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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20101Bug reportClosedNormal[Processing] "Buffer" is not listed as an edit in place algorithm for polygon layerAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-19 10:40 PM
17263Bug reportClosedHigh[Symbology]Clip features to canvas extent displayed twiceAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-22 11:18 AM
20147Bug reportClosedNormal[edit-in-place] - difference deletes invalid geometriesAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-19 10:40 PM
16986Bug reportClosedHigha new bookmark is apparently not created after the first one, if only QGIS bookmarks are presentAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-29 02:41 PM
19950Bug reportClosedHighblocking of QGIS, if the edit in place functionality is used in the locator bar (with ef) on an non-modifiable layerAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-26 02:20 PM
16695Bug reportClosedNormalbrowser panel restore causes unwanted WMS connections when expandedAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:30 AM
14021Bug reportClosedHighchanging a value in the advanced settings editor makes qgis crashAlessandro Pasotti2015-12-22 06:41 AM
21504Bug reportClosedNormalclicking on field calculator while not in editing modeAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-07 12:05 PM
20155Bug reportClosedHighcrash loading style from postgres db when there is no "layer_styles" table in the databaseAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-23 08:21 AM
20134Bug reportClosedHighcrash when trying to set exluded layer in QGIS Server WMS capabilitiesAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-24 08:15 AM
13984Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressioncustom python init function config is lost in masterAlessandro Pasotti2015-12-14 04:59 AM
20053Bug reportClosedNormaldecimal separator in csv filesAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-02 11:00 AM
13291Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressiondefault project in qgis_mapserv.fcgi's directory is no longer readAlessandro Pasotti2016-02-24 11:30 PM
21409Bug reportClosedNormaldo not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini user parameter fileAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-01 05:31 PM
21100Bug reportClosedNormalfield calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n dash (hypen) in field namesAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-04 11:00 AM
18726Bug reportClosedHighgeopackage: real values displayed wrong in tableAlessandro Pasotti2018-08-16 10:45 AM
19008Bug reportClosedNormalloading raster to GeopackageAlessandro Pasotti2018-07-27 08:53 AM
20038Bug reportClosedHighmapCanvas.saveAsImage('path') adds a red cross to the imageAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-07 11:22 PM
9306Bug reportClosedHighmapserver GetMap segfaults when OPACITIES is set and an external SLD and is provided but not for all layersAlessandro Pasotti2014-01-07 05:54 AM
16753Bug reportClosedHighoff-line editing synchronization cripples the original datasource if this is a WFS-T LayerAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-22 11:45 AM
19984Bug reportClosedLowopencl warnings when building on ubuntu 'cosmic' 18.10Alessandro Pasotti2018-10-01 12:09 PM
21305Bug reportClosedHighpasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is very slowAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-21 10:06 AM
21011Bug reportClosedNormalraster calculator in processing does not work with Aspect rasterAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-25 12:40 PM
16233Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionregression: deleting a saved wms/wmts server crashes QGISAlessandro Pasotti2017-03-01 11:07 PM
19199Bug reportClosedHighregression: vector layer legend symbol / children (i.e. rules) aren't shown when in groupAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-17 04:25 PM

1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 670 (226-250/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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