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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21541Bug reportOpenNormalPseudocolor renderer - discrete color ramp interpolation ignores specified Min/Max2019-03-10 05:55 PM
21539Bug reportFeedbackNormal[Advanced Digitizing] 2019-03-12 03:15 PM
21536Bug reportOpenNormalHelp for algorithms not visible in modellerVictor Olaya2019-05-21 09:53 AM
21534Feature requestOpenNormalAdd possibility to choose between seperate line and polylines in QGIS "Split lines"2019-03-09 11:17 AM
21533Bug reportOpenNormalGeometry Checks is slow when features count is enabled2019-03-09 11:28 AM
21532Bug reportOpenHigh[node tool] nodes on the locked item remains highlighted after toggle editing2019-03-09 07:47 AM
21531Feature requestOpenNormalAdd support for multilayer/multiband raster inputs in the "input raster layers" Processing widget2019-05-09 09:29 AM
21530Bug reportOpenNormalerror at the end of SAGA logs2019-03-08 06:23 PM
21529Bug reportOpenNormalMeasuretool behaving strangeRaymond Nijssen2019-03-08 06:24 PM
21524Bug reportOpenHighProcessing "iterate" does not work anymoreVictor Olaya2019-05-21 09:38 AM
21519Bug reportOpenHighProcessing "Build virtual vector" now fails in certain casesVictor Olaya2019-05-21 09:43 AM
21518Bug reportOpenNormalResize layout window will cause system hang if map contains ArcGIS map server layer2019-03-08 09:36 AM
21513Bug reportOpenHighMDAL: crashes when zooming on EPSG:4326Peter Petrik2019-03-15 11:03 AM
21509Feature requestOpenLowMesh layers: add animation2019-03-10 08:27 AM
21508Bug reportOpenNormalSaving Layer Theme discards subgroup selection2019-03-07 06:48 PM
21507Bug reportOpenNormalLinker failure with undefined reference to `nc_inq_varids'Peter Petrik2019-03-12 03:11 PM
21506Bug reportOpenHighCopy/Paste Styles as Keyboard Shortcut no longer works2019-03-07 06:49 PM
21502Bug reportOpenNormal"data defined size legend" do not uses the "size from/to" parameter and always uses the "value from/to" values, resulting in out os scale legends2019-04-09 05:32 PM
21501Bug reportOpenNormalDistance matrix does not maintain data type and precision for Input Point Layer in Linear (N*k x 3)Victor Olaya2019-05-23 04:54 PM
21500Bug reportOpenNormalOPACITIES parameter is not handled with GetPrint2019-03-14 11:53 AM
21498Bug reportOpenNormalpython error when using the QGIS "assign projection" tool in batch mode and output format is GPKG2019-03-06 11:14 AM
21496Bug reportFeedbackNormalNetwork disabled after time2019-03-06 11:29 AM
21490Bug reportFeedbackNormalGRASS plugin not operating2019-03-06 10:37 AM
21489Bug reportIn ProgressHighDelayed prompting for CRS datum transformationNyall Dawson2019-03-12 05:51 AM
21487Bug reportOpenNormalDefault project CRS is overridden by data2019-03-06 10:20 AM
21484Feature requestOpenNormalGracefully handle files on removeable media2019-03-05 06:22 PM
21482Feature requestOpenNormalLocal XYZ tiles2019-03-05 05:20 PM
21480Feature requestOpenLowIntegrate Project Home to save options2019-03-05 03:04 PM
21478Bug reportFeedbackNormalInconsistent behaviour of digitizing toolbox and line measure tool 2019-03-05 03:52 PM
21477Bug reportFeedbackNormalShift layer from ArcGIS, SRS 55142019-03-26 03:45 PM
21476Bug reportFeedbackNormalVertex editor panel keeps popping up2019-03-06 10:16 AM
21474Feature requestOpenNormalNew layer on top of layer order panel2019-03-05 02:26 AM
21473Bug reportOpenNormalexport project with arrows to dxf bug Arrows2019-03-04 10:25 PM
21470Bug reportOpenNormalLegend issues - Differences between legend in layer's properties and legend in the layer panel/print composer2019-03-04 02:28 PM
21466Feature requestOpenNormal[Style] Allow partial loading/saving/copying/pasting of raster layer style 2019-03-04 11:10 AM
21465Feature requestOpenNormalPlease allow resizing on style manager in the right panel on QGIS interface2019-03-04 10:22 AM
21464Bug reportReopenedNormaloption --profiles-path when launching QGIS and locale by default involve Qvariant error when activating plugins2019-03-04 03:12 PM
21463Bug reportFeedbackNormalUnable to display some rasters in canvas2019-03-05 04:03 PM
21461Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS cannot store master password in wallet/keyring2019-03-06 05:17 PM
21460Bug reportOpenNormalDoes not properly form SQL queries to insert or update into PostGIS2019-04-02 12:04 AM
21459Bug reportFeedbackNormalDB manager does not confirm anymore that the creation of a PostGIS table went ok2019-04-10 05:17 PM
21457Bug reportOpenHighThe "avoid intersection" operation fails with NO warnings if existing polygon has an auto intersection2019-03-03 08:19 PM
21455Bug reportOpenNormalmacOS: Error when attempting to connect spatialite DB in DB manager2019-03-04 07:58 PM
21453Bug reportOpenNormalSplit features tool behaves unpredictably when split line is snapped on a segment2019-03-03 07:24 PM
21452Bug reportOpenHighr.series broken in Processing due to wrong "range=0,0" pre-definition2019-03-08 07:22 PM
21451Bug reportFeedbackNormalQuantile (Equal Count) on given dataset generates a lot of zero-classes2019-03-04 12:06 PM
21450Bug reportFeedbackNormalGDAL Complete 2.4 frameworks not available on kyngchaos.com2019-03-03 09:29 AM
21449Feature requestOpenNormalWordwrap respects non-breaking spaces in labels2019-03-02 08:34 PM
21448Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3.6 can't open .qgz project file created on 3.4.42019-03-02 11:04 PM
21447Bug reportFeedbackNormalVectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count2019-03-04 02:12 PM
21446Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3.6 plugin slow?2019-03-02 10:55 PM
21444Feature requestFeedbackNormalcrop data to map extent when exporting to vector PDF2019-03-01 09:21 PM
21441Bug reportOpenHighMultiple issues and deadlocks with WFSNyall Dawson2019-03-11 12:33 PM
21440Feature requestOpenLowMDAL: improve the style of wind arrows2019-04-01 09:32 AM
21438Feature requestOpenNormalApply a pre-defined style to mesh layer through the API2019-03-01 12:16 PM
21437Bug reportOpenNormalWrong result with unaryUnion in python plugin2019-03-01 08:29 PM
21436Bug reportOpenNormalDBManager: spatial indexes are not reamed when a table is renamed2019-03-05 06:04 PM
21435Bug reportOpenLowChanging page size in layout editor display2019-03-01 09:56 PM
21429Bug reportOpenNormalerror adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identifier that does not match table name2019-03-02 09:01 AM
21428Bug reportOpenHighEnabling acceleration crashes QGISAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 09:29 AM
21427Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Server Labels character problem2019-03-02 10:11 PM
21423Feature requestFeedbackNormalUse more fcgi params for GetCapabilities response2019-03-01 03:16 PM
21421Feature requestFeedbackNormalOption to clear cache for WMS/WMTS service capabilities2019-03-01 08:21 PM
21420Feature requestOpenNormalUI cleanup for 3.6 on MacOS2019-02-28 11:58 AM
21418Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo2019-03-02 11:57 AM
21417Feature requestOpenNormalFor polygon editing, expose the option "avoid intersection" also in the simple snapping configuration2019-03-01 08:37 PM
21408Bug reportOpenNormalUnable to retrieve list of QgsActionScope from PyQGIS2019-03-01 08:15 PM
21406Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3 dialog size to small when when adding features to shape2019-03-05 08:41 AM
21403Feature requestOpenNormalAbility to add processing tools as favorites2019-02-27 08:26 AM
21401Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes using QSqlDatabase connecting to PostGIS2019-03-01 07:52 PM
21400Feature requestOpenLowInstall with check for operating system (e.g. win64 vs. win32)Jürgen Fischer2019-02-27 12:02 AM
21399Feature requestOpenLow"There is a new QGIS version available. Visit...." always visible on Mac OS2019-02-27 12:00 AM
21398Bug reportOpenNormalFeature Count unavailable for geopackage layers displayed after running a processing algorithm2019-03-01 09:40 PM
21397Bug reportOpenHighAssigning a primary key in QgsDataSourceUri doesn't work2019-03-20 06:28 PM
21396Bug reportOpenNormalJP2MrSID driver missing on GDAL drivers options after being disabled2019-02-26 12:32 PM
21395Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes after deactivating a GDAL driver in use in the project2019-03-01 07:52 PM
21391Feature requestOpenNormalQgsProject Notify/Listen 2019-02-26 10:59 AM
21385Feature requestOpenNormalMesh Layer styling: on Windows not so clear how to select the Group2019-02-27 09:57 AM
21383Bug reportOpenHighCrash when editing fields2019-03-01 08:10 PM
21382Bug reportOpenNormalFails to build with SERVER_PLUGINS disabled2019-05-23 04:15 PM
21381Feature requestOpenNormalPlugin Manager should warn when overwriting already installed plugin (by the "Install from zip" option)Borys Jurgiel2019-03-02 07:10 PM
21379Bug reportOpenNormalReport with predefined scale changes the height of the map2019-03-05 01:23 PM
21377Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3.6 crashes Opening 3D Views with WMTS and WCS Layer in TOC 2019-02-25 08:53 PM
21375Bug reportOpenNormalOrder of attributes in QGS XML is non-stable2019-02-25 02:34 PM
21372Bug reportFeedbackNormalOTB provider setupRashad Kanavath2019-04-24 09:44 AM
21371Bug reportOpenNormalLayer styling Mesh layer does not respond to change of Color ramp (first time)Peter Petrik2019-02-25 12:01 PM
21370Feature requestOpenNormalgeometry precision by default for new layer2019-02-25 10:01 AM
21369Feature requestOpenNormalSort and Filter on Groups box in Mesh Layer Styling dialog2019-03-01 09:24 AM
21368Bug reportOpenNormalFails to build with GUI disabledAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-25 09:04 AM
21364Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created with version 2.18Alessandro Pasotti2019-03-20 12:34 PM
21363Bug reportOpenHighBug with scale bar in 3.4.42019-03-24 08:44 PM
21359Bug reportOpenNormalPopped Out Panels Can't be Re-docked 2019-03-04 08:23 PM
21357Bug reportOpenHighSelect fields group text garbled when switching format in Save Vector Layer As dialog2019-03-05 04:31 PM
21356Bug reportOpenNormalProcessing - Export to PostgreSQL (available connections)Giovanni Manghi2019-02-23 01:27 PM
21355Feature requestOpenNormalTransparency on 3D models texture2019-02-23 10:25 AM
21352Bug reportIn ProgressHighadd geometry attributes fails on multipoint layersNyall Dawson2019-02-24 12:48 AM
21351Bug reportOpenNormalDetached 3D view 2019-02-22 03:50 PM
21347Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Matrix distance does not output right fields when using N x T matrix type2019-02-22 10:18 AM
21346Feature requestOpenNormalAssign different color ramps to selected classes2019-02-22 05:22 AM
21344Bug reportOpenNormalpasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (table view)2019-02-22 10:17 AM
21343Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate regarding the center used for calculation2019-02-25 05:06 PM
21342Bug reportOpenNormalCan't visualize jpg files on Windows2019-03-08 09:08 AM
21341Bug reportOpenNormalStandalone pyqgis application package development failure due to qgis.core dependency on PyQt5 libraries2019-02-21 06:25 PM
21338Feature requestOpenLowOption to add thousands delimiter when editing legend entries in properties dialogue 2019-02-21 06:10 PM
21337Feature requestOpenNormalGraphical Builder - Link between Expression Paramenter and Table/Vector Field2019-03-30 09:09 PM
21331Feature requestOpenNormalAllow mouse and modifier key shortcuts2019-02-22 08:23 PM
21328Bug reportFeedbackNormalFiltered WFS-Layer saves changes to other FeaturesJürgen Fischer2019-03-06 01:23 PM
21327Bug reportOpenNormal[Style] Export --> Save as QGIS Layer style File should allow to select style categories (and output format)2019-02-26 06:50 PM
21326Bug reportOpenHigh[GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add Polygon2019-04-23 08:46 AM
21325Bug reportOpenHighCrash on exit with advanced digitizing active2019-02-21 11:54 AM
21323Bug reportOpenNormalSource Fields returns wrong description of attribute table2019-02-20 12:58 PM
21322Bug reportOpenNormalDocumentation file grass7.txt is not up-to-date2019-02-21 11:51 AM
21321Bug reportOpenNormalOracle connections are not refreshed on the Browser panel2019-02-20 12:29 PM
21320Bug reportOpenNormalDraw Effects not saved 2019-02-20 11:43 AM
21319Bug reportOpenNormalTopology checker fix only 1 error2019-02-21 01:32 PM
21318Bug reportOpenNormalTopology checker does not checks gaps and overlaps2019-03-09 08:57 PM
21315Feature requestOpenNormaladd support for editing JSON PostgreSQL datatype2019-05-17 07:26 PM
21314Bug reportOpenNormal[Expression] The help in the Function Editor panel is unreadable due to coloring2019-02-19 04:38 PM
21313Feature requestOpenNormalConsideration of CPG files for encoding shape files2019-04-09 12:55 PM
21312Bug reportFeedbackNormalrecipe for target 'python/core/sip_corepart0.cpp' failed2019-04-01 03:22 PM
21302Bug reportOpenNormalExcessive vertical padding of categories in legend2019-03-04 12:55 AM
21301Bug reportOpenNormalBuffer layer styling with geometry generator2019-03-06 10:43 AM
21299Feature requestOpenNormalZoom on selected category2019-02-18 01:03 PM
21298Bug reportOpenHighQGIS flatpack crashes when opening 3d View (Ubuntu 16.04)2019-02-18 02:37 PM
21297Bug reportOpenNormalconcatenator doesn't work when not in print layout mode, for instance in virtual field2019-02-18 02:16 PM
21294Bug reportOpenNormalProfiles from Lines, SAGA tool, produces invalid files. Giovanni Manghi2019-02-18 02:22 PM
21291Feature requestOpenNormalSwitch between raw field values and displayed values in the attribute table2019-02-22 08:12 AM
21289Feature requestOpenNormalProcessing Modeler Snap Feature2019-02-15 05:41 PM
21288Feature requestOpenNormalAllow choose resampling method from raster 'save as' dialog box2019-02-16 10:50 AM
21286Feature requestOpenNormal[Expression]Add shortcut for (multiple) lines commenting when writing expressions2019-02-26 06:51 PM
21285Bug reportOpenNormalSVG icon size and position in MAC2019-02-15 03:15 PM
21282Bug reportOpenNormal[Expression] point_n function should be coherent with other vertex based functions and algorithms2019-03-13 05:22 AM
21280Feature requestOpenNormal[Expression] Add z_min and z_max functions to extract those values from a geometry2019-02-15 01:11 PM
21279Feature requestOpenNormalProcessing/OGR: do not use shapefile as format for temp input files2019-04-22 02:30 AM
21274Feature requestOpenNormalreturn arrays with aggregate and relation_aggregate2019-02-14 04:29 PM
21271Bug reportIn ProgressNormalComments in SQL query in DB Manager breaks the query2019-02-18 08:13 AM
21269Bug reportOpenHighPython3 error when running GRASS 7.6 tools in processing on mac OS William Kyngesburye2019-02-22 03:27 AM
21267Bug reportOpenNormalGeometries stored in Oracle table fail sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context(..) checkJürgen Fischer2019-02-14 10:42 AM
21263Feature requestOpenNormalReclassify by layer/table2019-02-14 07:25 AM
21261Bug reportOpenNormalExpression in text element not working with transparency2019-02-14 10:36 PM
21250Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3 Layer Filter error with Unicode field name2019-03-09 04:57 PM
21249Feature requestOpenNormalVector Feature Density2019-02-13 01:53 AM
21247Bug reportOpenHighCrash on export in any format to Arch E 600 dpi when using a lyer with inverted polygons and shapeburst symbology2019-03-23 04:10 PM
21246Bug reportOpenHighComposer Crashes QGIS when memory required is somewhat above 1500 MB2019-03-08 10:40 AM
21245Feature requestOpenLowA more intuitive way to open the group/tab properties in drag and drop form designer2019-02-12 09:03 PM
21242Feature requestOpenNormalallow re-ordering of sections in report layout2019-02-12 03:57 PM
21241Bug reportOpenHighCopy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.182019-02-12 12:39 PM
21240Bug reportOpenHighMap Compose: adding/moving legend is very slow with large projects2019-04-08 11:09 AM
21238Feature requestOpenNormalWindows Taskbar Progress Overlay2019-02-11 08:32 PM
21235Bug reportOpenNormalBuild failure with sip 4.19.142019-02-11 07:00 PM
21234Feature requestOpenNormalSupport for descending raster legend in legend tree2019-02-11 05:48 PM
21233Feature requestOpenNormalAbility to have continuous raster legend in legend tree2019-02-11 05:45 PM
21229Bug reportOpenNormalFile dialogs in FlatPak version of QGIS revert to default directory2019-02-11 02:42 PM
21228Feature requestOpenNormalMake it so styles saved for the layer in a geopackage equal styles in the 'Style Manager' list of the Layer Styling panel.2019-02-11 02:08 PM
21225Bug reportOpenNormalsql "order by" does not work with the "Add/Edit Virtual Layer" feature2019-02-11 11:07 AM
21222Feature requestOpenNormalCompleter in Value Relation widget should ignore accented characters2019-02-11 10:41 AM
21221Feature requestOpenNormalLayout Designer, Adding custom diagrams (e.g. Attribute Diagram) to the layout toolbox2019-02-09 01:55 PM
21220Feature requestOpenNormalLayout Designer, Ability to style (stroke, stroke-width and fill at least) muli-selected or grouped items (shape and node items at least)2019-02-09 01:44 PM
21216Bug reportOpenNormal[print layout] resizing layout to content, when there is no item2019-02-09 09:44 AM
21215Bug reportOpenNormal[print layout] Item properties for page is hidden when layout is created2019-02-09 09:39 AM
21212Bug reportOpenNormalClose and Restore buttons in panel windows look "too bold"2019-03-20 01:25 AM
21209Feature requestOpenNormalRandom marker position for marker line style2019-02-08 02:59 PM
21207Feature requestOpenNormalInclude a script to launch command line with current Python installation configured to bin folderJürgen Fischer2019-02-08 02:02 PM
21206Feature requestOpenNormalConsistent layer naming between Export > Save Features As to geopackage and other ways to add geopackage layers2019-02-08 02:01 PM
21205Bug reportOpenNormalno base mapping2019-04-04 11:23 AM
21203Bug reportOpenNormal']' keyboard (alt-gr + '+' ) not working on QGis 3.4.4 with Spanish or Italian keyboard - Windows2019-02-11 08:36 AM
21201Bug reportOpenHigh[Attribute table] Range widget arrow value is set to -2 147 483 6452019-02-18 02:30 PM
21200Bug reportOpenNormalinstallation differences if you change the installation directory of QGIS (standalone version)Jürgen Fischer2019-02-08 10:53 AM
21198Bug reportOpenNormalBatch processing progress bar never completes2019-03-08 10:43 AM
21196Feature requestOpenNormalbetter message when trying to do not permitted operations on virtual layers2019-02-07 01:27 PM
21190Bug reportOpenNormalLayer Properties 'displayed as' value shows CamelCase Layer name, but is never used?2019-02-06 10:28 PM
21183Bug reportOpenNormalshp files in zip files files cannot be used in Processing with 3rd party providers (SAGA, GRASS...)Nyall Dawson2019-02-09 10:01 PM
21182Bug reportOpenNormalGRASS 7.4.4 & QGIS 3.4.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
21181Feature requestOpenNormalNon fixed grid for alignment2019-02-06 07:51 AM
21180Feature requestOpenNormalOGR_STYLE on KML import2019-02-05 08:18 PM
21179Feature requestOpenNormalQR code generator for print layout2019-02-08 02:50 PM
21178Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3.4.4 crash when using dynamic image in html textfield in print layout2019-02-23 10:31 PM
21175Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode2019-03-08 10:41 AM
21174Bug reportOpenNormalCreating a new map set with GRASS 7.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
21169Bug reportOpenNormalxyz tile matrix error for zoom max levels above 222019-02-05 05:47 AM
21168Bug reportOpenNormalDB manager's autocomplete doesn't quote layer names2019-02-07 11:44 AM
21167Feature requestOpenNormalmake relations show up in Identify ResultsMatthias Kuhn2019-02-05 05:24 AM
21166Feature requestOpenNormalattribute table: show first 100 entries only2019-02-07 11:33 AM
21165Feature requestOpenNormalcopy layer to scratch layer2019-02-05 05:01 AM
21158Feature requestOpenNormalHomogenize map item pan and mouse scroll UX - make map item select mandatory2019-03-05 11:25 AM
21148Bug reportOpenNormalSave project to PostGreSQL doesn't work with PostGreSQL 9.4 and older2019-02-01 02:00 PM
21145Feature requestOpenNormalAdd support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing2019-03-09 11:05 AM
21144Bug reportOpenHighSnapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding2019-03-01 08:38 PM
21139Bug reportOpenNormalUpdating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols2019-01-31 11:11 AM
21138Bug reportOpenNormalscroll wheel does not respond until 3rd click2019-01-31 09:49 AM
21137Bug reportFeedbackNormalSave edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on2019-03-22 12:07 PM
21136Bug reportOpenNormalCrash when reconnecting to remote desktop sessionJürgen Fischer2019-01-30 06:43 PM
21135Bug reportOpenNormalRetina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX2019-01-30 11:59 PM
21134Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS Print Composer export to image2019-05-11 06:21 PM
21130Bug reportOpenLow"Couldn't load SIP module." with MadeiraJürgen Fischer2019-01-30 03:34 PM
21127Feature requestFeedbackNormalUse relative paths in qgis-bin.env2019-02-02 04:35 PM
21123Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image2019-01-30 11:24 PM
21122Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS is not recognizing the AUTHORITY["Esri", part of the .qpj file2019-02-07 11:51 AM
21118Bug reportOpenNormalWromg definition SRS 5514 in shapefile2019-01-29 12:52 PM
21117Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS works incorectly with SRS 55132019-01-29 10:43 AM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 16 (401-600/3106) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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