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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
15670Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression(Count) Points in Polygons is missing in he vector menuAlexander Bruy2016-10-10 04:52 PM
16021Bug reportClosedNormalprocessing: gdal's build virtual raster alg within a model has wrong output nameAlexander Bruy2017-01-04 12:14 AM
16063Bug reportClosedHighGdal2tile not opening in ProcessingAlexander Bruy2017-01-12 12:57 AM
16408Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionProblem with SAGA 2.3.1 io_gdal not loadedAlexander Bruy2017-04-07 02:42 AM
8442Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionpython error when copying errors with ctrl-c in "check geometry validity"Alexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:21 AM
4261Bug reportClosedNormal"Merge shapefiles to one" gives bad resultsAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
5097Bug reportClosedLowDialog in Merge Shape FilesAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
5146Bug reportClosedNormalShapefile merge crashes in 1.7.4 Alexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
5257Bug reportClosedNormalfTools 'Define current projection' problemAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
5335Bug reportClosedHigh"export/add geometry columns" make QGIS crash if you have previously opened the attribute tableAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
5577Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"Densify geomteries" crashes QGISAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
5655Bug reportClosedNormal"mean coordinates" options are populated only if another layer is selected firstAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
6109Bug reportClosedNormalVector Grid should handle manual extent when no extent layer is givenAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
6124Bug reportClosedNormalVector Grid does not respect exact coordinatesAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
6642Bug reportClosedNormalfTools: the option to load a layer after analyses should be on by defaultAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
2497Bug reportClosedHighftools: difference tool (asymmetrical difference) does not work with multipolygon geometriesAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:23 AM
3077Bug reportClosedLowftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj fileAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:23 AM
3500Bug reportClosedLowfTools: unsufficient field width for Area and Perimeter fieldsAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:23 AM
13385Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 2.10 Processing Qt Python ErrorAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 11:06 AM
16366Bug reportClosedHigherror with pit remove algorithm in QGIS 2.18.4Alexander Bruy2017-05-01 11:06 AM
16440Bug reportClosedNormalRandom points inside polygon does not set IDAlexander Bruy2017-05-04 09:24 AM
15633Bug reportClosedNormalField calculator does not clear variables list when switching layersAlexander Bruy2017-05-05 02:17 PM
16558Bug reportRejectedNormalImportError: cannot import name NavigationToolbar2QTAggAlexander Bruy2017-05-16 06:27 PM
16169Bug reportClosedNormalIs QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?Alexander Bruy2017-05-18 12:04 PM
16598Bug reportClosedHighAdding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mini-dump)Alexander Bruy2017-05-22 09:46 PM

1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 ... 670 (276-300/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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