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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
9741QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenSevere/RegressionSSH key upload and management is missing2014-03-28 10:39 AM
6255QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackHighAdd button to force recalculating stats of raster layers2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7145QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighShow layer groups in "identifiable layers" and "snapping options" panels2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7235QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighAdd option to avoid users producing invalid topologies while digitising2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7581QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighraster calculator really needs support for conditional statements (to allow reclassify rasters)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7706QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighGeometry constructors (EWKT/EWKB)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
9737QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighPartial canvas redraw2017-05-01 12:47 AM
10137QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighProcessing stripping out +towgs params2018-11-15 04:00 PM
10263QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighFreeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex polygon and points2019-02-12 07:43 AM
11888QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighWarn the user when OGR "stretched" the column width to accommodate values2017-05-01 12:47 AM
13283QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackHighRelative paths to files and photos2017-05-01 12:46 AM
13465QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighIdentify Results panel : clicking on "Clear results" should close all feature attribute's form2017-05-01 12:46 AM
13622QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighCreate the possibility to make attribute queries with mapped values using QML files2017-09-22 10:07 AM
15413QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighShow printing boundary in Composer2017-09-22 09:55 AM
16060QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMulti geometry on oracle table2019-03-05 03:11 PM
16096QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighQGIS Server proxy settings2018-11-28 11:26 PM
16315QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighProper Mask Functionality 2017-05-19 03:51 PM
16866QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighRenderUnit::RenderMetersInMapUnits: no preview Image in Symbology-Dialog2019-03-09 04:28 PM
16897QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighshift rotated labels in map composer2019-05-07 09:32 AM
16942QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighWMS/WFS layers do not show in the OWS group of the QGIS browser2018-09-18 03:24 PM
16946QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighSplit Line Features2017-08-01 11:53 AM
16985QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighReshape Features can't handle resulting exclaves2019-02-25 02:37 PM
17019QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighOff-line editing does not work with WFS-T layers with mixed simple and multi geoms2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17124QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighEditing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent2018-10-04 10:43 PM
17243QGIS ApplicationBug reportIn ProgressHighQGIS 3 vertex editor problems2018-12-06 09:47 AM
17244QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighNew node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers in the DB)2019-01-24 08:39 AM
17311QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes when trying to save edits on Oracle Spatial layers added using the OGR drivers (not the native provider)2019-02-19 04:53 PM
17315QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHigh3D Viewer: QGIS Crash when activating 3D Map view and 3D renderer2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17404QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighWindows does not show unicode characters2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17548QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackHighAutomatically populate layer metadata for WMS layers2018-02-13 10:59 AM
17603QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighArea calculation issue changing the Coordinate Reference System2019-03-09 07:19 PM
17611QGIS ApplicationBug and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (worked until QGIS 2.18.14, GRASS 7.2.0)2019-03-09 02:56 PM
17672QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighssl error: certificate validate failed with postgis and qgis 2.18.152018-12-31 02:48 PM
17691QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighApplying any file-based qml style to a postgres table results in applying its default style2019-03-09 03:34 PM
17710QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighProvide a snap package for Linux users2017-12-20 03:34 PM
17742QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighQGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index2019-02-01 03:11 PM
17756QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighautomatic label placement between range of distances2017-12-29 03:05 AM
17768QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighmake use of label placement settings even when using data defined placement2018-01-02 03:09 AM
17769QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighadd feature to open and read spreadsheets as layers!2018-01-05 04:38 PM
17810QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHigheasy possibility to make non-geometry table to geometry layer (in cases delimited text layer opening can't solve)2018-01-05 11:50 PM
17873QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighmake composer item's (e.g.: attribute table) position values recallable.2018-01-17 12:01 AM
17904QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighIn the layer tree, Clicking an item from a rule-based symbolized layer should offer to edit the rule2018-09-18 08:41 AM
18135QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighPoint Pattern Fill issue in canvas rendering and exporting images2018-11-16 04:17 PM
18210QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighDynamic grid labels in layout doesn't update automatically2018-12-28 02:56 PM
18295QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighPostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow2019-05-23 09:36 PM
18436QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighArcMap style clipping in QGIS 3.02018-11-15 05:35 PM
18474QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighLayer style effects not supported by the legend2018-03-18 09:59 PM
18477QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"2019-03-06 06:10 PM
18478QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighFind and Replace in Layout maker2018-03-19 08:41 AM
18481QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighsegfault when closing qgis2019-03-11 11:38 AM

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