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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20020Bug reportClosedNormalGeopackage avoid intersection allow no geometryAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-09 08:54 AM
19893Bug reportClosedNormalIt's not possible to delete raster layers in geopackages on WindowsAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-20 10:03 AM
14703Bug reportClosedNormalIdentify Results -> Save Link FailsAlessandro Pasotti2016-11-11 09:00 AM
20549Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS SERVER - error in parsing WMS GetFeatureInfo as XMLAlessandro Pasotti2018-11-28 08:01 AM
18608Bug reportClosedNormalLayer tree embedded widgets do not show up unless you move layerAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-08 09:06 AM
21511Bug reportClosedNormalMultiband Color image bands in Raster CalculatorAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-08 02:47 PM
12671Bug reportClosedNormalCursor icon is too small on HiDPI screenAlessandro Pasotti2017-12-02 06:29 PM
17402Bug reportClosedNormalAuthentication settings for WMS/WFS etc. are not migrated from 2 to 3Alessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:25 AM
19827Bug reportClosedNormalGetFeatureInfo on "value relation" widget with array field (multiple selections) Bug - Test addedAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-17 07:42 AM
19914Bug reportClosedNormalusing the console and cloning a symbol from a graduated style layer crashes qgis 3Alessandro Pasotti2018-09-21 04:58 PM
19023Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on Check GeometryAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-05 02:18 AM
11517Bug reportClosedNormalSize restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honoredAlessandro Pasotti2015-11-12 08:49 AM
17518Bug reportClosedNormalBrowser panel D&D a layer onto a postgresql connection tree node icon fails without noticeAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-24 06:23 PM
20101Bug reportClosedNormal[Processing] "Buffer" is not listed as an edit in place algorithm for polygon layerAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-19 10:40 PM
18017Bug reportClosedNormalBookkeeping problem in attribute tableAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-06 10:27 AM
16695Bug reportClosedNormalbrowser panel restore causes unwanted WMS connections when expandedAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-21 09:30 AM
17721Bug reportClosedNormalColor picker does not pick the color (always set to transparent)Alessandro Pasotti2018-02-22 11:13 AM
17861Bug reportClosedNormalSQLite REAL numbers displayed as too many digits in Attribute TableAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-01 07:57 AM
17927Bug reportClosedNormalGroup Layers not activating when Theme is selected.Alessandro Pasotti2018-01-25 08:52 AM
18102Bug reportClosedNormalCan only input integer value in the vertex editorAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-18 03:53 PM
20743Bug reportClosedNormalAfter handling bad layers, no unsaved stateAlessandro Pasotti2018-12-13 02:57 PM
21870Bug reportClosedNormalITEMFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMSAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-17 04:04 PM
21735Bug reportClosedNormalWMS Client: GetFeatureInfo in JSON format doesn't display numeric attribute valuesAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-27 06:25 PM
20848Bug reportClosedNormalIssue exporting raster layer to GeopackageAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-27 11:05 AM
21687Feature requestClosedNormalQGIS Server/Desktop: Configurable thousand separators per field/widgetAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-11 11:23 PM

1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 670 (226-250/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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