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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13125QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowHandle Bad Layers Dialog Improvements2017-05-01 12:47 AM
7662QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowSensible default width and precision for real columns2017-05-01 12:48 AM
5123QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowMagnify Window (or more specifically, a "Mouse Cursor Loupe")2017-09-22 10:07 AM
15249QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowLine numbers in 'Virtual Layer' dialog2017-09-22 09:55 AM
10568QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowAttribute table save layer edits doesn't get inactive after successful save2018-10-16 12:03 PM
2946QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowMetadata section report uncorrect dimension of archive for 3D shapefiles2017-09-08 01:35 PM
5370QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowAutomatic reporting of errors2018-02-23 07:05 PM
9709QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowLogo suggestion2017-09-22 10:07 AM
12814QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowCreation date / last modified of layer in general layer info panel?2017-09-22 10:07 AM
15084QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowShow Z value in "Current map coordinate"2017-05-08 10:57 AM
21800QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowLayer Order panel: support for groups?2019-04-08 06:57 PM
1873QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLow*db.dropcol missing2018-02-24 03:57 PM
3253QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowEnhancement: option to "trim other layers to match"2017-05-01 12:50 AM
3858QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowNot possible to define subset of layer using field from joined table2017-05-01 12:50 AM
16479QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLow"None" results in plugin search results on Django site2019-03-11 03:51 PM
19806QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLowWhen uploading a new plugin version with metadata changed, repo URL is not changed2018-09-10 02:13 PM
21715QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLowAdd "Requirements" as optional field in metadata.txt2019-04-01 01:39 AM
23QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenLowAdd an option "Create a bugtracker"2016-01-22 12:21 AM
3986QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenLowSupport for presenting index.html info about plugins2012-10-05 08:11 AM

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