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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
556Bug reportClosedLowField should be Layer in GRASS lingoAaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
572Bug reportClosedLowchange any property of a vector layer (transparency, labels etc.) = the layer gets expandedAaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
722Bug reportClosedLowLCC projection not recognized (EPSG 3358)Aaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
800Bug reportClosedLow'Search' in on the fly projection dialogue missplacedAaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
811Bug reportClosedLowselectionChanged() SIGNAL getting connected and disconnected on raster layers in qgsmapcanvas.cppAaron Racicot -2009-08-22 12:52 AM
18084Bug reportClosedLowInconsistent titles in file save dialogs in QGIS 3Alessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 05:54 PM
19984Bug reportClosedLowopencl warnings when building on ubuntu 'cosmic' 18.10Alessandro Pasotti2018-10-01 12:09 PM
1384Bug reportClosedLowUbuntu Intrepid GUI load failureAlex Mandel2009-08-22 12:57 AM
3077Bug reportClosedLowftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj fileAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:23 AM
3210Bug reportClosedLowftools: python error when no output file is choosen in the "merge" toolAlexander Bruy2010-11-14 01:57 AM
3235Feature requestClosedLowAdd raster calculator iconAlexander Bruy2012-04-26 01:09 AM
3500Bug reportClosedLowfTools: unsufficient field width for Area and Perimeter fieldsAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:23 AM
3519Bug reportClosedLowSave buttons in raster properties dialog are not workingAlexander Bruy2011-04-15 06:27 AM
5097Bug reportClosedLowDialog in Merge Shape FilesAlexander Bruy2017-05-01 01:22 AM
8916Bug reportClosedLowGDAL Tools: no feedback on extract projectionAlexander Bruy2013-10-19 03:50 AM
8733Feature requestClosedLowBetter formatting for scalesAlvaro Huarte2013-10-19 05:50 AM
8776Bug reportClosedLowproject background color does not take effect until you panAlvaro Huarte2013-10-10 02:02 AM
9684Bug reportClosedLowImprove tool grouping and color usage in toolbarsAnita Graser2019-03-09 03:11 PM
1405Bug reportClosedLowPython Plugin Installer not UTF-8 awareBorys Jurgiel2009-08-22 12:57 AM
1512Feature requestClosedLowplugins/analyses menu appears twiceBorys Jurgiel2009-08-22 01:01 AM
1551Bug reportClosedLowuniform edit tools iconsBorys Jurgiel2009-08-22 01:03 AM
1584Feature requestClosedLowpython plugins in source code: please add them also to standard repoBorys Jurgiel2009-08-22 12:38 AM
1602Feature requestClosedLowSuperfluous entries in the Plugin menuBorys Jurgiel2013-03-16 12:46 PM
1688Feature requestClosedLowAssign layer CRS to project (legend context menu)Borys Jurgiel2011-03-10 03:22 PM
1743Bug reportClosedLowSome plugins menu items don't functionBorys Jurgiel2010-04-07 11:10 AM

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