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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
145Bug reportClosedLowEmail Notification by Trac?Gary Sherman2006-06-16 11:09 PM
308Bug reportClosedLowa 3D polygon SHP won't open in QGIS, but opens fine in OpenEVGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
73Bug reportClosedLowCan't load vector layerGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
349Bug reportClosedLowBuffer plugin failsGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
579Bug reportClosedLowerror compiling with msexport_wrap.cxxGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:45 AM
324Bug reportClosedLowfatal error loading linear shape fileGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
961Bug reportClosedLowCheck projection settings for sample datasetGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:54 AM
407Bug reportClosedLowOS X dialogs don't display current color selectionGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
262Bug reportClosedLowProjectin transformations on fly still crash QGISGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
164Bug reportClosedLowWMS connects but shows white mapGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
709Bug reportClosedLowCrash when using SPIT to import shapefilesGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:45 AM
163Bug reportClosedLowGRASS and don't open file selectorGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
162Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes when you select "delete attribute" at attribute tableGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
662Bug reportClosedLowmapserver export incorrect for OGR layersGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:54 AM
161Bug reportClosedLowAttributes are set to numbers although attribute type characterGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
352Bug reportClosedLowVisual c++ 8 complains about function not returning a valueGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
304Bug reportClosedLowSPIT PLUGIN Cannot import shapefiles to PostGISGary Sherman2006-10-14 03:05 PM
3909Bug reportClosedLowQgsVectorLayer::vectorType - incomplete return pathGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
835Bug reportClosedLowQgis assertion when loading a postgres layer when the postgis extent() function is missingGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
847Bug reportClosedLowdelimited text import plugin skips the first input pointGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:54 AM
93Bug reportClosedLowfile selector doesn't accept wildcards anymoreGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
272Bug reportClosedLowa bookmark is actually deleted OK, but an error is issued that it wasn'tGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
271Bug reportClosedLowsvn 2006.09.14 crashes after using "Move vertex" on an empty canvasGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
154Bug reportClosedLowZoom to selected does not work with POINT LayerGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
815Bug reportClosedLowDelimited text layer provider brokenGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:52 AM

1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 670 (226-250/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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