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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21401QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes using QSqlDatabase connecting to PostGIS2019-03-01 07:52 PM
21395QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes after deactivating a GDAL driver in use in the project2019-03-01 07:52 PM
22009QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighLock postgres/postgis on st_estimatedextent and st_makeenvelope2019-05-10 06:13 PM
21611QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGis 3.4 fails to apply style file to rasters2019-04-18 01:46 PM
22036QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighZoom in/out and autorefreshing of raster doesn’t work after georeferencing2019-05-10 06:13 PM
16985QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighReshape Features can't handle resulting exclaves2019-02-25 02:37 PM
21783QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighError reading netCDF with multiple bands2019-04-10 07:16 PM
21325QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash on exit with advanced digitizing active2019-02-21 11:54 AM
22044QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache2019-05-10 12:28 PM
21879QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighDragging layers too high in layers panel will reload them, potentially losing data2019-04-18 01:38 PM
21201QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHigh[Attribute table] Range widget arrow value is set to -2 147 483 6452019-02-18 02:30 PM
21863QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighissues with embedded layersDenis Rouzaud2019-04-19 08:54 AM
4755QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenHighUsers can't create projects that are a subproject of 'User Plugins'Pirmin Kalberer2012-01-16 03:09 AM
5969QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenHighUnable to push code to a new git repositoryPirmin Kalberer2012-07-06 03:02 PM
4890QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenHighUnable to clone git projectPirmin Kalberer2012-01-26 05:15 AM
6894QGIS ApplicationFeature requestIn ProgressHighGRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on WindowsVictor Olaya2018-12-11 10:36 AM
17243QGIS ApplicationBug reportIn ProgressHighQGIS 3 vertex editor problems2018-12-06 09:47 AM
20712QGIS ApplicationBug reportIn ProgressHighCrash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on MacPeter Petrik2019-02-01 04:03 PM
21352QGIS ApplicationBug reportIn ProgressHighadd geometry attributes fails on multipoint layersNyall Dawson2019-02-24 12:48 AM
21489QGIS ApplicationBug reportIn ProgressHighDelayed prompting for CRS datum transformationNyall Dawson2019-03-12 05:51 AM
21999QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash on update pg layer (postgis)2019-05-07 09:39 AM
22049QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPersistent crashes when editing nodes2019-05-23 11:20 PM
22129QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes when opening a new project2019-05-24 02:37 AM
22014QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashed2019-05-09 09:18 AM
22031QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighv.clean UnicodeDecodeError when special character (German Umlaute) in path2019-05-09 12:42 PM

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