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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
16975Bug reportClosedLowPackage python-qgis fails to install from ubuntugis ppa2017-08-09 10:19 AM
8165Bug reportClosedLowgdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option2017-08-08 08:04 AM
9315Bug reportClosedLowField Calculator, slow performance with 2.1.0-104Matthias Kuhn2017-08-08 01:05 AM
11680Feature requestClosedLowList layers name in functions panel within "select by expression" dialog2017-08-01 11:30 AM
15188Bug reportClosedLowImporting .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)Sandro Santilli2017-07-11 12:17 AM
7967Feature requestClosedLowModeler: Output of a tool is not graphically used as the input of the next toolVictor Olaya2017-06-29 01:15 AM
16727Bug reportClosedLowImporting files from GDB containing a .shp file2017-06-20 07:53 PM
3209Feature requestClosedLowSet "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user chooses "Microstation DGN" format for export2017-06-13 05:07 PM
2989Feature requestClosedLowimprove reading of DWG to equal DGN functionalityJürgen Fischer2017-06-13 05:05 PM
16357Feature requestClosedLowAllow to set extent from other layer in raster save as dialog2017-06-01 02:02 AM
15098Bug reportClosedLowArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on WindowsJürgen Fischer2017-05-28 01:54 AM
16504Bug reportClosedLowMissing CRS in Mac version2017-05-26 05:03 PM
14046Feature requestClosedLowExporting symbol from Style Manager : add a checkbox near each symbol to easier multiple selection2017-05-24 05:03 PM
14413Bug reportClosedLowSave project data with relative paths at first save not working (QGIS 2.14)2017-05-24 01:44 PM
14592Bug reportClosedLowTest connection returns no feedback in the new MSSQL connection dialogNathan Woodrow2017-05-19 12:43 PM
13952Bug reportClosedLowQGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomlySandro Santilli2017-05-19 09:13 AM
16327Bug reportClosedLow"Edit Create Options" dialogue doesn't handle whitespace correctly2017-05-18 07:13 AM
14789Feature requestClosedLowSearch layers panel2017-05-18 05:45 AM
16567Bug reportClosedLowShear values iin transform effect are not being saved2017-05-18 12:12 AM
3832Feature requestClosedLowadd x y input to move2017-05-06 11:37 AM
5703Feature requestRejectedLowImplement raster extent and resolution from an existing raster also for OTBVictor Olaya2017-05-03 07:04 PM
3486Feature requestClosedLowSnapping for move tool2017-05-01 05:42 PM
3231Feature requestClosedLowEnhancements: Numerical move tool & use two clicks instead of dragging with move toolnobody -2017-05-01 02:35 PM
12426Bug reportClosedLowBetter commander and more obvious way to close itVictor Olaya2017-05-01 01:06 PM
2282Feature requestClosedLowIntegrate a spin box in simplify tool dialognobody -2017-05-01 12:02 PM

1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 ... 670 (251-275/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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