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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6936Bug reportRejectedNormalGRASS plugin missing from qgis 1.8/osgeo4w2013-01-03 12:23 PM
7088Bug reportRejectedNormalPolygonizer plug-in not working in Master2013-03-11 04:09 AM
7057Feature requestRejectedNormalDB Manager SQL window should remember query string when closing and re-use the string when re-opening SQL window2013-01-28 12:59 AM
7059Bug reportRejectedNormalFrom EPSG3003 to EPSG4326 matter2013-01-28 03:14 AM
7047Bug reportRejectedNormalPython support broken/disabled on QGIS' quantal master builds when running on ubuntu's upcoming ringtail 13.042013-01-25 03:40 AM
16069Bug reportRejectedNormalRandom extract Processing test fails2017-04-27 04:28 AM
7326Bug reportRejectedNormalGeoCoding Plugin2013-03-11 11:48 PM
16772Bug reportRejectedNormalcheck validity algorithm with GEOS method does not detect ring self-intersection2017-07-01 11:01 AM
7158Bug reportRejectedNormalVirus in the current version 1.8.0-22013-02-15 02:20 AM
10484Feature requestRejectedNormalItalian Cadastral Maps , CXF files and CMF files2014-06-06 02:08 AM
9495Feature requestRejectedNormalAdd new symbol sets2014-02-04 11:31 PM
8272Bug reportRejectedNormalBad size request with a georeferenced raster2019-01-29 01:56 PM
14681Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS Layer - Static Character Encoding2016-10-06 01:27 PM
12314Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS crashes when creating a raster layer histogramm2015-04-10 05:34 AM
8789Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS failing to load semi automatic classification plugin and otb and saga not configured2013-10-07 11:49 AM
7787Feature requestRejectedNormalAdd create and connect Spatialite DB into DBManager2014-03-26 11:47 AM
11268Bug reportRejectedNormalError when importing matplotlib 1.42014-09-25 09:47 AM
17436Bug reportRejectedNormalMenus appear in wrong place2017-11-10 01:25 AM
16126Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing: Tools for LiDAR data2017-05-03 07:28 PM
14650Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing > Import Vector into PostGIS database > error2016-04-10 08:16 AM
14150Bug reportRejectedNormaltuple index out of range when trying to launch Command: load from commander 2016-05-26 05:50 AM
19476Bug reportRejectedNormal"PyCapsule_GetPointer called with incorrect name" when trying to build master2018-08-04 12:11 PM
8043Feature requestRejectedNormalAvoid duplicate nodes from "Extract Nodes"2016-10-05 05:08 AM
8980Bug reportRejectedNormalsvg fill issue: lines not rendered correctly2014-05-19 07:52 AM
16797Bug reportRejectedNormalOverwriting GeoJOSN file is confirmed only via dialog "OK"2017-07-06 06:26 AM

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