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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
15691Bug reportClosedNormal'Expand All'/'Collapse All' issue when opening a project2017-09-22 09:55 AM
14080Bug reportClosedNormal'Georeferencer' plugin doesn't support clipboard (paste) functionality when using mac's `pbcopy` terminal command2016-05-23 05:22 AM
13639Bug reportClosedNormal'Identify Results' graph shows incorrect values for NaN2019-03-09 04:09 PM
14850Bug reportClosedHigh'Layers Panel' - Symbol size depends on zoom level2017-09-22 10:05 AM
14782Bug reportClosedNormal'Line pattern fill' and 'Marker line' zooming/panning issue2016-05-30 12:51 PM
18465Bug reportClosedHigh'Load' button in Layer Properties > Style > Min/max settings has disappeared2018-12-31 06:18 AM
14292Bug reportClosedNormal'Merge Selected Features' does not remove unnecessary nodes2016-02-14 11:48 AM
5224Bug reportClosedNormal'Merge selected features' tool creates invalid MULTIPOLYGON instead of POLYGON geometry2019-03-09 04:04 PM
19130Bug reportClosedNormal'Move and Copy' feature of vector editor duplicates 'fid' 2018-11-07 03:50 PM
19298Bug reportClosedNormal'Order by expression' can't save to shapefile2018-08-29 05:18 PM
14468Bug reportClosedLow'QGIS Version Information' dialogue box mentions wrong QGIS version2017-09-22 10:05 AM
14786Bug reportClosedNormal'Reshape Features'/'Split Features' inconsistent behavior2019-03-09 04:10 PM
11801Bug reportClosedHigh'Rotate Label' freezes2015-01-10 09:05 AM
12829Bug reportClosedNormal'Sample color' button error?2015-11-10 03:47 AM
14854Bug reportClosedNormal'Save Edits' discards unconfirmed values in attribute table2018-03-06 11:53 AM
7507Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression'Save as ' can't export attribute tables in an editable format2013-07-16 09:20 AM
5185Feature requestClosedLow'Select All' command in core2016-02-01 02:09 AM
8108Bug reportClosedNormal'Select by location' does not show selection on map2013-06-21 05:54 AM
14747Feature requestClosedNormal'Select features by freehand' should support single click2017-09-22 10:05 AM
2065Bug reportClosedLow'Show selected records only' not refreshing table when using the function "search"2013-06-01 08:58 AM
19558Bug reportClosedNormal'Spatialite execute SQL' algorithm does not allow selection of layers without geometry2018-08-08 11:27 AM
15377Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression'Split Features' tool fails to split valid (?) polygon2017-01-03 01:52 AM
14896Bug reportClosedNormal'Split Features' tool: Misleading warning message for selected features with topology errors2019-03-09 03:08 PM
14573Bug reportClosedNormal'Zoom Full' fails after moving features2016-03-29 03:21 PM
15872Bug reportClosedNormal'Zoom Full' not working2017-01-04 06:26 AM

1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 ... 670 (251-275/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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