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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21249QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalVector Feature Density2019-02-13 01:53 AM
21242QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalallow re-ordering of sections in report layout2019-02-12 03:57 PM
21238QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalWindows Taskbar Progress Overlay2019-02-11 08:32 PM
21235QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBuild failure with sip 4.19.142019-02-11 07:00 PM
21234QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSupport for descending raster legend in legend tree2019-02-11 05:48 PM
21233QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAbility to have continuous raster legend in legend tree2019-02-11 05:45 PM
21229QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalFile dialogs in FlatPak version of QGIS revert to default directory2019-02-11 02:42 PM
21228QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalMake it so styles saved for the layer in a geopackage equal styles in the 'Style Manager' list of the Layer Styling panel.2019-02-11 02:08 PM
21225QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalsql "order by" does not work with the "Add/Edit Virtual Layer" feature2019-02-11 11:07 AM
21222QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalCompleter in Value Relation widget should ignore accented characters2019-02-11 10:41 AM
21221QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalLayout Designer, Adding custom diagrams (e.g. Attribute Diagram) to the layout toolbox2019-02-09 01:55 PM
21220QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalLayout Designer, Ability to style (stroke, stroke-width and fill at least) muli-selected or grouped items (shape and node items at least)2019-02-09 01:44 PM
21216QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[print layout] resizing layout to content, when there is no item2019-02-09 09:44 AM
21215QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[print layout] Item properties for page is hidden when layout is created2019-02-09 09:39 AM
21212QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalClose and Restore buttons in panel windows look "too bold"2019-03-20 01:25 AM
21209QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalRandom marker position for marker line style2019-02-08 02:59 PM
21206QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalConsistent layer naming between Export > Save Features As to geopackage and other ways to add geopackage layers2019-02-08 02:01 PM
21205QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalno base mapping2019-04-04 11:23 AM
21203QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal']' keyboard (alt-gr + '+' ) not working on QGis 3.4.4 with Spanish or Italian keyboard - Windows2019-02-11 08:36 AM
21198QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBatch processing progress bar never completes2019-03-08 10:43 AM
21196QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalbetter message when trying to do not permitted operations on virtual layers2019-02-07 01:27 PM
21190QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLayer Properties 'displayed as' value shows CamelCase Layer name, but is never used?2019-02-06 10:28 PM
21182QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGRASS 7.4.4 & QGIS 3.4.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
21181QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalNon fixed grid for alignment2019-02-06 07:51 AM
21180QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalOGR_STYLE on KML import2019-02-05 08:18 PM
21179QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalQR code generator for print layout2019-02-08 02:50 PM
21174QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCreating a new map set with GRASS 7.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
21169QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalxyz tile matrix error for zoom max levels above 222019-02-05 05:47 AM
21168QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDB manager's autocomplete doesn't quote layer names2019-02-07 11:44 AM
21166QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalattribute table: show first 100 entries only2019-02-07 11:33 AM
21165QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalcopy layer to scratch layer2019-02-05 05:01 AM
21158QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalHomogenize map item pan and mouse scroll UX - make map item select mandatory2019-03-05 11:25 AM
21148QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSave project to PostGreSQL doesn't work with PostGreSQL 9.4 and older2019-02-01 02:00 PM
21145QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing2019-03-09 11:05 AM
21139QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalUpdating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols2019-01-31 11:11 AM
21138QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalscroll wheel does not respond until 3rd click2019-01-31 09:49 AM
21137QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalSave edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on2019-03-22 12:07 PM
21135QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalRetina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX2019-01-30 11:59 PM
21134QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS Print Composer export to image2019-05-11 06:21 PM
21127QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormalUse relative paths in qgis-bin.env2019-02-02 04:35 PM
21122QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS is not recognizing the AUTHORITY["Esri", part of the .qpj file2019-02-07 11:51 AM
21118QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWromg definition SRS 5514 in shapefile2019-01-29 12:52 PM
21117QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS works incorectly with SRS 55132019-01-29 10:43 AM
21108QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPseudocolour classification from QGIS 2.x qml is deleted by the 3.x layer properties dialog2019-01-28 10:57 AM
21107QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPrint Composer: Lock layers + style and Follow map theme2019-01-28 10:56 AM
21105QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalArray edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table2019-01-28 06:39 PM
21102QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalProcessing plugin crashes QGIS2019-03-08 10:33 AM
21101QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLegend content issue when using atlas and themes2019-01-28 11:00 AM
21092QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalMarker line with custom dash2019-01-29 01:16 PM
21084QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd support for downloading from FTP using Processing2019-01-28 11:25 AM
21076QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3.4.3 window will not appear over any other app! 2019-01-23 03:19 AM
21074QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd log scale option to histogram plot in the feature symbology 'Graduated' editor.2019-01-23 12:53 AM
21072QGIS ApplicationBug reportReopenedNormalReadability issues dark mode Mac2019-05-06 10:17 AM
21067QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormal[mesh] Zoom visibility for mesh layer2019-02-01 03:37 PM
21061QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalfreeze upon save when project is saved into Postgres2019-01-21 07:00 PM
21058QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalClose error2019-01-21 01:08 PM
21057QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalRefresh attribute docked attribute table on applying filter2019-01-21 12:38 PM
21050QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWCS "always cache" not working as expected2019-01-20 02:01 PM
21048QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalRequests made for features when outside of bbox2019-01-21 12:11 PM
21046QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalUnable to add WCS - bad error reporting2019-01-21 12:18 PM
21044QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalExpose all WCS information2019-01-21 12:05 PM
21043QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalExpose all WFS information2019-03-09 03:39 PM
21042QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalDisplay layer name/title/abstract/keyword clearly for WMS2019-01-20 12:56 PM
21041QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalMore clarity on layers versus styles2019-01-20 12:49 PM
21040QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalStyles listed as layers2019-01-20 12:42 PM
21039QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalManually entered "layer name" never cleared2019-01-20 12:36 PM
21038QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal"Layer name" is actually layer title2019-01-20 12:31 PM
21037QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSpurious WMS Requests when adding a new layer2019-01-20 12:24 PM
21036QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS3, pasting a .shp source with 'gid' field presented into a postgis layer now doesn't ignore the source 'gid' like it seems do in 2.182019-01-21 04:58 PM
21035QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalExport project to dxf symbol size2019-01-19 10:59 PM
21034QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQgsAction "enabledOnlyWhenEditable" not available in Python2019-02-23 09:43 PM
21032QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalDownload files: add the option to unzip and display2019-01-19 10:47 AM
21031QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalPyqgis API - add vertex tool (current layer) action2019-01-18 08:39 PM
21027QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Mesh] missing arrows with Multiple blending mode when exporting to PNG 2019-01-18 10:49 AM
21018QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLayout variables list not updated when a new variable is added programmatically.2019-01-17 10:03 AM
21016QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalPostgreSQL column permissions are ignored2019-01-17 10:27 AM
21015QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalIn layout the theme of the map follows the scale dependency of default style, not the style used2019-01-16 09:23 PM
21009QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSupport drag and drop in a processing model2019-01-16 10:20 AM
20995QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalControl 'Symbol Levels' at the 'Group' level2019-01-14 03:44 PM
20994QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd a way to pass additional parameters to GDAL commands2019-05-23 06:57 AM
20986QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalScan data for attributes to use in a Processing model2019-01-13 09:50 PM
20980QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalNETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS2019-02-04 01:41 PM
20972QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPython error when running a Processing model2019-01-25 09:38 PM
20971QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalReading online csv file in a model causes QGIS to freeze2019-01-11 01:13 PM
20965QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalunsaved features duplicated after "Making permanent" a temporary scratch layer2019-01-11 05:44 AM
20964QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalImproved log file for processing models2019-01-10 10:05 AM
20955QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalQGIS Server WFS Transaction rollback?2019-01-09 09:07 PM
20954QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAllow user to select a feature for display in Reports2019-01-09 07:31 PM
20953QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalNotify Signal from Postgres available2019-01-09 02:04 PM
20952QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalDefine how many features to read in a processing model2019-01-09 01:06 PM
20951QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalDefine which tab in the excel file to use in a processing model2019-01-09 12:59 PM
20949QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalLayer panel - make it easier for users to detect that a layer has multi-geometries2019-01-17 11:53 AM
20946QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalbug: raster layer style shown in "Layers" panel is not updated when style is changed from the "Style Manager" tab in the Layer Styling panel2019-01-28 10:59 AM
20945QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAllow ordering of layout attribute table by hidden column2019-01-09 01:55 AM
20934QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalfails to export symbols of symbol lines to dxf2019-01-07 05:39 PM
20930QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalMaster fails to build wit sip-4.19.142019-02-11 10:40 AM
20925QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalNetwork KML not refreshing2019-03-09 10:16 AM
20919QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalProcessing-algorithm 'Import geotagged photos': ability to add objects to existing vector file2019-01-04 01:46 PM
20891QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalIdentify results window too small by default2019-01-30 04:01 AM
20890QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalStarting the Application creates automatic a shortcut "QGIS3" in users startmenue "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"2018-12-28 12:29 PM

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