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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7169Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionqgis master messes up table of attributes when deleting columns Matthias Kuhn2013-03-27 04:17 AM
7190Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCell values in attribute table aren't refreshed after column delete rollback (regression in master)2013-03-27 05:34 AM
7459Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionsorting in attribute table not working as expectedMatthias Kuhn2013-03-27 10:45 AM
7379Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionStarting a new project crashes QGIS if any attribute table window is open2013-03-27 10:51 AM
7271Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncolumn indexing issue with joined tables2013-03-31 11:29 PM
7280Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionJoin between shape file and csv table2013-03-31 11:35 PM
7483Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCrash after selecting rows in attribute tableMatthias Kuhn2013-04-02 01:14 PM
7503Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionsave as can't export if datasource has field with date type 2013-04-04 10:31 AM
7473Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionTopology checker: "must not have duplicates" does not workvinayan Parameswaran2013-04-07 12:17 AM
7532Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionStartup forces new project document, even when opening data file2013-04-07 02:00 PM
6640Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionProblem with round function of the expression builderNathan Woodrow2013-04-07 02:15 PM
7477Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionTopology checker: crash on Linux as soon a layer is choosen when defining a rulevinayan Parameswaran2013-04-08 06:42 AM
7542Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCrash when opening layer properties dialogue of a non-geometry Postgis table2013-04-08 11:28 AM
7543Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionDual View Table/Form: Preview column not saved in projectMatthias Kuhn2013-04-08 12:20 PM
7530Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionif just one record is show in the table of attributes, then editing manually has not effect2013-04-08 12:20 PM
7529Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionqgis crashes when using more than once the "column filter" tool2013-04-08 12:20 PM
6175Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionOpen file with QGIS when not running closes new project2013-04-08 08:33 PM
7328Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionPoint displacement renderer is not working in current masterMarco Hugentobler2013-04-10 12:04 AM
7572Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS doesn't load the default selection color on start [regression]2013-04-11 06:41 AM
7549Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionin latest qgis master the selection color is black, even if in the properties is the standard yellow2013-04-11 03:37 PM
7528Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionnew column filter in the table of attributes does not select automatically filtered records ("simple search" did it)2013-04-12 03:41 AM
7212Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionWFS client is broken2013-04-12 04:51 AM
7062Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionPrint composer does not display attribute table and html frame2013-04-12 07:04 AM
7519Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionComposer: change in reference point changes positionMarco Hugentobler2013-04-12 09:48 AM
7107Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionrasters with decimal values don't display correctly in QGIS 1.92013-04-12 10:32 AM
7569Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionToo much information when edit style on raster layer properties2013-04-12 07:28 PM
7475Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionTopology checker: rule list saved at a project level is (can be) wrongvinayan Parameswaran2013-04-12 08:24 PM
7560Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionimport of shapefile into spatialite through db manager fails if there is a DATE column2013-04-13 06:05 AM
5525Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"Show selected only" in the Attribute table causes QGIS to crash when the number of selected features is high2013-04-13 07:43 AM
3838Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionSelecting features from the table of attributes freezes QGIS2013-04-13 09:34 AM
7474Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionTopology checker: QGIS crash on exit, after activating the topology checker panelvinayan Parameswaran2013-04-13 11:32 AM
7583Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionspatial query tool fails on master2013-04-14 09:39 AM
7480Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"save as..." of a vector with a Join leads qgis master to freeze2013-04-14 09:51 AM
7469Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionDelete records in qgis master is very slow (was quick on 1.8)2013-04-14 09:56 AM
7533Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionfield calculator is much slower on master than in 1.82013-04-14 10:25 AM
7584Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionspatial query tool fails to return the right selection2013-04-14 10:36 AM
7555Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionPostgis Multipolygon Errors2013-04-15 01:18 AM
7597Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionSort attribute table - words with accent marks2013-04-15 01:19 PM
7604Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionJoining KML to CSV results in NULL values2013-04-16 01:25 AM
7630Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionThe qgis categorized use a different mean for the NULL values of the unique values of qgis 1.8.02013-04-17 07:05 AM
7603Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionBlending is applied to all symbol layers separatelyNyall Dawson2013-04-17 02:30 PM
7636Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionRaster transparency color-from-canvas picker not working on Mac2013-04-17 04:11 PM
7514Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionbig regression: column in the provided shapefile fails to load on QGIS master, shifts data to following columns2013-04-17 06:59 PM
7609Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionSorting PostGIS layer in attribute view is extremely slow2013-04-19 06:15 AM
7667Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionGRASS tools no more accessible on QGIS master2013-04-21 11:59 PM
6795Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionPossible Memory Leak in Map Rendering2013-04-22 03:56 PM
7674Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncrash after adding map layer to registry2013-04-23 01:43 AM
7639Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionimportant data loss regression: data entered into newly created column(s) lost when saving changes2013-04-23 02:46 AM
7378Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionFields created with the field calculator are filled with NULLs2013-04-23 03:07 AM
7536Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionshapefiles served with qgis wfs server are completely wrong (used to work in 1.8)René-Luc ReLuc2013-04-24 12:26 PM
7653Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS Crashes when Docking/Undocking Python Console2013-04-25 02:09 PM
7612Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCrash with 'Save as..' option2013-04-28 11:42 AM
7737Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionWMS tiles are always fetched from server, never from cache 2013-04-29 08:13 PM
7688Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionloading points layer via delimited text file (CSV format) results in first point placed at coordinate x=0, y=02013-05-01 06:34 PM
7574Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionartifacts when moving points in the canvasMatthias Kuhn2013-05-02 01:26 AM
7749Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionForms: Calender widget cannot be opened (button missing)2013-05-02 07:02 AM
7608Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCommit 3a35a53 causes segfault when loading project2013-05-02 06:01 PM
7756Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressiontransparent pixel list values not applied to RGB raster if contrast enhancement inactive2013-05-03 12:39 AM
7419Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwms "copy feature" tool copy the extent, not the feature2013-05-03 02:30 AM
7738Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionbig symbology regression: centroid fill _always_ renders using map units, even when millimeters is explicitly setMarco Hugentobler2013-05-06 09:01 PM
7772Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncrash while setting attributes of a new feature2013-05-06 10:48 PM
7748Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionTransparent pixel list doesn't work if global transparency 02013-05-07 06:51 PM
7742Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncan't join table created with delimited text pluginChris Crook2013-05-08 03:52 AM
7140Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS seg faults when removing a GRASS vector (or even when "zoom to layer" or even when opening the table of attributes)2013-05-08 09:55 AM
7744Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS crash when pan - zoom with vector GRASS layer2013-05-11 06:52 AM
7798Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncolumn filter does not work as expectedMatthias Kuhn2013-05-13 01:09 AM
7784Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionBrowser keeps crashing when navigating the tree2013-05-13 01:31 AM
7698Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncrash when field with valuemap after closing attributetable2013-05-13 02:07 AM
7465Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionsetting value map in edit widget makes tha attributes table empty.2013-05-13 02:29 AM
7285Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionqml ignore provide ui-file setting2013-05-13 06:03 AM
7170Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionadding a postgis layer with "select at id" unchecked result in no records in the table of attributes2013-05-13 11:40 AM
7649Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionReordering of columns is broken in qgis master2013-05-13 11:47 AM
7717Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionfeature setFields crashesMartin Dobias2013-05-14 05:57 AM
7418Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionSeg fault when "save as..." a GRASS vector2013-05-14 12:21 PM
6900Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionGRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project loadRadim Blazek2013-05-15 02:08 AM
7138Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionMissing icon in raster symbology properties2013-05-15 02:23 AM
7683Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS Server: Bounding Box IssueMarco Hugentobler2013-05-15 05:01 AM
7144Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionResampling does not work (anymore?) for WMS layers2013-05-15 09:37 AM
7139Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionWrong "no data" transparency in palletted rasters2013-05-15 11:45 AM
7342Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionRaster "save as.." returns a file only with zeroes with a tiff input.2013-05-16 03:43 AM
7821Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionopening GRASS raster properties causes crash2013-05-16 04:34 AM
7166Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionraster resampling does not work when reprojection is on.2013-05-16 05:33 AM
7405Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionFeature count shows "0" when the "rotation" or the "scale size field" are used2013-05-16 07:22 AM
6982Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionraster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes2013-05-16 07:58 AM
6984Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionNVIZ stopped to work under Linux2013-05-16 09:43 AM
7148Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCannot remove vectors from GRASS mapset2013-05-16 09:45 AM
7835Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionOpening WMS layer properties crashes QGIS2013-05-17 02:09 PM
6699Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionrefresh button does not work as expected in browser in qgis master2013-05-18 02:55 AM
7108Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionartifacts when reprojecting WMS layers on qgis master2013-05-18 06:45 AM
7178Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionqgis master does not load attributes from some file formats2013-05-18 06:52 AM
7849Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwrong columns deleted2013-05-18 07:27 AM
7858Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressiontoggling editing mode reset edit widget2013-05-18 08:43 AM
6952Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionraster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the " create VRT" option2013-05-19 04:11 AM
7843Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"add class" in qgis master graduated symbology is broken2013-05-19 04:15 AM
7393Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwms identify in "feature" format does not show attributes2013-05-21 02:14 PM
7741Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncannot choose anymore not to add a wms layer as jpegRadim Blazek2013-05-21 02:21 PM
7867Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionOnce you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with "edit feature form" after re-loading the project2013-05-24 06:04 AM
7892Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncolumns order in vector properties -> fields is wrong2013-05-24 06:17 AM
4719Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionNew Labelling, Advanced tab: inactive options?2013-05-25 04:38 AM
7654Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionPython Console editor unable to import qgis.* 2013-05-25 04:54 AM

1 2 3 4 ... 168 (101-200/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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