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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20281Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.4: Python error when running "r.texture" on Windows2018-11-11 10:42 PM
574Bug reportClosedLowCrash when opening .tif when projection is on2009-08-22 12:51 AM
3380Bug reportClosedLowCrash when repeatedly switching symbology renderer2012-01-28 03:04 PM
3407Bug reportClosedNormalGeoreferencer asks for output file name even if only tfw is selected2015-06-18 05:53 AM
10521Bug reportClosedLoworder of reading svg paths2018-02-24 03:53 PM
14853Bug reportClosedNormalHistogram min/max values markers and graph are always the ones for values computed as "estimated"2019-03-09 04:10 PM
3455Bug reportClosedLowOTF or save as in another projection not work no more2012-10-31 02:56 AM
3470Bug reportClosedLowGRASS error(s?) missing error details2016-05-18 05:29 AM
19538Bug reportClosedNormalParser Errors: Function is not known2018-09-03 10:39 AM
3480Bug reportClosedLowComposer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed2014-06-03 03:30 AM
19021Bug reportClosedNormal[Layout] Exporting an atlas does not bring back the map item to its initial extent at the end of the process2018-05-25 01:13 AM
18200Bug reportClosedHighResampling rasters don't work2018-02-24 02:47 PM
3487Bug reportClosedLowSelect features by rectangle does not work properly2015-12-19 10:50 AM
597Bug reportClosedHighlat/lon maps should wrap around 180 longitude2011-09-02 06:56 AM
16699Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crash dumped2017-07-27 03:44 PM
3511Bug reportClosedLowOnly one sub-level of symbols is saved2015-11-20 12:21 AM
270Bug reportClosedLowPrint composer and printing (OSX)2009-08-22 12:46 AM
3527Bug reportClosedLowCrash when removing layers from project2011-12-23 07:35 AM
3538Bug reportClosedLowSave layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information2015-11-20 03:56 AM
3542Bug reportClosedLowTable edits cause loss of geometry2011-03-08 03:05 PM
3543Bug reportClosedLowOn windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it2015-11-20 04:09 AM
3562Bug reportClosedLowQGIS incompatible with QWT 6.0.02012-02-02 02:00 PM
3568Bug reportClosedLowBad Allocation when zooming2014-06-21 02:07 PM
3115Bug reportClosedLowOld project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating2015-12-19 04:11 PM
16709Bug reportClosedHighGeoJSON URLs (https) can't be added to projects in 2.18.9 (worked in previous 2.18 point releases)2017-07-25 08:28 PM

1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 670 (226-250/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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