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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12278Bug reportClosedNormalHypsometric curves returns an errorAlexander Bruy2015-02-26 11:27 AM
20490Bug reportClosedNormalIDW interpolation on csv point layer not workingAlexander Bruy2019-01-22 01:07 PM
16558Bug reportRejectedNormalImportError: cannot import name NavigationToolbar2QTAggAlexander Bruy2017-05-16 06:27 PM
17483Bug reportClosedHighIn the modeller: AttributeError: 'QgsProcessingAlgorithm' object has no attribute 'help' Alexander Bruy2017-11-23 03:18 PM
16169Bug reportClosedNormalIs QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?Alexander Bruy2017-05-18 12:04 PM
11204Bug reportRejectedNormalLicense issue - removal of MIT/X copyright notice from code sourced from another project.Alexander Bruy2015-06-07 04:31 AM
9402Feature requestClosedNormalMake the new Field Calculator tool available in the ModelerAlexander Bruy2016-02-20 02:16 AM
4152Bug reportClosedNormalMove Nearblack close to SieveAlexander Bruy2011-08-09 09:32 AM
5705Feature requestClosedNormalPlease add a QGIS backendAlexander Bruy2016-12-28 09:46 AM
16318Bug reportClosedNormalPlugin Manager: fTools and GdalTools still listed though brokenAlexander Bruy2018-02-28 10:01 AM
16408Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionProblem with SAGA 2.3.1 io_gdal not loadedAlexander Bruy2017-04-07 02:42 AM
20933Bug reportClosedNormalProblem with URLs to exclude from network settingsAlexander Bruy2019-01-28 07:35 AM
11527Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open number input dialog"Alexander Bruy2014-11-03 06:22 AM
16893Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing batch process interface: no way to go backAlexander Bruy2019-05-24 07:54 AM
17881Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing options is not showing all providersAlexander Bruy2018-02-21 09:50 PM
13837Bug reportClosedHighProcessing plugin wrong minimal versionAlexander Bruy2015-11-16 02:15 AM
16715Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing: SELECT algs don't work in modeller on WindowsAlexander Bruy2017-07-11 01:26 PM
12537Feature requestClosedNormalProcessing: use better default for compressionAlexander Bruy2015-04-10 12:20 AM
19904Bug reportClosedHighProcessing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputsAlexander Bruy2019-02-01 07:14 AM
5561Feature requestClosedNormalProject Scale ListAlexander Bruy2012-07-18 12:46 AM
17428Bug reportClosedNormalPython editor of init script of form only uses half the window sizeAlexander Bruy2017-11-12 11:35 AM
13385Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 2.10 Processing Qt Python ErrorAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 11:06 AM
14610Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 2.14 Processing plugin crashes - WindowsError: [Error 5] Accesso negato: u'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\QGIS Brighton' Alexander Bruy2016-05-23 06:09 AM
16440Bug reportClosedNormalRandom points inside polygon does not set IDAlexander Bruy2017-05-04 09:24 AM
3967Bug reportClosedNormalRoad Graph plugin ignore feature with geometry type WKBMultiLineStringAlexander Bruy2011-06-10 05:44 AM

1 ... 11 12 13 14 15 ... 670 (301-325/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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