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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
14365Bug reportClosedNormalExcessive zoom-in is remembered even if not applied2019-03-09 04:10 PM
14359Bug reportClosedNormalPrimary key for topology face layer is fully scanned upfront2019-03-09 04:10 PM
14351Bug reportClosedNormalcomposer: legend item count for layers with @atlas_ variables always return 02019-03-09 04:09 PM
14345Bug reportClosedNormalSpatiaLite - No need for 'Length' field in DB Manager?2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14333Bug reportClosedNormalchanging individually the values of a proportional symbology should not be allowed 2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14275Bug reportClosedNormal"Control feature rendering order" textbox is not editable2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14242Bug reportClosedNormalAdvanced Digitizing Tools - 'Perpendicular' and 'Parallel' not available2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14216Bug reportClosedNormalqgis_coordinatereferencesystemtest fails2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14185Bug reportClosedNormalIncoherence in Scale Bar decoration?2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14173Bug reportClosedNormalRendering order ignored for added/changed features2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14153Bug reportClosedNormalloadNamedStyle fail to load edit widget2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14145Bug reportClosedNormalSnapping to WFS2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14126Bug reportClosedNormalMissing classes in histogram2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14106Bug reportClosedNormalgdal info -stats are approximate if ".aux.xml" has been created.2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14082Bug reportClosedNormalarea calculation in Field Calculator is depending on Output field type2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14075Bug reportClosedNormalComposer scale Bar: The Map list is sorted according to items Z-order and not alphabetically2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14022Bug reportClosedNormalVersion check should be user-controlled2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13997Bug reportClosedNormalUnintended datum shift to WGS84 in map canvas2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13996Bug reportClosedNormalSpatialite views can only loaded as tables in DB Manager, Browser panel recognize views correct2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13957Bug reportClosedNormal[Project Properties] certain ellipsoids selected cause transform initialization failure2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13956Bug reportClosedNormal[Project Properties] certain ellipsoids selected appear changed to another2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13939Bug reportClosedNormalWMS authorization dialog locks up QGIS2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13887Bug reportClosedNormalProject not considered dirty when it has no layers2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13863Bug reportClosedNormalComplex Polygon not displayed on screen if it can not be displayed entirely2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13823Bug reportClosedNormalDB Manager - Renaming constraints and indexes fails when renaming a table2019-03-09 04:09 PM

1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 ... 670 (276-300/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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