

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12853Feature requestClosedNormalNo confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the browser panelNathan Woodrow2015-06-08 01:58 AM
8464Feature requestClosedNormalSave query in Select by ExpressionNathan Woodrow2016-02-18 11:30 AM
8050Feature requestClosedNormalimprove automatic CRS attribution on loaded layer with no CRS Nathan Woodrow2014-03-04 08:54 PM
7626Feature requestClosedNormalWelcome pageNathan Woodrow2016-01-14 10:11 AM
7565Feature requestClosedNormalrelative path in form settingNathan Woodrow2014-07-25 06:54 AM
7213Feature requestClosedNormalTurn layer classes on/off with a checkboxNathan Woodrow2015-12-01 11:35 PM
7319Feature requestClosedNormalCreate class for each Edit type Nathan Woodrow2014-05-22 01:52 PM
7012Feature requestClosedNormalEditable unique value should use QCombobox with completerNathan Woodrow2013-10-01 07:12 AM
6776Feature requestClosedNormalAllow multiple parallel classifications for different visual variablesNathan Woodrow2015-05-27 11:27 PM
10332Feature requestClosedNormalList possible databases in MS SQL connection dialogNathan Woodrow2018-10-05 11:57 AM
4247Feature requestClosedNormalLegend - setting for group spacingNathan Woodrow2012-02-06 05:28 PM
6201Feature requestClosedNormalOption to disable automatic reclassificationNathan Woodrow2015-12-13 09:12 AM
6297Feature requestClosedNormalStartup python script for all usersNathan Woodrow2017-05-19 09:35 AM
6091Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "recent used" expressions list in field calculatorNathan Woodrow2014-01-22 04:22 AM
4814Feature requestClosedNormalApply expression builder widget to field calculatorNathan Woodrow2012-01-18 07:06 AM
5928Feature requestClosedNormalRandom functionNathan Woodrow2013-05-25 07:20 PM
6307Feature requestClosedNormalAdd font color option to legend in print composerNathan Woodrow2013-04-05 05:52 AM
7192Feature requestClosedNormalsystem specific location of qgis settingsNathan Woodrow2017-11-13 08:35 AM
9934Feature requestClosedNormalRotation of features in Map ComposerNyall Dawson2018-02-21 09:41 PM
11301Feature requestClosedNormal[composer] Add option to hide item bounding boxesNyall Dawson2015-09-18 06:14 AM
11136Feature requestClosedNormalAttribute Table in Print Composer : being able to hide the headerNyall Dawson2014-09-17 05:59 AM
10539Feature requestClosedNormalQgsExpression instance variablesNyall Dawson2015-08-23 07:16 PM
10650Feature requestClosedNormalAtlas printing: getting access to the $atlasfeature record in expressionsNyall Dawson2014-08-30 02:50 PM
10273Feature requestClosedNormalAdd support for multi-line strings in the composer' attribute table itemNyall Dawson2015-08-18 01:35 PM
17380Feature requestClosedNormalAdd sort option to processing "incremental field" algorithmNyall Dawson2018-04-19 06:31 AM

1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 670 (226-250/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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