
1777Feature requestClosedLowdefault port for qgis.db.connect-loginLorenzo Masini2009-07-15 12:31 AM
1774Bug reportClosedLowman page missing for Masini2009-07-15 01:28 AM
1388Feature requestClosedLowMacOSX V1.0.0 Kore- preview very slow to enter into GRASS edit modenobody -2009-07-15 03:12 AM
1180Bug reportClosedLowCrash on OS X when adding vector layersTom Elwertowski2009-07-15 04:07 AM
1779Bug reportClosedLowr.mapcalc list of layers gets wrongLorenzo Masini2009-07-15 04:10 AM
1056Bug reportClosedLowTransparent Zoom box goes funny if cursor not in top left 100,100 pixelsnobody -2009-07-15 04:48 AM
1781Feature requestClosedLowNot all QgsVectorLayer.EditTypes are Supported by PythonMarco Hugentobler2009-07-15 04:58 AM
1476Bug reportClosedLowRepeated click on Unique Value's Classify button produces extraneous classes in Grass vector layers.nobody -2009-07-15 05:23 AM
1392Bug reportClosedLowMap Composer Stalls on png exportnobody -2009-07-15 05:24 AM
1612Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes when topological editing is enabledMarco Hugentobler2009-07-15 05:24 AM
1686Bug reportClosedLowQGis crashes if in "printout composer" when I'm trying put scale gadgetnobody -2009-07-15 05:39 AM
1406Feature requestClosedLowpsycopg2 should be added to QGIS distributions on Windows and OSXnobody -2009-07-15 07:19 AM
1404Feature requestClosedLowimprovement for georeferencer pluginnobody -2009-07-15 08:55 AM
1349Bug reportClosedLowChange Outline Style for multiple classes (Vector Properties)Magnus Homann2009-07-15 09:49 AM
921Feature requestClosedLowFeature: Carry single symbol settings over to other 'Legend type' settingsnobody -2009-07-15 09:54 AM
1261Feature requestClosedLowlet copy attributes to clipboardnobody -2009-07-15 11:54 AM
1685Bug reportClosedLowPrint composer does not worknobody -2009-07-15 10:51 PM
1691Bug reportClosedLowfTools->Geometry Tools->Export/Add geometry columns doesn't work with PostGIS Layerscfarmer -2009-07-16 01:02 AM
1663Bug reportClosedLowQGIS uses wrong GRASS library.nobody -2009-07-16 01:51 AM
1783Feature requestClosedLowadd v.split to GRASS toolboxLorenzo Masini2009-07-16 04:21 AM
1784Bug parsing bugLorenzo Masini2009-07-16 04:52 AM
1374Feature requestClosedLowAdd support for different proxy typesnobody -2009-07-16 08:40 AM
1422Feature requestClosedLowAdd ability to use socks5 proxynobody -2009-07-16 11:08 AM
1062Feature requestClosedLow"Bar graphs" iconsMarco Hugentobler2009-07-17 04:18 AM
1447Bug reportClosedLowgaps in lines for outline width < 0.26nobody -2009-07-17 04:33 AM
481Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect point placementnobody -2009-07-17 06:07 AM
1099Feature requestClosedLowbutton to add class graduated symbol dialog2009-07-17 06:11 AM
1601Bug reportClosedLowqgis crashes when "zooming out"nobody -2009-07-17 06:23 AM
1661Bug reportClosedLowImporting a void shapefile created with ftools crashes Qgisnobody -2009-07-17 06:25 AM
1420Bug reportClosedLowrandom freezes when built with debugnobody -2009-07-17 06:37 AM
1166Bug reportClosedLowWMS / WFS not valid SRS requestsnobody -2009-07-18 03:49 AM
151Feature requestClosedLowCopying of basic symbology (e.g. colour) to other layers neededTim Sutton2009-07-18 04:08 AM
1715Bug reportClosedLowQGIS on Mac and Text Delimited Layer plug in failsnobody -2009-07-18 09:34 AM
1417Bug reportClosedLowUnable to add a Postgis layer when the key attribut have an aliasnobody -2009-07-18 10:29 AM
1790Feature requestClosedLowPostGIS query: allow JOINsnobody -2009-07-18 10:37 AM
1789Bug reportClosedLowPostGIS query: put '' around field values when appropriatenobody -2009-07-18 12:04 PM
1582Bug reportClosedLowosgeo4w qgis-grass plugin crashes on Windows VistaJürgen Fischer2009-07-19 01:23 AM
1531Bug reportClosedLowGeoreferencer GDAL crashes QGISMaxim Dubinin2009-07-19 01:28 AM
885Feature requestClosedLowenable user to create new PostGis layersnobody -2009-07-19 01:37 AM
1330Bug reportClosedLowSPIT fails to load shapefile when no fields detectednobody -2009-07-19 01:55 AM
344Feature requestClosedLowDPI is not stored in the output PNG2009-07-19 01:57 AM
1677Bug reportClosedLowerror while splitting a lineMarco Hugentobler2009-07-19 03:03 AM
1614Feature requestClosedLowQuery Builder closes after querynobody -2009-07-19 03:47 AM
137Feature requestClosedLowOn-the-fly postgres simplify of geometriesGary Sherman2009-07-19 10:59 PM
1647Feature requestClosedLowImport Inkscape SVG drawing into Print Composernobody -2009-07-20 07:01 AM
1797Bug reportClosedLowSPIT : no shapefiles in modal windownobody -2009-07-20 11:15 AM
1606Bug reportClosedLowdeleting non existing record from a GRASS table crashes QGISnobody -2009-07-20 11:58 PM
1798Bug reportClosedLowX crashing while QGIS is loading a shapefilenobody -2009-07-21 11:17 AM
1801Bug reportClosedLowIt is not possible to use Shift key to select multiple PostGIS tablesnobody -2009-07-21 04:01 PM
680Feature requestClosedLowadd geographic columns to PostGISMarco Hugentobler2009-07-22 03:27 AM
1765Bug reportClosedLowProblem with some GRASS modules in WindowsTim Sutton2009-07-22 03:51 AM
1569Bug reportClosedLowUntranslatable "Close" button in QGIS 1.1.0nobody -2009-07-23 01:02 AM
1117Feature requestClosedLowReload SVG Symbology DirectoryTim Sutton2009-07-23 04:31 AM
1804Bug reportClosedLowcritical problems editing features on OSGeo4W Qgisnobody -2009-07-24 02:37 AM
1808Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 1.1 gets the order of items in the layer window out of sequence if dragging a folder too fast.nobody -2009-07-26 01:54 AM
1809Bug reportClosedLowQGIS highlights the taskbar button randomly.nobody -2009-07-26 11:26 PM
1712Bug reportClosedLowImproper qgis shutdown corrupts GRASS vector layerLorenzo Masini2009-07-27 09:23 AM
1794Bug reportClosedLowCrash in Print Composer when zooming fast with mousewheel in map frameMarco Hugentobler2009-07-27 02:07 PM
1357Feature requestClosedLow[PATCH] Build overview for Jpeg-in-TIFF file only if GDAL uses libtiff >= 4.0ersts -2009-07-27 05:32 PM
1160Feature requestClosedLowcmake 2.6 developer warningsJürgen Fischer2009-07-27 08:41 PM
1811Bug reportClosedLowOptions->Locale->Override system locale: choice of en_US disappears after chosing other languagenobody -2009-07-28 03:14 AM
1763Feature requestClosedLowadd r.external.all moduleLorenzo Masini2009-07-28 08:30 AM
1439Bug reportClosedLow"legend" items should not be selectablenobody -2009-07-29 05:48 AM
1803Bug reportClosedLowDouble clicking legend in wms layer name does not show property dialog and make the whole system crashMarco Hugentobler2009-07-29 06:11 AM
1791Feature requestClosedLowForbidden cursor for a layer drag when the cursor is out of the legend controlgcarrillo -2009-07-29 06:23 AM
1817Bug reportClosedLowScale Problempeterk -2009-07-29 10:35 AM
1818Bug reportClosedLowCRS problem with raster filepeterk -2009-07-29 11:26 AM
1819Bug reportClosedLowGPSpeterk -2009-07-29 11:49 AM
1820Bug reportClosedLowSorry.peterk -2009-07-29 01:37 PM
1745Feature requestClosedLowQGis crashes dragging a Legend Layer File over a Legend Layer File GroupMarco Hugentobler2009-07-29 02:06 PM
949Feature requestClosedLowOpenStreetMap pluginMartin Dobias2009-07-30 04:31 AM
1208Feature requestClosedLowshow current raster value in status barnobody -2009-07-30 07:15 AM
1664Bug reportClosedLowfTools geoprocessing changes field formatcfarmer -2009-07-30 02:17 PM
1681Bug reportClosedLowQgsVectorFileWriter isn't case sensitivenobody -2009-07-30 02:18 PM
1572Bug reportClosedLownew features will not display before spatial index is recreated/QGIS restartedMarco Hugentobler2009-07-31 06:29 AM
1279Feature requestClosedLowGRASS Edit: ask if to save changes on exitnobody -2009-07-31 07:11 AM
1645Feature requestClosedLowAdd align option to Edit Current Grass Region in Toolbarnobody -2009-07-31 07:15 AM
1183Feature requestClosedLowSupport for modules with multiple input options in GRASS plug-innobody -2009-07-31 07:28 AM
1846Feature requestClosedLowlabel placementnobody -2009-07-31 08:02 AM
1840Feature requestClosedLowtemplate system for layoutsnobody -2009-07-31 08:04 AM
1842Feature requestClosedLowlayer on/off for print composernobody -2009-07-31 08:05 AM
1837Feature requestClosedLowline type weights, scales, and hash densities in map composernobody -2009-07-31 08:17 AM
1847Feature requestClosedLowlock map box to map canvasnobody -2009-07-31 08:19 AM
1850Bug reportClosedLowMove attribute table to its own threadnobody -2009-07-31 08:27 AM
1835Feature requestClosedLowmap rotationnobody -2009-07-31 09:01 AM
1839Feature requestClosedLowmultiple layoutsnobody -2009-07-31 09:39 AM
1848Bug reportClosedLowmultiple styles per layernobody -2009-07-31 10:12 AM
1845Bug reportClosedLowdisabled frame still printsnobody -2009-07-31 12:03 PM
1832Feature requestClosedLowNorth Arrow for print composernobody -2009-07-31 12:21 PM
1538Feature requestClosedLowPrint paper size unitsnobody -2009-07-31 04:19 PM
1838Feature requestClosedLowInclude american size papersnobody -2009-07-31 04:19 PM
1821Bug reportClosedLowCoordinate Capture: Three first digits of X cutBorys Jurgiel2009-07-31 11:53 PM
1853Feature requestClosedLowinfo fields: make it available for copyingnobody -2009-08-01 05:12 AM
1753Bug reportClosedLowQGis crashes in a Zoom to Full Extent after an 'on the fly' transformationnobody -2009-08-01 08:18 PM
1851Feature requestClosedLowsymbology multiple selection should highlight all regardless of different propertiesnobody -2009-08-01 09:20 PM
1805Feature requestClosedLowUnique Value Renderer multiple class selection issuegcarrillo -2009-08-02 02:24 AM
1703Feature requestClosedLowNo possibility to change color in unique value when assigning more then one classnobody -2009-08-02 02:25 AM
1792Feature requestClosedLowEnabled button for select a texture fill pattern on SingleSymbolDialoggcarrillo -2009-08-02 07:14 PM
1793Feature requestClosedLowESC key close the symbol dialogs but not the vector layer properties dialogMarco Hugentobler2009-08-02 11:53 PM
1290Feature requestClosedLowShapefile attribute tables do not show lines with null geometryMarco Hugentobler2009-08-03 01:47 PM

1 2 3 4 ... 84 (201-400/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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