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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
16120Feature requestRejectedNormalStatistic panel: Add "Count distinct" to numeric field2017-09-22 09:54 AM
5466Feature requestRejectedNormalUse CRS parameter for epsg codeVictor Olaya2017-05-03 07:01 PM
13624Feature requestRejectedLowVoting / rating of plugins at plugins.qgis.org2016-05-24 12:53 PM
8686Feature requestRejectedNormal[feature request] Automatic redirections from language code subdirectories URLs ?2013-09-26 04:59 AM
6659Feature requestRejectedNormalgdal_rasterize GUI include the "-tr" option2012-11-07 08:46 PM
12128Feature requestRejectedNormalmodelus: "save as python script" in the context menuVictor Olaya2015-02-05 03:49 AM
14554Feature requestRejectedNormaltemplate for application argumentsAlexia Mondot2017-05-03 07:09 PM
14558Feature requestRejectedNormalunitary testsAlexia Mondot2017-05-03 07:14 PM
11022Feature requestClosedNormal Difficult to modify nodes of contiguous polygons 2015-10-22 12:21 AM
6632Feature requestClosedNormal Implement QgsPostgresProvider::addFeatures for TopoGeometry layers2012-12-14 08:53 AM
11107Feature requestClosedNormal Multiple Selection: Two areas for improvement. 2016-08-08 08:58 AM
20143Feature requestClosedNormal No mesh layer entry in layer menuPeter Petrik2019-01-28 01:10 PM
12358Feature requestClosedNormal Snapping options: avoid intersections missing2018-03-06 06:35 PM
21987Feature requestClosedNormal [processing][xyz tiles] Allow TMS tiles convention when generating tiles2019-05-18 11:34 AM
21991Feature requestClosedLow [processing][xyz tiles] html-template-filePeter Petrik2019-05-18 11:34 AM
361Feature requestClosedLow"Add as group" option for add data dialog2010-03-20 05:54 AM
1062Feature requestClosedLow"Bar graphs" iconsMarco Hugentobler2009-07-17 04:18 AM
1385Feature requestClosedLow"Field" Support for Print ComposerMarco Hugentobler2012-10-06 02:44 AM
12020Feature requestClosedNormal"Import Vector into PostGIS database" should also allow to import geometry-less layersGiovanni Manghi2015-06-19 01:29 PM
12961Feature requestClosedNormal"Import vector layer" (DB Manager): Misleading option "Drop existing table"2017-10-17 02:25 AM
20885Feature requestClosedHigh"Merge Selected Features" In Python Console2018-12-28 10:20 AM
10691Feature requestClosedNormal"Merge shapefiles to one": add the options available in the "merge shapes" plugin2017-06-29 12:00 PM
4707Feature requestClosedNormal"NOT IN" button in Query builder interface2017-05-02 03:06 PM
12098Feature requestClosedNormal"On the fly reprojection" warning2017-03-01 12:53 AM
10398Feature requestClosedNormal"Photo" type Edit Widget with relative path2016-07-21 04:07 PM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 175 (51-75/4358) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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