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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
17125Bug reportClosedHigh"Show Selected Features" option renders QGIS unusable with large layers2019-03-09 03:10 PM
13999Bug reportClosedNormal"Show feature count" on a rule based gives wrong result for the "ELSE" statement.2018-03-30 10:07 AM
17213Bug reportClosedNormal"Show only features visible within a map" filter not able to select "base map" - only most recent map.2019-03-09 03:10 PM
13474Bug reportClosedNormal"Show plus sign" tick mark in Layer labeling setting not saved in project fileSebastian Dietrich2016-01-23 05:51 PM
20138Bug reportClosedNormal"Show selected features" attribute table behavior doesn't work2018-11-01 09:27 PM
6494Feature requestClosedNormal"Show selected features" setting should cooperate with the override in the attribute table window2015-12-22 12:21 PM
5706Bug reportClosedNormal"Show selected only"2013-09-22 01:54 AM
5525Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"Show selected only" in the Attribute table causes QGIS to crash when the number of selected features is high2013-04-13 07:43 AM
14379Bug reportClosedNormal"Show tooltip when they are disabled providers" is not workingAlexander Bruy2016-03-09 04:23 AM
4103Feature requestClosedNormal"Snap Tolerance" dialogue text needs to be updated2013-05-29 11:46 AM
18499Bug reportClosedNormal"Snapping Toolbar" missing from View > Toolbars2018-09-24 10:27 AM
4534Bug reportClosedHigh"Split vector layer" freezes QGIS2017-05-01 01:22 AM
9629Bug reportClosedNormal"Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master2014-02-24 03:01 AM
14696Bug reportClosedLow"Stretch using current extent" on invisible layer causes redraw of map2019-03-09 04:10 PM
10878Bug reportClosedNormal"Symbology export" does not work when saving as shapefile(?)2019-03-09 04:09 PM
7620Bug reportClosedNormal"Symetrical difference" should be "SyMMetrical difference"2013-07-16 04:21 PM
5786Bug reportClosedNormal"Text annotation" map tool not correctly interacting with other map tools2015-12-26 03:42 AM
8480Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"The attribute could not be inserted. The name already exists in the table." when adding a real or double column in PostGIS2013-08-29 04:31 AM
12989Bug reportClosedNormal"The relation is not valid.." message is shown alwaysMatthias Kuhn2015-06-18 01:09 AM
19750Bug reportClosedNormal"To run another Processing algorithm" in Processing's is broken2018-09-26 09:07 PM
18655Bug reportClosedNormal"Too many attributes" error when saving layer with auxiliary fields2018-12-28 02:50 PM
8451Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"Transform error caught: forward transform of..." while editing on qgis master2014-01-26 02:25 PM
19548Bug reportClosedNormal"Trying to send out an invalid response"2019-03-09 03:08 PM
8488Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"Unable to load the layer <built-in method name of QgsVectorLayer object at 0x0B8EE3D8>" when d&d from browser to DB manager2013-08-20 09:47 AM
4318Feature requestClosedNormal"Union": after adding the result to TOC/project, the output layer is not immediately available for other operationscfarmer -2017-05-01 01:22 AM

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