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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
481Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect point placementnobody -2009-07-17 06:07 AM
1099Feature requestClosedLowbutton to add class graduated symbol dialog2009-07-17 06:11 AM
1601Bug reportClosedLowqgis crashes when "zooming out"nobody -2009-07-17 06:23 AM
1661Bug reportClosedLowImporting a void shapefile created with ftools crashes Qgisnobody -2009-07-17 06:25 AM
1420Bug reportClosedLowrandom freezes when built with debugnobody -2009-07-17 06:37 AM
1166Bug reportClosedLowWMS / WFS not valid SRS requestsnobody -2009-07-18 03:49 AM
151Feature requestClosedLowCopying of basic symbology (e.g. colour) to other layers neededTim Sutton2009-07-18 04:08 AM
1715Bug reportClosedLowQGIS on Mac and Text Delimited Layer plug in failsnobody -2009-07-18 09:34 AM
1417Bug reportClosedLowUnable to add a Postgis layer when the key attribut have an aliasnobody -2009-07-18 10:29 AM
1790Feature requestClosedLowPostGIS query: allow JOINsnobody -2009-07-18 10:37 AM
1789Bug reportClosedLowPostGIS query: put '' around field values when appropriatenobody -2009-07-18 12:04 PM
1582Bug reportClosedLowosgeo4w qgis-grass plugin crashes on Windows VistaJürgen Fischer2009-07-19 01:23 AM
1531Bug reportClosedLowGeoreferencer GDAL crashes QGISMaxim Dubinin2009-07-19 01:28 AM
885Feature requestClosedLowenable user to create new PostGis layersnobody -2009-07-19 01:37 AM
1330Bug reportClosedLowSPIT fails to load shapefile when no fields detectednobody -2009-07-19 01:55 AM
344Feature requestClosedLowDPI is not stored in the output PNG2009-07-19 01:57 AM
1677Bug reportClosedLowerror while splitting a lineMarco Hugentobler2009-07-19 03:03 AM
1614Feature requestClosedLowQuery Builder closes after querynobody -2009-07-19 03:47 AM
137Feature requestClosedLowOn-the-fly postgres simplify of geometriesGary Sherman2009-07-19 10:59 PM
1647Feature requestClosedLowImport Inkscape SVG drawing into Print Composernobody -2009-07-20 07:01 AM
1797Bug reportClosedLowSPIT : no shapefiles in modal windownobody -2009-07-20 11:15 AM
1606Bug reportClosedLowdeleting non existing record from a GRASS table crashes QGISnobody -2009-07-20 11:58 PM
1798Bug reportClosedLowX crashing while QGIS is loading a shapefilenobody -2009-07-21 11:17 AM
1801Bug reportClosedLowIt is not possible to use Shift key to select multiple PostGIS tablesnobody -2009-07-21 04:01 PM
680Feature requestClosedLowadd geographic columns to PostGISMarco Hugentobler2009-07-22 03:27 AM

1 ... 12 13 14 15 16 ... 670 (326-350/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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