

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12255Feature requestClosedNormalwms vendor parameters2015-02-24 12:56 PM
5451Feature requestClosedNormalworking with DWG format2012-04-22 05:31 AM
13262Feature requestClosedNormalworld file should better handle multipage composers2015-09-14 03:17 AM
10377Feature requestClosedNormalwould like ability to disable vertical axis labels appearing on sides when map is rotated2015-03-17 10:00 PM
2063Feature requestClosedLowwrapper for R and GRASS2013-03-16 01:07 PM
2123Feature requestClosedLowwrong projection information when creating a new shapefileJürgen Fischer2009-11-25 02:38 PM
3338Feature requestClosedNormalzonal statisticsMarco Hugentobler2011-08-11 01:51 PM
2943Feature requestClosedLowzoom while capturing linenobody -2010-08-16 02:53 AM

1 ... 86 87 88 (4351-4358/4358) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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