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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21567Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS intersection reporting incorrect intersections & Unions2019-03-12 03:12 PM
17895Bug reportClosedLowCan not resize simple marker selector window2019-03-12 02:56 PM
16340Bug reportClosedNormalLayers within an embedded group are not displayed on the map2019-03-12 11:25 AM
13998Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS is not rotating the Pixels when showing a rotated tif2019-03-12 11:20 AM
21211Bug reportRejectedNormalBuild errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid value (100, 110, 120 or 200). It will be set to 200"Alessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 10:11 AM
21523Bug reportClosedNormalQGis 3.6 Saga, every raster function fail2019-03-12 07:45 AM
21028Bug reportClosedNormalDB manager: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same threadAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-11 09:28 PM
20048Bug reportClosedNormalIncorrectly uses epsg:2158 for epsg:25829 prj files2019-03-11 07:12 PM
12951Bug reportClosedNormalNo XSD is created when exporting to GML2019-03-11 06:03 PM
6873Bug reportClosedLowProblem with data stored in the root of disk2019-03-11 05:57 PM
16093Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 2.14 - Cannot change order of legend items when "Filter legend by map content" is selected2019-03-11 04:01 PM
21554Bug reportClosedNormalquery as view works in 2.14 LTR and does not in 3.4.5 LTR2019-03-11 11:50 AM
21552Bug reportClosedHighPython error when trying to set the "region" from layer extent in Processing in a GRASS tool: "type object 'QgsMapLayerProxyModel' has no attribute 'MeshLayer'"2019-03-11 10:59 AM
19880Bug reportClosedNormalgroups in containers (in forms) do not appear 2019-03-11 08:22 AM
21160Bug reportClosedNormalProtocol - two by geojsonRichard Duivenvoorde2019-03-11 12:55 AM
18733Bug reportClosedNormalLegend not matching map with "lock style for layers" option2019-03-11 12:25 AM
21517Bug reportClosedNormalEstimated Extent fails when rows exceed 32-bit signed integer max, issues slow ST_Extent query2019-03-10 10:46 PM
21538Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.6 crashes when setting elevation layer in QGIS 3DMartin Dobias2019-03-10 10:44 PM
17272Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS shows different geometry type in layer 'information' then ogrinfo2019-03-10 08:26 PM
17572Bug reportClosedNormalIn Browserwidget, Geonode connections show a (root) layer, but cannot be added2019-03-10 08:25 PM
21213Bug reportClosedNormalPasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygonNyall Dawson2019-03-10 07:34 PM
16918Bug reportClosedNormalproblem when rotate composite symbols2019-03-10 06:02 PM
3777Bug reportClosedLowAttribute table record selection2019-03-10 05:59 PM
6185Bug reportClosedLowCan't write pyramids to separate .ovr file if raster file is read-only2019-03-10 04:19 PM
4079Bug reportClosedNormal(Some) features with invalid geometries not labelled2019-03-10 03:41 PM

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