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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3412Bug reportClosedLowcrash when double clicking edit table button2011-12-23 07:00 AM
626Feature requestClosedLowGRASS Edit: add the tool to continue a line or a boundary as polyline2016-02-19 11:45 AM
281Bug reportClosedLowSelecting features causing abnormal exit2014-06-29 10:12 AM
3427Feature requestClosedLowUnnecessary rendering overhead2012-01-12 12:49 AM
1771Feature requestClosedLowLine widths should allow map units next to mm2012-10-06 02:48 AM
1199Feature requestClosedLowlet the user specify overviews format and compression2014-06-29 10:12 AM
1099Feature requestClosedLowbutton to add class graduated symbol dialog2009-07-17 06:11 AM
1209Feature requestClosedLowGPS plugin - use stored path for all file browser dialogs; also save/use file type2012-01-12 09:01 AM
1238Feature requestClosedLowincrease the precision of lines/outlines size settings in Symbology2011-12-25 11:55 AM
757Feature requestClosedLowEditing table of GRASS vector2016-02-19 11:46 AM
1449Bug reportClosedLowThe map and overview canvas resizes incorrectly2014-06-02 03:43 AM
1704Bug reportClosedLowLabel buffer doesn't work in map units2012-08-20 03:48 AM
1283Feature requestClosedLowlet modify font color in legend, label, scale2013-03-16 09:37 AM
558Feature requestClosedLowHighlight Layers2012-01-02 06:13 AM
859Feature requestClosedLowAssign vector colors from column2014-08-08 08:20 AM
1729Feature requestClosedLowMapInfo: OGR layer converter doesn't work2011-03-04 09:51 AM
574Bug reportClosedLowCrash when opening .tif when projection is on2009-08-22 12:51 AM
1356Bug reportClosedLowcreate index incorrect for MapInfo files2011-12-25 11:25 AM
1386Feature requestClosedLowEnhanced Map Tips through Macro Language/Operators2012-10-06 02:39 AM
1399Feature requestClosedLowMetadata management in QGIS2011-12-25 12:01 PM
470Bug reportClosedLowadding a column to GRASS vector corrupts it2015-11-10 03:35 AM
1451Bug reportClosedLowHigh usage of CPU when moving mouse over map canvas2015-10-19 02:56 AM
1482Feature requestClosedLowAdd accessors to QgsVectorLayer2015-11-16 08:25 AM
1045Bug reportClosedLowRenaming layer in legend requires layer name change to cancel it's renaming2009-07-04 01:34 PM
970Feature requestClosedLowWhen Initial Visibility is set to false still set map extent for first layer added2016-02-19 12:14 PM

1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 ... 670 (251-275/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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